Cindy Goes Swinging: Taboo Erotica - Abel Cervantes - E-Book

Cindy Goes Swinging: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Abel Cervantes

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"Just a little of it!" Sara pounded against Cindy's cunt with her moist twat. "It won't hurt, little girl. Honest." She shoved harder and kissed Cindy's lips. "You won't tell your Mommy that I'm fucking you, will you, darling...?" Sara's voice assumed a masculine note.

"Not if you promise to do it again and again....

"I will. I will." Sara rubbed harder and harder against Cindy's cunt. She moaned and thrashed around like a man with a hard-on. "I'm about to come!" she screamed. "Ready, little girl...?"

"Not this way!" Cindy scrambled around on the bed. She wrestled with Sara. "In our mouths!" she screamed.

In a trice they were linked in the sixty-nine position, both greedily sucking each other off. Both expert Lesbians giving their all to each other. Sucking, tonguing, fingering and teasing....

Cindy unloaded a gigantic orgasm in Sara's mouth.

Sara unloaded a gigantic orgasm in Cindy's mouth.

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Cindy Goes Swinging

Abel Cervantes

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Cindy Goes Swinging

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 1

Up until this the moment, Cindy had rebelled at going through with this ordeal. She had flatly told Dave that if he insisted she go through with it, he'd regret it. She wanted no part of this swap club business, and wouldn't be at all pleased with Dave if he made her get involved with it.

She knew this was a weak argument on her part. He'd informed her before they got married that he was a firm believer in swapping and that he'd only marry her if she'd go along with it and join in the fun. She'd been so in love with Dave that she would have promised him anything so long as he married her. Her feelings at the time were that she'd be able to change his mind about swapping. Get him off the change partners kick.

After all, she'd reasoned, she was Cindy the sex symbol. The beauty contests winner. The nineteen year old honey-blonde whistle bait with the large breasts, pretty face and a shape that was irresistible. With such assets going for her, how could she miss holding a husband? What normal, ordinary guy would want to share her with other men? That was her thinking when she walked down the aisle to the preacher and promised to take Dave as her lawful wedded husband.

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