Cycling Training: Professional Bike Training and Racing Techniques - Artemis Saage - E-Book

Cycling Training: Professional Bike Training and Racing Techniques E-Book

Artemis Saage

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This comprehensive guide to bike training and racing techniques provides a systematic approach to improving cycling performance through scientific training methods and advanced skills development. The book begins with fundamental physiological aspects of cycling, explaining energy systems, muscle function, and metabolic processes during exercise. Readers learn to understand heart rate zones and their practical application in training. The training methodology section covers building endurance, structuring interval training, and implementing effective recovery periods. A significant focus lies on power measurement and performance diagnostics, teaching cyclists how to interpret power curves and track training progress. The guide includes detailed chapters on strength training specifically designed for cyclists, featuring core stability work, endurance strength development, and compensatory exercises for muscular balance. Technical skill development is thoroughly addressed through sections on pedaling technique optimization, cadence training, and advanced riding skills including cornering, climbing, and drafting techniques. The book provides practical guidance on bike fitting, aerodynamics, and biomechanical principles for optimal performance. Nutrition and recovery strategies are covered in detail, with specific focus on competition nutrition, hydration, protein requirements, and supplementation. The guide explains how to plan training periods effectively, manage training loads, and time performance peaks. Whether focusing on mountain bike racing or road cycling, this resource provides the tools needed to enhance cycling performance through structured training approaches. It serves both competitive cyclists and dedicated enthusiasts looking to improve their bicycling skills and training effectiveness. The systematic organization allows readers to understand the interconnected aspects of cycling performance and implement evidence-based training strategies for continuous improvement.

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Seitenzahl: 165

Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2024

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Artemis Saage

Cycling Training: Professional Bike Training and Racing TechniquesA Systematic Guide to Performance Enhancement Through Physiological Training, Power Measurement, and Advanced Cycling Skills

198 Sources 17 Photos / Graphics

© 2024 Saage Media GmbH

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Saage Media GmbH c/o SpinLab – The HHL Accelerator Spinnereistraße 7 04179 Leipzig, Germany E-Mail: [email protected] Web: Commercial Register: Local Court Leipzig, HRB 42755 (Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Leipzig, HRB 42755) Managing Director: Rico Saage (Geschäftsführer) VAT ID Number: DE369527893 (USt-IdNr.)

Publisher: Saage Media GmbH

Publication: 12.2024

Cover Design: Saage Media GmbH

ISBN Softcover: 978-3-384-46202-2

ISBN Ebook: 978-3-384-46203-9

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The training methods, exercises, and recommendations presented in this book are based on current sports science findings and practical experiences. However, we cannot guarantee the effectiveness of the described training methods or the accuracy of all information provided. Before starting a new training program, especially if there are existing health issues or pre-existing conditions, you should consult a doctor or qualified trainer. The execution of the described exercises is at your own risk. We cannot accept liability for any injuries or health damages that may arise from the application of the training content. The training recommendations in this book do not replace professional training supervision or medical advice. Particularly in competitive sports and preparation for competitions, we recommend collaborating with qualified trainers and sports physicians. All brand names, product designations, and company logos used are the property of their respective owners. The mention of brands and products is solely for the sake of better understanding and information. The sources of the scientific findings and studies on which the training content is based are listed in the appendix. Due to the continuous development in sports science, some findings may already be updated by the time of reading.

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Table of ContentsImprintintroduction1 Fundamentals of Cycling Training1.1 Physiological Aspects1.1.1 Energy systems in cycling1.1.2 Muscle groups and their function1.1.3 Metabolic processes during exercise1.1.4 Heart rate zones in training1.2 Training Methods1.2.1 Developing basic endurance1.2.2 Structuring interval training1.2.3 Designing recovery phases1.2.4 Periodization throughout the year1.3 Performance Diagnostics1.3.1 Understanding power measurement1.3.2 Analyzing performance curves1.3.3 Measuring training progress2 Strength Training for Cyclists2.1 Core Training2.1.1 Building core stability2.1.2 Coordinative elements2.2 Strength Endurance2.2.1 Strengthening leg muscles2.2.2 Developing upper body stability2.3 Compensatory Training2.3.1 Muscular balance2.3.2 Regenerative exercises3 Technical Training3.1 Pedaling Technique3.1.1 Optimizing pedal stroke3.1.2 Training cadence3.2 Riding Technique3.2.1 Mastering cornering3.2.2 Uphill technique3.2.3 Drafting3.3 Equipment Optimization3.3.1 Adjusting sitting position3.3.2 Improving aerodynamics3.3.3 Biomechanical principles4 Nutrition and Recovery4.1 Competition Nutrition4.1.1 Carbohydrate supply4.1.2 Meeting protein requirements4.1.3 Fluid balance4.1.4 Nutritional supplements4.2 Recovery Strategies4.2.1 Active recovery4.2.2 Sleep optimization4.2.3 Mental relaxation4.3 Training Periodization4.3.1 Planning macrocycles4.3.2 Managing load phases4.3.3 Performance peak timingSourcesImage Sources
Dear readers,

