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The Unconscious is a complex topic, very used, and very abused. People far more authoritative than me have written about this subject, I am neither a psychologist nor a psychiatrist. So, here you won't find anything such a professional could tell you about the unconscious. You will hear me in any way talk about psychological or psychiatric conditions. It's not my job and I don't have the skills. And, it is not the reason why this e-book is born.
I want to tell you something that I hope you will find new, different and also immediately useful in your everyday life. Mine is a decidedly holistic view of the unconscious, indeed Unconscious with capital letters, which stems from my personal experience in working with people I do as Spiritualcoach®, Master Reiki Usui, and teacher of the technique "The Invisible Masters" by Igor Sibaldi.
And since, in lost time, I am also a biomedical researcher, my experience of the unconscious has merged with what biological and neurological I learned in the years of university and research work, creating a unique interweaving in which the different parts are no longer separable from each other without the whole thing being damaged.
A bit like when an ivy branch wraps around a tree trunk and the two elements enter into the sort of symbiosis that on one side leads the tree to push further upwards and on the other allows the ivy to thrive. Tear the ivy, and the process of accelerating the growth of the tree will suffer.
You've probably always thought of ivy as a weed that kills trees and ruins the walls of the houses it grows on. Yet, there are trees that thanks to its presence make the effort to grow taller to find light and air. And the old ivy-covered houses are not only the subject of fascinating photographs, but they are also cooler and better protected from the summer sun.
The Unconscious we are talking about in this book is like that ivy. What you read can be very annoying, so you're going to take this book and store it as "something I had better not to waste my time on." Or what you read can give you a little boost to grow towards your better, towards a deeper knowledge of yourself and how you move towards the things you want. It can also give you little tools to find out what you want and to make your unconscious an ally, a very powerful ally to fully realize who you are.
The stories you read are true, I changed the names of the people involved of course unless it's me. These are stories of people who, by learning to converse with their Unconscious, have been able to bring concrete improvements to their lives. Paradoxically, by learning to cede part of the control to the Unconscious, these people have pulled your own string more strongly.
With this book, I want to leave you above all the deep conviction that, despite all your facets and the many roles you have to play in your life, you are a whole. A whole made up of many parts, that are true, but all these parts, Unconscious included, are in constant communication with each other. This communication leads you to do what you do and to express what you are.
Mostly, you are not aware of this communication. What would happen if you were aware of it?
How your life would change if you become an active part of this conversation?
Let's find out together.
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Monica Moro
(First Edition)
Learn to get in touch with the deepest part of yourself andpull your own strings
Monica Moro
Blu Editore
Internet Site
WARNING: This Ebook contains encrypted data in order to recognize it in case of piracy. All rights are reserved under the law. No part of this book can be reproduced by any means without the written permission of the Author and publisher. It is expressly forbidden to pass on this book to others, either in print or electronic, for money or free of charge. The notions and techniques in this book are the result of years of studies and specializations, so it is not guaranteed that the same results of personal or professional growth are achieved. The reader takes full responsibility for his or her choices, aware of the risks associated with any form of exercise.
“Every step I have taken in my life has led me here, now”
The first and heartfelt thanks to my editor Alessandro Delvecchio: he proposed to me to write this book. An idea I had wanted to implement for some time, and thanks to him it became a real opportunity.
Thanks to Igor Sibaldi, one of my dearest teachers. Among the many things I learned from him, the anecdote I heard him tell at a course about his encounter "with the witch who told him that he already knew everything" was the one that somehow prompted me to deepen the work of conversing with my Unconscious.
Thanks to Lucia Merico, teacher and sister of my heart. In one of the most critical moments of my journey, she came on my way, and, with her teaching and her love, she accompanied me on the journey to becoming who I am today. The path to becoming Spiritualcoach® gave me the structure, the focus, and the reference points I needed. And also the flexibility that I lacked to accept and make the changes that have come to me.
Thank you to my daughters:great teachers in turn, and a wonderful example of the beauty that there is in the constant becoming.
Thank you to my husband Alessandro. First, he showed me the way to my authentic desires and supported me every step of the way. And it has also endured with interest all my enthusiastic shares and ideas during the writing of this book. If it does not love, I don't know what else it is...
And finally, thank you to my family. Without them, I could never have been who I am now.
The Unconscious is a complex topic, very used, and very abused. People far more authoritative than me have written about this subject, I am neither a psychologist nor a psychiatrist. So, here you won't find anything such a professional could tell you about the unconscious. You will hear me in any way talk about psychological or psychiatric conditions. It's not my job and I don't have the skills. And, it is not the reason why this e-book is born.
