Echo of Spirit - M.D.Johnson - E-Book

Echo of Spirit E-Book


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Echo of Spirit by M.D. Johnson

In the thick mists of the Andes, long before Europeans set foot in the New World, lies a story hidden in the shadows of ancient legends. Here, in the heart of the pristine forest where the Quechua people live in harmony with the wild nature, Izel, the young and impetuous son of the tribal chief, awakens, through an act of recklessness and greed, an ancient, evil power that had been banished for generations.

This rebirth of evil, a demon that was awakened from its slumber by Izel's actions, now threatens not only the Quechua people but the balance of the entire world. As the demon weaves its dark threads, Tupac, Izel's father and guardian of ancient wisdom, must make the hardest decision of his life: how far is he willing to go to stop the demon and save the world, even if that means sacrificing his son?

"Echo of Spirit" by M.D. Johnson, published by Drexler Consulting Publishing, is a gripping novel that delves deep into the depths of power, greed, and desperation. In this epic tale of ancient myths and familial bonds, a dramatic saga unfolds that shows how a single moment of weakness can seal the fate of many. Immerse yourself in a world where the lines between good and evil are blurred and every choice comes with a price.
Prepare yourself for a captivating reading experience that enchants not only with its mythical atmosphere but also with the profound human dramas it narrates.

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