Features, Function and Importance of Received Pronunciation - Adrian Müller - E-Book

Features, Function and Importance of Received Pronunciation E-Book

Adrian Müller

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Essay from the year 2013 in the subject English Language and Literature Studies - Linguistics, , language: English, abstract: Received Pronunciation, hereafter abbreviated as RP, which has been considered a model of English pronunciation is broadening to more tolerance towards a larger amount of speakers. (Upton/Kortmann 2008:238f.) Looking at the history of RP first will lead us to conclusions about its function and social importance, which are still applicable nowadays. Afterwards, special features of RP will be discussed as examples that might also imply certain changes that have happened to RP over the last decades. Afterwards a decision can be made, whether the development RP is undergoing are being useful and promising for the future of the English language.

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