I want to tell you something that I hope you will find new, different and also immediately useful in your everyday life. Mine is a decidedly holistic view of the unconscious, indeed Unconscious with capital letters, which stems from my personal experience in working with people I do asSpiritualcoach®, Master Reiki Usui,and teacher of the technique "The Invisible Masters" by Igor Sibaldi.
And since, in lost time, I am also a biomedical researcher, my experience of the unconscious has merged with what biological and neurological I learned in the years of university and research work, creating a unique interweaving in which the different parts are no longer separable from each other without the whole thing being damaged.
A bit like when an ivy branch wraps around a tree trunk and the two elements enter into the sort of symbiosis that on one side leads the tree to push further upwards and on the other allows the ivy to thrive. Tear the ivy, and the process of accelerating the growth of the tree will suffer.
You've probably always thought of ivy as a weed that kills trees and ruins the walls of the houses it grows on. Yet, there are trees that thanks to its presence make the effort to grow taller to find light and air. And the old ivy-covered houses are not only the subject of fascinating photographs, but they are also cooler and better protected from the summer sun.
The Unconscious we are talking about in this book is like that ivy. What you read can be very annoying, so you're going to take this book and store it as "something I had better not to waste my time on." Or what you read can give you a little boost to grow towards your better, towards a deeper knowledge of yourself and how you move towards the things you want.It can also give you little tools to find out what you want and to make your unconscious an ally, a very powerful ally to fully realize who you are.
The stories you read are true, I changed the names of the people involved of course unless it's me. These are stories of people who, by learning to converse with their Unconscious, have been able to bring concrete improvements to their lives. Paradoxically, by learning to cede partof the control to the Unconscious, these peoplehavepulled your own string more strongly.
With this book, I want to leave you above all the deep conviction that, despite all your facets and the many roles you have to play in your life, you are a whole. A whole made up of many parts, that are true,but all these parts, Unconscious included, are in constant communication with each other. This communication leads you to do what you do and to express what you are.
Mostly, you are not aware of this communication. What would happen if you were aware of it?
How your life would change if you become an active part of this conversation?
Let's find out together.
The best thing to start with is to agree on what we're talking about, otherwise, it ends up in ten pages you realize that I'm talking about one thing and you were expecting another.
The most important Italian dictionary, the Treccani, gives us this definition of the word “inconscio” (Unconscious):
“incònscio agg. (from the late lat. inconscius, comp. of di in-2 e conscius «conscio»] (pl. f. -sce o -scie). – 1. Adj. An internal phenomenon (impulse, inclination, instinct, act, etc.) that does not reach the level of consciousness; or, more generically, of the psychic process of which the subject is not aware. Less com., reported to a person, not conscious, who has no awareness of anything: he was u. of his own acts. 2. s. m. a. In psychology, the sphere of psychic activity that does not reach the level of consciousness (therefore also called the unconscious level). b. In psychoanalysis, a system of the psychic apparatus formed by removed content, affected by strong pulsional charges and regulated by specific mechanisms. c. Collective unconscious, in the analytical psychology of C. G. Jung (1875-1961), the layer or level of the psyche where traces of the primordial experiences of humanity are contained, which come back to manifest themselves through recurring images (archetypes) in myths, artistic creations, and dreams.”
There are two references to the lack of awareness, even to the removal, as if it were just everything that is done "without noticing". And just by stopping to read very carefully, you see that in the reference toC. G. Jung1potentially bigger and more powerful looms.
And in fact, the Unconscious is something great. It's a part of you, of me, of all of us, very old, very wise and very powerful.
I am sure you have already seen such an image a million times …
In the classic representation of the psyche as an iceberg, the emerged part wants to represent our conscious mind, while the submerged part wants to represent the Unconscious.
Now, usually, this image is used to represent the "pressure" of the unconscious in your life. What does the pressure of the Unconscious mean?? Using the iceberg analogy, if the emerged part is about 10 percent of the ice mass and the submerged part 90 percent, that means that if the sea current pushes the mass in a certain direction it will take a hundred times stronger wind to push it in the opposite direction. In simpler and more pragmatic words: he decides which way you go, not your conscious mind.
If we are honest, this is an idea that puts a little bit of anxiety …. Look closely at that image and realize that it is not your conscious mind that decides what is good for you, whether or not you will realize a dream or a project; whether or not you will get along with your partner (male or female does not matter). It's your Unconscious.
It makes the idea good but it's also a little terrifying because it usually makes you feel like you have no control over something so powerful. And there's nothing that scares the average Western person more than not having control.
