Determination of a characteristic driver modell - Gerald Bonengel - E-Book

Determination of a characteristic driver modell E-Book

Gerald Bonengel

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Scientific Study from the year 2012 in the subject Engineering - Automotive Engineering, , language: English, abstract: There are various concepts to reduce the noxious emission in the area of mobility. For example actually the expansion of the electro-mobility, via hybrid drive to the point of fuel made of biomass is explored. To assess these concepts the operating conditions and operating areas of the vehicles in day to day use are crucial, as the concepts differ explicitly with regard to the range, power and driving characteristics. To be able to select the proper concept a driver’s model has to be defined, as the economical key data’s are in a strong correlation of this model. Via an everyday operating behavior performance data’s can be created, which can be used in “Hardware in the Loop” (HIL) engine test bench simulations. The analyzed rides will be characterized with time-weighted and motor units as well as the allocations of the accessed engine torques and the engine rpm. driver’s model; Keywords: Hardware in the Loop; driving characteristics

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