Drenched - Lilli J Wettke - E-Book

Drenched E-Book

Lilli J Wettke

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So now I am writing down all of those love-drenched words of mine, that I would much rather scream out into the world, say to your godlike face, right here, right now, at this perfect little moment of infinity.

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Seitenzahl: 38

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For L, My dearly beloved L, I dedicate these pages solely to you. I do not know whether you will ever pick up this work, and even if you did, you probably would not have a clue, that you are the one to whom this book is dedicated. You are my muse, you have inspired me. I do not know if I will ever have the courage or possibly the stupidity to give you the originals of these letters, followed by a confession of the love that I feel for you, but I sincerely hope so, because I can ask myself the question; ‘What if it hurts?’ But what I can also ask myself is: "What if it turns out to be as damn good as my heart imagined it to be in its wildest dreams?"

I am your rock in the surf.

All the big waves crash against me,

and you can cower behind me.

You may get wet,

but we will get wet together,

and I will prevent you

from being swept away.

Table of Contents

Trier, 29 December 2023

Trier, den 12 January 2024

Trier, the 18.01.2024

Trier, 24 January 2024

Trier, the 31 of January 2024

Trier, den 06.03.2024

Vienna, 24 April 2024

Trier, the 03.05.2024

After the rain

Friday, May 10th 2024

Tuesday, 14 May 2024

Thursday, 16 May 2024

Saturday, 18 May 2024

Wednesday, 22 May 2024

A dreamer's poetry

If a poet is ever forbidden from telling you

about the profound love they have for you,

they will write a book about it and dedicate it

to you.

If you are as lucky as to be loved by a poet,

you do not have to fear death,

because you are to become immortal.

Trier, 29 December 2023

My love,

You are the kind of woman

that people write songs about.

You are the kind of woman

that leaves even the best writers speechless.

You are so incredibly beautiful,

that one cannot even put it into words.

I do not just mean your appearance - that too,

but above all your personality.

It is inspiring,

how you manage

to be so incredibly likeable and seem so effortless.

When I look at you,

sometimes you remind me a little of myself,

in your whole manner,

apart from the fact

that we have a lot of interests and physical characteristics in common.

You are incredibly cute,

and I am so infinitely grateful for that I have

met you.

I think I might be able to love you.

Sincerely, L

Trier, den 12 January 2024

My Dearest,

it has been a while since we last saw each other

and I detect that I am unable to get you out of my head.

I need to make a confession to you; You have been my New Year’s Wish.

I wished for you to see me the way I see you.

I wished for you to hold my hand,

and I wished that one day,

I could place a gentle kiss on your forehead as a

simple promise to never leave you.

I certainly do not know if you will ever read


but if you do,

than please do not judge me if you are not feeling the same way.

But if you do,

in case you really like me back,

this would make me the happiest person on

this planet.

So please tell me,

if you happen to have feelings for me too.

Sincerely L.

Trier, the 18.01.2024

My love.

You are my heart!

Talking to you today,

to have your smile all to myself,

has made me insanely happy.

Your eyes are ones made of blue gold.

Your personality is so pure and I feel so incredibly safe in your presence.

Sometimes I think to see something similar in

your eyes,

but realistically speaking,

that is probably just wishful thinking on my

part. But maybe there is something to it,

who knows.

You would not believe

how overwhelmingly happy that would make

me feel.

With love,


Trier, 24 January 2024

My love,

Your beauty dazzles me more and more every day.

Whenever I look into your angelic blue eyes

I see security,

I see myself in you.

Your personality is familiar to me in a way

that I have never experienced before.

When I see you, I see myself,


and also my future.