I sincerely thank you for choosing this book. With your choice, you have not only given me your trust but also a part of your valuable time. I truly appreciate that.

Optimal power development and core stability are the key factors that distinguish ambitious cyclists from recreational athletes. Many cyclists focus solely on training in the saddle, neglecting important aspects such as targeted strength training and core stability. This can not only hinder performance development but also lead to overuse injuries. This practical book provides scientifically grounded training methods for systematic performance enhancement—from correct pedal technique to optimal periodization of strength training. You will learn how to increase your wattage through efficient strength training and sustainably improve your core stability. With detailed exercise descriptions, training plans, and practical tips for performance diagnostics, this manual offers a structured guide for measurable progress in cycling. Optimize your training today with proven methods from sports science and training practice—for more power on the bike and injury-free training.

I now wish you an inspiring and insightful reading experience. If you have any suggestions, criticism, or questions, I welcome your feedback. Only through active exchange with you, the readers, can future editions and works become even better. Stay curious!

Artemis Saage Saage Media GmbH [email protected]ße 7 - c/o SpinLab – The HHL Accelerator, 04179 Leipzig, Germany


To provide you with the best possible reading experience, we would like to familiarize you with the key features of this book. The chapters are arranged in a logical sequence, allowing you to read the book from beginning to end. At the same time, each chapter and subchapter has been designed as a standalone unit, so you can also selectively read specific sections that are of particular interest to you. Each chapter is based on careful research and includes comprehensive references throughout. All sources are directly linked, allowing you to delve deeper into the subject matter if interested. Images integrated into the text also include appropriate source citations and links. A complete overview of all sources and image credits can be found in the linked appendix. To effectively convey the most important information, each chapter concludes with a concise summary. Technical terms are underlined in the text and explained in a linked glossary placed directly below. For quick access to additional online content, you can scan the QR codes with your smartphone.

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1. Fundamentals of Cycling Training

Systematic training in cycling is based on complex physiological foundations and requires a profound understanding of various training principles. How can one find the optimal balance between load and recovery? What role do the different energy systems of the body play in performance development? The demands in modern cycling are diverse - ranging from short, explosive sprints to multi-hour endurance efforts. A scientifically grounded training approach takes into account both the specific muscle groups and the metabolic processes during exertion. The precise control and monitoring of training through modern measurement technology allows for targeted training stimuli and objective documentation of progress. Understanding the fundamentals of cycling training is the key to systematic and sustainable performance development, regardless of whether the goal is participation in competitions or the improvement of personal fitness.

1. 1. Physiological Aspects

The physiological aspects of cycling raise fascinating questions: How do the various energy systems interact during different intensities of exertion? What role do specific muscle groups play in performance development? And how can training be optimized through a deeper understanding of metabolic processes and heart rate zones? The answers to these questions are complex and multifaceted. They range from the molecular level of energy provision to practical training management in competition. It is becoming increasingly clear that effective cycling training requires much more than just hard work—it is based on the interplay of various physiological systems that must be specifically developed and controlled. The following sections will illuminate these connections in detail and provide concrete approaches for athletes to optimize their training based on physiological insights. A deeper understanding of these fundamentals allows for more precise control of one’s training, leading to improved performance.

