Brzezinski and Maddow on American Power - Christopher King - E-Book

Brzezinski and Maddow on American Power E-Book

Christopher King

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Literature Review from the year 2012 in the subject Politics - Region: USA, grade: 1,0, Indiana University (Department of Political Science), course: United States Foreign Policy, language: English, abstract: The future of America’s position in the world is a hotly debated topic and this paper will review two books on American power and military capability. Zbigniew Brzezinski observes in “Strategic Vision” that a shift in world power occurs and so has to change the strategy of the USA. He assesses different liabilities and assets that need to be considered in dealing with these changes. Rachel Maddow however has a different emphasis in “Drift” and is concerned about the development of perpetual American war and the responsible but unchecked executive branch. In the following will be argued that while other nations may rise, the USA can still sustain its position of power, if it considers the research of Brzezinski and Maddow to be of relevance. Reforms at home and readiness to transition into a world shared with nations that rise or come back to their old greatness will be needed to use America’s power and resources in the future more wisely. America will continue to be a world power if it avoids mistakes it makes right now at home and embraces the new realities of the world.

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Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2013

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