Causes of Low Enrolment in the English Degree Programs at Liberian Universities. A Case Study at the African Methodist Episcopal University (2013–2018) - Brutus Jentzen Hunder - E-Book

Causes of Low Enrolment in the English Degree Programs at Liberian Universities. A Case Study at the African Methodist Episcopal University (2013–2018) E-Book

Brutus Jentzen Hunder

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  • Herausgeber: GRIN Verlag
  • Sprache: Deutsch
  • Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2023

Bachelorarbeit aus dem Jahr 2019 im Fachbereich Pädagogik - Hochschulwesen, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: English degree programs in Liberian universities have been experiencing low enrolment rates in recent years, with the African Methodist Episcopal University (AMEU) being no exception. The goal of this research is to determine the factors that are commonly blamed for low enrolment rates in English degree programs at Liberian universities, with a focus on the AMEU from 2013-2018. The study will explore the internal and external factors that contribute to low enrolment, and investigate the role of curriculum and pedagogy in student interest in English degree programs. Strategies to increase enrolment rates will also be discussed, with implications for policy and practice in Liberian higher education institutions. This research paper investigated the "Perceived Causes of Low Enrolment in English Degree Programs at Liberia Universities" with a case study at the African Methodist Episcopal University (2013–2018). The paper sampled the views of 100 respondents, including freshman students, administrators, and faculty members of the African Methodist Episcopal University. The paper focused on the teaching of the English Language and the teacher’s pedagogy of teaching the English Language in universities and colleges in Liberia. Questionnaires and reviewing of documents were used to sample student opinion on perceived causes of low student enrolment in English Degree programs. The statistical analysis considered best for this study was frequency count and percentage. Findings revealed that the lack of qualified English teachers, lack of instructional materials, subject nature, low student interest, lack of motivation, and low job opportunities among other causes were responsible for low student enrolment in English Degree programs at universities and colleges in Liberia. Some recommendations were suggested at the end of the study.

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