„The mitochondrial density increases, blood flow to the muscles improves through enhanced capillarization, and the ability for fat oxidation rises through regular training in Zone 2.“

1. 1. 1. Energy Systems in Cycling

In cycling, the various energy systems of the body play a central role in performance. The efficiency of these systems significantly determines success or failure in competition [s1]. It is important to understand that not only the maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max) is crucial, but especially the ability to optimally utilize the existing fitness [s2]. Energy provision in cycling occurs through three essential systems: the aerobic system, the anaerobic-lactic system, and the anaerobic-alactic system. During longer efforts in the low-intensity range, typically occurring in Zone 2, the aerobic metabolism predominates. Here, energy is primarily derived from fat oxidation [s3]. A practical example: During a four-hour base ride in Zone 2, athletes should consciously remain in this low-intensity range to optimize fat burning and conserve valuable carbohydrate stores. The physiological adaptations from regular training in Zone 2 are remarkable: the mitochondrial density increases, blood flow to the muscles improves through enhanced capillarization, and the ability for fat oxidation rises [s3]. This enables cyclists to rely on fats as an energy source for longer periods even at higher intensities. An experienced athlete, for instance, can efficiently metabolize fats at 75% of their maximum output, while an untrained individual primarily burns carbohydrates at this intensity. Carbohydrate utilization plays a particularly important role at higher intensities. Studies show a strong linear relationship between training load and carbohydrate consumption [s4]. In practice, this means that during intense sessions or competitions, carbohydrate intake should be adjusted accordingly. A general rule is: the higher the intensity, the more carbohydrates are needed. The influence of hormonal factors on energy metabolism is also interesting, especially in female athletes. Estrogen and progesterone affect energy provision during different phases of the menstrual cycle [s5]. In the mid-luteal phase, endurance performance may be enhanced due to a favorable hormonal balance. Female athletes can take advantage of this by scheduling their most intense training sessions during this phase. Knowledge of energy systems is also crucial for sprint training. Although sprints primarily challenge the anaerobic system, research shows that aerobic fitness has a significant impact on the ability to repeat multiple sprints [s6]. A practical training tip: sprinters should incorporate regular moderate endurance sessions alongside their specific speed training. Optimal training design considers all energy systems through a polarized approach: the majority of training occurs in the low-intensity zones, supplemented by targeted high-intensity sessions [s7]. A typical training plan might look like this: 80% of training in Zones 1 and 2, 15% in Zone 3, and 5% in the high-intensity Zones 4-6. The energy systems adapt to specific demands through targeted training [s8]. These adaptations affect not only the musculature but the entire cardiovascular system. A well-trained cyclist, for example, can ride at the same absolute power output with a lower heart rate than an untrained individual, which is attributed to improved movement economy [s1].
GlossaryCapillarizationDescribes the number and density of the smallest blood vessels in muscle tissue. Good capillarization allows for better oxygen and nutrient supply to the muscles.Luteal PhasePhase of the female menstrual cycle after ovulation, lasting about 14 days. During this time, the body is particularly well-equipped to utilize fats as an energy source.Mitochondrial DensityNumber of cellular powerhouses per muscle cell. The higher the density, the more energy can be produced simultaneously.

