Feur Buidhe an t-Samhraidh - Tim Armstrong - E-Book

Feur Buidhe an t-Samhraidh E-Book

Tim Armstrong

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B' e seo an cothrom mòr. Air turas-ciùil anns na Stàitean agus tè òg bhòidheach ri a thaobh, bha Colman air a dhòigh glan. Cha robh càil a dhùil aige gum biodh e a' teicheadh bhon phoileis, ach a-nis cha robh e a' faicinn dòigh às. Touring the US with his band should have been a dream come true, but when guitarist Colman and bass player Seonag become separated from the rest of their band, they are drawn into a world of crime and violence and find themselves wanted by the police. Feur Buidhe an t-Samhraidh (Yellow Summer Grass) follows Colman and Seonag as they struggle to catch up with the band, forced into decisions that lead to greater danger at every turn as they travel through the vast landscapes of America's Mid West. Tim Armstrong takes his characters on a fast-paced, perilous adventure that explores love, ambition and identity

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Tim Armstrong is originally from Seattle and is the singer and guitarist in the ground-breaking Gaelic punk band, Mill a h-Uile Rud. He now lives in the Isle of Skye where he is a research fellow at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig. His sci-fi novel Air Cuan Dubh Drilseach

By the same author

Saorsa: sgeulachdan goirid


Tim Armstrong

First published in Great Britain

and the United States of America

in 2014 by

Sandstone Press Ltd

Dochcarty Road



IV15 9UG



All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced,

stored or transmitted in any form without the express

written permission of the publisher.

Lasag is an imprint of Sandstone Press Ltd

Lasag’s series of Gaelic readers offers young adults a range of

engaging, easy-to-read fiction, with English chapter summaries

and glossaries to assist Gaelic learners.

© Tim Armstrong 2014

Editor: Alison Lang

The moral right of Tim Armstrong to be recognised as the

author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the

Copyright, Design and Patents Act, 1988.

The publisher acknowledges support from the Gaelic Books Council

towards publication of this volume.


1 Fo Do Gheasaibh

2 Rud Beag Deagh Rath

3 Seonag

4 Air an Rathad

5 Feur Buidhe an t-Samhraidh

6 Na Rionnagan

7 Trèigte

8 Nar Deann Dearg

9 Gun Rian no Cuimse

10 Sruth Dorcha

11 The Hot Shot

12 Cùm Grèim Orm

13 Coinneachadh ri Bàs

14 Dà Chothrom Air


Fo Do Gheasaibh

The night before their indie rock band is due to travel to the States on tour, guitarist Colman and his friends are rehearsing. Lead singer Ruairidh argues with bass player Mìcheal, who storms out. Ruairidh is determined to go ahead with the tour, but Colman and the drummer, Fillean, can’t see how they can possibly tour without a bass player.

Is toil leam Mìcheal ach tha an duine truagh – chan urrainn dha am beus aige a chluich idir. Choimhead mi ris, a làmhan air chall air na teudan, gun fhios aige càit an robh sinn anns a’ phort. B’ e an oidhche ron turas a bh’ ann, agus cha robh Mìcheal faisg air eòlach air na h-òrain.

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