Now, take a breath...usually, at this point, you tend to forget that it's always about you that we are talking about. The conscious and unconscious mind, fortunately, is one, not two separate entities that do not speak to each other.
And above all, it's not about controlling the Unconscious, believe me, it's not possible, it's about learning to talk to him.
Incidentally, it is a good thing that the Unconscious is not controllable since under its supervision there are 95 percent of the biological functions necessary for your survival, such as breathing. At this point, you could give me the example of master yogis who can slow down the breathing rate by up to one breath per minute. So, the Unconscious can be controlled. No, they have not learned to control their unconscious, those master yogis have learned to converse with him, and they do it very well.
It is not necessary to reach their level in order to no longer be at the mercy of the underwater currents, but the evidence that in the modern world makes us understand how learning to converse with our Unconscious is essential.
An example of this need may be that in the last century there has been a sharp increase in attention to so-called psychosomatic diseases and stress and anxiety disorders.
On the rise because of the rhythms of modern life, it is said, but, if the pointwere a little deeper?
Infact, psychosomatics is the discipline that studies the links between psychological factors (Psyche) and physiological factors (Soma). In originating, maintaining, or healing from an illness, psychosomatics considers the human person as an indivisible unit in which the disorder manifests itself organically as a symptom and psychologically as discomfort. In this logic, the concept of disease understood as the effect of a cause is replaced with a holistic view according to which every event, even a disease, is the result of the intertwining of many factors, including psychological ones. Therefore, psychosomatic pays attention not only to the physiological manifestation of the disease but also to the emotional aspect that accompanies it, soma and psyche express the same reality on different levels:one more subtle (mental, psychic, and sometimes even spiritual) and one more material (bodily).
This point, deepened several years ago during his studies to become a counsellor in a psychosomatic diet, for me was enlightening.
If we want to extend the concept, we can say that in every so-called disease there are emotional, psychological, and even spiritual roots that, if taken into account, have a considerable weight in the healing process.
And, seeing it backward, every psychological distress has its physical manifestation. Even C.G. Jung, during his psychotherapy sessions, used to turn patients with their disorders into "animated beings" with whom he made them talk. And this dialogue was the key to his therapeutic approach2.
Of course, some professionals and specialists are dedicated to helping people to dialogue with their Unconscious, and I would never allow myself to suggest that anyone should not go to the doctor in the event of an illness or not to go to a psychologist in case of a disorder that requires it.
But acquiring a minimum of ability to dialogue with one's Unconscious is undoubtedly also useful even to those who have no health problems, and can offer each person the opportunity to improve their lives and make it go in the direction that they want.
Here's a topic that might bother you a lot, I realize that. I say this because I have often heard people talk about hypnosis with great distrust, if not with fear. For a time I admit that I too have felt this mistrust, and I understand that only the word hypnosis can make you want to skip over this chapter.
I would like to reassure you. I'm not a hypnotist, and I don't want to suggest you study hypnosis to converse with your Unconscious. Nor do I want to make a treatise on hypnosis, many good texts have already been written on this subject and it is not my job to write another one.
But working with the unconscious of the people I coach, hypnosis is a topic that I could not help but deepen, realizing that I too had built up quite a few false beliefs and mistrust on this subject.
If you just don't want to hear about hypnosis, I recommend you read the part of the chapter dedicated to different brain waves anyway,because there you will find something interesting and very useful about conversations with the Unconscious.
If you trust that, like you, I am not a professional in the field but only a person who thanks to some insights on this topic has learned useful exercises to improve everyday life, let's move forward.
A large part of the actions you perform every day, you do them automatically.
It means that to do that thing you don't need to pay attention to, it comes alone.
I guess if you think about it for a second, you might think of several situations where this happens. Make coffee, take a shower, brush your teeth.....A million little things that you do every day almost without realizing that you're doing them.
When this happens, the Unconscious has taken control of what you're doing, and usually, in those moments, your conscious mind is free to deal with other issues.
About 40 percent of the actions you do every day you do in automation. Yes, so many. And sometimes it's also high-complexity actions.
For example, have you ever left in your car and found yourself arriving at your destination without a clear memory of how you got there and what happened along the way? It's happened to me more than once.
It's not dangerous at all when it happens spontaneously. As I said before, the Unconscious at that moment took control and his level of attention in overseeing your leadership is even higher than that of your conscious mind.
So, maybe don't experiment to see what I just told you while you are driving. If it happens spontaneously it is an automatism of the unconscious and presents no danger. If you try with your conscious mind to give up control, the only thing you get is to lower your level of attention at a time when your unconscious is not willing to take action. And that is dangerous.