1. 1. 2. Muscle Groups and Their Function

When cycling, various muscle groups work together in a complex interplay, with each group assuming specific functions during the movement cycle [s9]. The primary work is performed by the muscles of the lower extremities, which collaborate in a precisely coordinated activation pattern. The thigh muscles, particularly the quadriceps with its four heads, are the primary driving force in cycling. The individual muscles exhibit different activation patterns during the various phases of the pedal cycle [s9]. The rectus femoris, as the only two-joint muscle of the quadriceps, plays a special role: it is involved not only in knee extension but also supports hip flexion. This is evident in two distinct activation phases during the pedal stroke [s9]. For cyclists, this means they should pay particular attention to the balanced development of all quadriceps heads in their strength training. The hamstring muscles (posterior thigh muscles) become particularly active during the transition phase from extension to flexion [s9]. This muscle group is essential for a smooth pedal stroke and helps to overcome the dead point in the pedal cycle. In practice, athletes should incorporate specific exercises to strengthen the hamstrings into their training program, such as Nordic hamstring curls or Romanian deadlifts. The calf muscles, particularly the gastrocnemius medialis, respond particularly sensitively to saddle height [s10]. An increase in saddle height from 95% to 100% of the trochanter height has been observed to result in significantly higher muscle activation. This underscores the importance of a correct seating position for optimal muscle activation. Interestingly, there are significant differences in muscle architecture between sprinters and long-distance riders [s11]. Sprinters exhibit greater muscle thickness in the thigh, while in long-distance riders, the fiber angle plays a more important role in performance. These insights should be considered in training planning: sprinters should incorporate more hypertrophy-oriented training, while long-distance riders should focus on developing muscle quality. With increasing load, the activation patterns of the muscles change significantly [s12]. The biceps femoris and the tibialis anterior show earlier activations and delayed deactivations, leading to longer activity phases. Practically, this means that athletes should structure their training progressively to optimize these adaptations. The concept of muscle synergies plays an important role in cycling [s13][s14]. Different muscle groups work together in functional units to produce efficient movements. Therefore, effective training should not only isolate individual muscles but also include complex movement patterns that activate multiple muscle groups simultaneously. Neuromuscular fatigue manifests both centrally and peripherally [s15]. Endurance athletes exhibit more efficient muscle activation than strength athletes, as evidenced by higher median frequencies of EMG signals. For training, this means that alongside pure muscle strength, neuromuscular coordination must also be developed, for example, through specific technique exercises on the bike.
GlossaryGastrocnemius medialisInner part of the two-headed calf muscle, important for plantarflexion (standing on tiptoes) and knee flexionQuadricepsFour-headed muscle at the front of the thigh responsible for knee extensionRectus femorisStraight muscle of the thigh, the only one of the four quadriceps muscles that crosses both the knee and hip jointsTibialis anteriorFront shin muscle responsible for lifting the foot and supporting the upward movement of the pedal while cyclingTrochanter heightDistance from the ground to the greater trochanter of the femur, an important reference point for saddle adjustment

1. 1. 3. Metabolic Processes During Exercise

During intense exertion in cycling, the body undergoes complex metabolic physiological adaptations that must be precisely regulated to maintain performance. Skeletal muscle plays a central role, enabling movement and significantly participating in metabolic regulation [s16]. At moderate exertion, the body preferentially utilizes fats as an energy source. The regulation of fat metabolism occurs through several control points both within and outside muscle cells. Interestingly, free fatty acids are not transported into muscle cells by simple diffusion, as long assumed, but rather through specialized protein transport systems [s17]. A practical tip for athletes: To optimize fat burning, longer sessions should be performed in the moderate intensity range, ideally in the morning before breakfast when glycogen stores are not yet fully replenished. As exercise intensity increases, energy demand rises drastically, leading to enhanced activation of the sympathetic nervous system [s16]. This results in a cascade of adaptive responses: Muscle contraction is controlled by the release of intracellular calcium from the sarcoplasmic reticulum, facilitating the interaction between myosin and actin[s16]. For competitive athletes, this means that targeted supplementation with sodium bicarbonate can enhance buffering capacity and thereby improve performance during high-intensity exertion [s18]. After intense training sessions, the so-called EPOC effect (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption) occurs [s19]. This increased afterburn effect consists of a rapid and a prolonged component, providing the opportunity to positively influence metabolism even after training. A practical approach: High-intensity intervals at the end of a training session can maximize the EPOC effect. Mitochondrial adaptation shows interesting seasonal fluctuations. Studies indicate that the content of mitochondrial proteins is higher after the preparatory phase than after the competition phase [s20]. This suggests that the capacity for mitochondrial biogenesis may be depleted at the end of an intense competition season. Training recommendation: After the competition season, a sufficient recovery phase should be planned to rebuild mitochondrial capacity. Nutrition plays a crucial role in optimizing metabolic processes. In particular, the intake of whey protein and leucine after training can enhance muscle protein synthesis and positively influence immune function [s21]. A specific nutrition tip: Within 30 minutes after intense training, 20-25g of high-quality protein should be consumed along with rapidly available carbohydrates. During high-intensity exertion, there is an increased production of lactate. Supplementation with sodium bicarbonate can promote the efflux of H+ from muscle cells, thereby improving contractility and glycolytic rate [s18]. This is particularly relevant for time trials or intense hill sprints. Practical application: Intake should occur about 60-90 minutes before competition to achieve optimal blood values. Metabolic adaptations during exertion are also dependent on training periodization. The expression of certain proteins such as tenascin-C and myogenin