Brave little goat Mitya - Алексей Сабадырь - E-Book

Brave little goat Mitya E-Book

Алексей Сабадырь



Hello my friends! I invite you and your mothers to join my kindest and most interesting fairy tales! Here you will learn about friendship, help, interesting stories that can only be found in fairy tales about animals. This book tells about the brave little goat Mitya. Various adventures constantly happen to him. Despite the fact that he is still small, he is always ready to help the weak and come to the rescue. Everyone respects and loves him.

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Brave little goat Mitya

Brave little goat Mitya


Brave little goat Mitya

Brave little goat Mitya
















Brave little goat Mitya

Near the forest, in one hut there lived a little goat, his name was Mitya.

He lived with his mother and sister named Zoya. Mitya was very mischievous and inquisitive.

“Good morning Mitya,” said mom, it’s time to get up, breakfast is getting cold.

— If it were possible to make breakfast come to me, feed me, wash the dishes, that would be great! - said Mitya.

“This only happens in fairy tales,” said my mother.

-- What's for breakfast? – asked Mitya.

“Your favorite stewed cabbage and pancakes with condensed milk,” my mother answered. - Your sister will now eat your portion, quickly at the table.

“This Zoya again,” Mitya muttered and went to the kitc hen.

When everyone had breakfast, mom said:

— I need your help today.

– Why don’t we go for a walk? – asked Mitya.

“As soon as you manage, go for a walk,” my mother answered.

-- What should we do? - asked Mitya.

— We need to plant cabbage, carrots and beets today. Take Mitya a shovel and dig holes, Zoya will plant cabbage seedlings,” said mom.

When the cabbage planting was finished, they moved on to carrots and beets. Mom showed how to use a hoe and Mitya began to make a furrow into which Zoya threw seeds.

Soon the work was finished and mom let Mitya go for a walk.

Mitya is jumping in the clearing, then the fox comes up and asks:

– Where did you come from in our area?

“Mom found me in the cabbage,” answered Mitya.

-And there were many of you like that in the cabbage? - asks the fox.

“Enough for your lifetime,” answered Mitya.

-Aren't you afraid to walk alone in the forest? - asks the fox.

“Who am I afraid of, if only you are a redhead,” answered Mitya.

“Maybe me,” said the fox and wanted to jump on the kid, but Mitya managed to jump to the side and the fox hit his head on a stump.

– Well, don’t you have a headache? - asks Mitya.

“You and I will meet again,” said the fox and ran away.

“I have no doubt,” Mitya answered.

A hedgehog came out of the bushes and said:

– Well done Mitya for fighting back, I see your brave heart. But just be careful, she is very cunning and does not forget this. You can always count on me.

“Thank you, Uncle Hedgehog,” said Mitya.

“Bravo, bravo,” said the magpie. Call me when there is a rematch, I really want to see it.

“I should have taught her a lesson a long time ago, I’ve completely lost my fear, I also have children and I’m afraid to leave them alone unattended,” said the squirrel sitting on a tree.

“We all need to stick together and, if necessary, help each other in trouble,” said Mitya.

The happy little goat galloped home and wanted to tell his mother his story as soon as possible.

“I chased away the fox today,” Mitya boasted.

“You have to be careful son, beware of the fox, wolf, bear, they will always look for a reason to eat you,” said my mother.

“Let them try, now I’ll grow up and give them all a rebuff,” said Mitya and began to jump for joy.

Well water