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Castaways in Time is about three English orphans, Thomas, Tip and Fred who are shipwrecked on the mysterious Island of Time. It’s one adventure after another as the magical inhabitants of the Island of Time appear, cast in different roles according to the youngsters’ needs. They meet different fairies who help them come to terms with past traumas, Princess Marvellous, a young man’s dream come true, and icy Queen Fantasia who has big problems of her own. Time starts to behave in unpredictable ways when the four Magi of the Elements come onto the scene. Years fly by and the three are already young adults when they are finally allowed to return to their own time/space dimension. One magical character travels back to Earth with the trio, and everything seems to be back to normal again. At least until the Queen’s Hourglass unexpectedly turns up.
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Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2016
Preface by Dr Fiammetta Marchionni
Introduction by Isabelle Adriani
Villa Poggio d’Oro
Maverick and Susan Evans
The Journey
Towards a new life
A Hope
Colored Sands
Fairy Signatures
Marvellous Fairy
To Not Remember
The Fairy of Unexpected Lightness
No Fairies for me?
A Non-Birthday and Thomas’ invention
The Pink Sands of Recollection
Candide Fairy
Birthday Presents
Diamond Wings
The Queen
Tenderness Fairy
Herbomagic and the Green Apple
Pyros Phoenix, The Lord of the Fire
King Thalassa, Lord of the Waters.
Thoughtful Fairy and Piernose, the King of the Elves
The Star Observatory and the Starlits
Arias, Lord of the Atmosphere
Earthyfax, Lord of the Earth
Lilibeth’s Birthday
Fred’s meeting with Queen Fantasia
The First Time
Love Fairy
Glossary of Italian and old-fashioned words
The Author
Isabelle Adriani
Title | Castaways in time
Author | Isabelle Adriani
ISBN | 9788892608092
© All rights reserved to the Author.
Nothing in this ebook can be reproduced without the prior consent of the Author.
Youcanprint Self-Publishing
Via Roma, 73 - 73039 Tricase (LE) - Italy
Facebook: facebook.com/youcanprint.it
Twitter: twitter.com/youcanprintit
Translation by Katron Sutherland Cover design Franco and Tommy Graphics Flavio Andreoli
Global Distribution
To Papà, Mamma, Franco Alberto Tommaso,
Countess Luisa Palazzi Trivelli, who loved this story,
Vittorino Senior, Vittorino Junior, Leocadia and Vittorio,
To my beloved Elisabetta Morea, to Daniele and Federico,
To all the Castaways around the Universe
For centuries we’ve known that fairy stories form part and parcel of any educator’s resources. They provide examples of complex concepts, of how the psyche works and how emotions unfold. Myths, metaphors, fairy tales, fables or fantastic tales: it is all the same. Whoever is reading, listening or telling the story feels the need to go further, so that a part of themselves is involved. This could be because of the kind of person they are, or the geo-social group they belong to, or because they feel they belong to a clearly defined historical period. People, especially children need to know their minds can seek and find pathways as they remain true to themselves. Above all, people need to see their dreams come true.
The success of a fairy tale certainly depends on its ability to generalize feelings and dreams; however, more than anything else, it must have a universal language that speaks to people, always, whatever their idiom.
A close look at the history of education reveals that, in spite of formal differences between notions such as self-knowledge, heightened individualism, unflexing obedience, naturalistic tollerance and the all-important following of social rules, the tale as metaphor has always held its place in the educator’s satchel. Philosophies of teaching change, however, ever since the world began, all educators, whatever their cultural outlook, have always used this tool.
Teachers, parents and grandparents make up stories, have others make them up, and read them aloud. Children listen to stories, read them, and make them up. Actors and writers read stories, copy them, translate them, and reinvent them. Scriptwriters adapt old fables and modern myths for film.
No matter how sophisticated human culture may become, it is highly unlikely that the relationship between educators and children will ever exclude the use of fairy tales, whatever form they may take.
Amid so many other works carrying a message, Castaways in Time stands out because it explains time, itself not a simple concept. It does this cleverly by showing how the feelings of the characters change and become more complex as their lives, interwoven with fantastic dreams, unfold.
Castaways in Time is special because of the way fantasy and reality intersect. Although the island setting is imaginary, the experiences, fears and feelings of the three main characters are real. On the other hand, the heroes’ most ardent desires reify, ie., they take on realistic shapes because they spring from deeply rooted feelings. Time seems to take on life of its own. The characters and indeed the reader are continually aware of its passing as events like birthdays hasten by.
When they begin to experience new feelings, and observe eaach other, the three youngsters realize they are growing up. However, the identifying traits of their characters do not change, rather, they are perhaps underlined by the difficult moments that occur as the they find their way through adolescence. Their paths are interwoven so the orphans are able to establish which family they are part of and who their parents and siblings are.
In this novel about growing up, our three fantasy heroes provide many examples of useful learning experiences, like any self-respecting fairy tale should.
In the world of pedagogical papers, the work of this multi-lingual writer, a history graduate with a long-standing passion for myths and science stands out. It simplifies the complex concept of time, previously examined from a scientific point of view, and which she explores here through the delightful story of young people, their experiences, feelings and fantasy-filled dreams.
Dr Fiammetta Marchionni(Neuro-psychiatrist)
I’ve wanted to write Castaways in Time for a very long time. It’s a tale beyond time and space that recounts the adventures of three English children, Thomas, Tip and Fred, orphaned after an epidemic hit Italy in the nineteeenth century. On their way to being adopted by an American millionaire couple, they become shipwrecked and wash ashore on an island abounding with mystery. The trio reach adulthood on the Island of Time because they are only able to return to their own time/space dimension after ten Island years have passed.
Thomas is forever bound to the notion of time by his mother’s last gift, an old watch. However, he soon discovers that time cannot be controlled when the four Magi of the Elements undertake to instuct him in knowledge, wisdom and the secrets of science.
From being an overweight, red-haired toddler, Fred turns into a handsome young man and, beyond all expectations and prejudices, finds love. Meanwhile, Tip, discovers her real name and much, much more.
Queen Fantasia, her daughter Princess Marvellous and all the fairies on the Island oversee the youngsters’ passage from being children to being young adults. There are also Starlits, the Sands of Recollection, the Queen’s Hourglass and the Star Observatory, as well as all the other magical inhabitants of the Island of Time, only one of which will follow Thomas, Fred and Tip when they go back to their world.
Isabelle Adriani
Villa Poggio d’Oro
When the children heard the bell on Sor Pepe’s carriage announcing new summer tourists arriving at Trinità dei Monti they all dashed downstairs. Tip practically flew down. Thomas hardly had time to say ‘Careful, Tip!’ before she had beaten them all to the bottom. Eliza came right after Thomas, and Joshua was hot on John and Francis’ heels. Except for Frederick who strolled down casually, as usual chewing on something, all of them attempted to overtake Tip in the race to the railing on the terrace at Villa Poggio d’Oro, the Rudgers and Club Home for Orphans.
From there, the children could see the new arrivals. The illustrious guests were being welcomed by numerous valets all decked out in blue and red uniforms with golden buttons that glistened in the sun, a due reception at the elegant Villa Medici with its eight white marble columns capped by Corinthian capitals and ancient, restored friezes.
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