Brescia and its great race - Various Authors - E-Book

Brescia and its great race E-Book

Various Authors

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An original look at the great epic of the Mille Miglia, "the most beautiful race in the world", told here through the places that, in the city of Brescia, saw the unbridled passion for the racing cars of the "Freccia Rossa" born and developed, from the first edition of 1927 to the current, fascinating historical re-enactments. The stamping of the cars in corso Magenta and at the Foro Boario, then in piazza della Vittoria and piazza della Loggia; departures and arrivals in viale Venezia, via Duca degli Abruzzi, via Triumplina; the places of socialization and conviviality, such as the Taverna Mille Miglia in Corso Cavour. Faces, streets, squares of the race of yesterday and today come back alive and frenetic thanks to a synthetic chronological reconstruction, illustrated by many unpublished images and enriched by the biographies of the main protagonists of Brescia.

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