Everyday Chanakya S02E01 - Art of Communication - Radhakrishnan Pillai - Hörbuch

Everyday Chanakya S02E01 - Art of Communication Hörbuch

Radhakrishnan Pillai

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The Best Selling Author of 'Corporate Chanakya' Dr. Radhakrishnan Pillai brings you a Storytel Original Series, Everyday Chanakya, focused on issues experienced by our corporate youths. Enjoy the series in Dr. Pillai's voice and sharpen your skill sets. In this episode of "Art of Communication" you will learn the skills we have got from Chanakya! Chanakya had given 5 words to remember. Each of them starting with 'S' - Shravana, Samaya, Samvada, Sankalp and Siddhi. If anyone just repeats these words multiple times, it becomes easy to memorise it. In India we have an education system of repetition. In Sanskrit language repeated study is called as 'Abhyasa' or practice. So if you continuously practice and memorise these 5 words, you will be able to remember the principles of communication throughout your life.

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Zeit:0 Std. 52 min

Sprecher:Radhakrishnan Pillai
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