Effects of agriculture on bees diversity in Mawingo, Mweka and Kilimanjaro National Park - Erick Swai - E-Book

Effects of agriculture on bees diversity in Mawingo, Mweka and Kilimanjaro National Park E-Book

Erick Swai

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Academic Paper from the year 2021 in the subject Environmental Sciences, , language: English, abstract: The research will offer information on bees and the commencement of future actions on conservation of bees in Tanzania and the world at large. In order to provide good pollination service at high rate, Bee needs a favorable environment and or area that is free from agricultural products such as pesticides, fertilizers also free from diseases and trampling which will provide a pollination service that is effective. In addition the environment should not be overly cost for bee diversity. Increase in human population has led to the high demand for food; the high demand for food by human has led to the ongoing increase in farm size with specialization leading to the reduction of natural vegetation areas for food production. If the agricultural areas will continue to be treated with pesticides and fertilizers, farmers will be wasting their time because the bee diversity will keep on declining and later on the pollination service will be poorly performed that will result to poor productivity of crops. Also bees suffering can lead to a total disappearance of bees hence lack pollination services completely. Keywords: Agriculture, Diversity, Biodiversity, pollinators, Intensive

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