Cross Fit to Drop Fat - Emma Stewart - E-Book

Cross Fit to Drop Fat E-Book

Emma Stewart

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• In this day and age, we all know that making fitness a part of your life should be a high priority in everyone’s life -- it should become a daily habit, the same as brushing your teeth or taking a shower. Dedicating a little bit of time each day isn’t much to ask when you take into account all the positive things you achieve just by being physically fit.Apart from looking and feeling great, working out can benefit you in the following areas as well:• Help reduce blood pressure • Increase flexibility, which can help prevent injury and help with muscular tension.• Help to relieve stress, depression and anxiety • Help with gaining muscle, which can build and maintain strong bones• Keep your heart healthy and reduce the risk of heart disease • Lower the risk of developing colon cancer • Increase your ability to concentrate, think faster and become more sharp And remember it isn't necessary for you to be in a gym to be fit. What you are about to discover shortly will show you many exercises that can be performed outdoors, at home and anywhere else you like. That's the beauty of CrossFit training!You can enjoy fitness with your kids, your spouse, family or friends, people of all ages can participate.CrossFit training is taking the world by storm and is reported to be growing by 350% each year which appears to be accurate with more and more exposure since the CrossFit games are shown all over the world through ESPN and is fast becoming the elite competition for fitness bragging rights. So through this guide you will discover the history of CrossFit training, the benfits of CrossFit, the best exercises that will get you at your peak fitness levels and a whole lot more. So before we do that, to start off we must go to the beginning... Table of contentsIntroduction Chapter 1: What is CrossFit Training CrossFit And Its Effect On The Body Crossfit exercises Crossfit training Chapter 2: The History of CrossFit Training Chapter 3: Benefits of CrossFit Training Chapter 4: CrossFit Exercises Chapter 5: 52 Insane CrossFit Workouts From Home And With No Equipment Chapter 6: The Annual CrossFit Games Conclusion Write Down the CrossFit Workouts You Do And Track Progress Create a Simple Plan and Set Realistic Goals Execute Your Plan

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A beginners guide to Cross Fit training to drop fat



Author’s name

Emma Stewart


Blu Editore



Web site

IMPORTANT: This ebook contains encrypted data aimed at a recognition in case of piracy. All rights are reserved according to law. No part of this book may be reproduced by any means without the written permission of author and publisher. It is expressly forbidden to pass on to others this book, either in hard copy or electronic format, either for money or for free. The concepts and techniques described in this book are the result of years of study and specializations, so the same outcome is not guaranteed either in personal or professional growth. The reader assumes full responsibility for his choices and he is aware of the risks associated with any form of exercise. The author and publisher are not responsible for the misuse or for any prohibited purpose of the content of this book. The book has merely educational and informative purposes and does not replace any type of medical, psychological or professional treatment. If you suspect or are aware of any health problems or any physical or psychological problem you will need to rely on an appropriate medical treatment.

Table of contents
Chapter 1: What is CrossFit Training
CrossFit And Its Effect On The Body
Crossfit exercises
Crossfit training
Chapter 2: The History of CrossFit Training
Chapter 3: Benefits of CrossFit Training
Chapter 4: CrossFit Exercises
Chapter 5: 52 Insane CrossFit Workouts From Home And With No Equipment
Chapter 6: The Annual CrossFit Games