Financial Literacy and its Effect on Loan Repayment Performance. The Case of Weltane Ambo Saccos Union of West Shoa Zone, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia - Dereje Girma - E-Book

Financial Literacy and its Effect on Loan Repayment Performance. The Case of Weltane Ambo Saccos Union of West Shoa Zone, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia E-Book

Dereje Girma

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Master's Thesis from the year 2021 in the subject Economics - Finance, , language: English, abstract: The main objective of the study was to assess the effect of financial literacy on loan repayment performance in case of Weltane Ambo SACCOs Union. The specific objectives will include to examine the effect of financial budgeting literacy on loan repayment in the study area, to evaluate the effect of debt management literacy on loan repayment in the study area, to examine effect of finance literacy on loan repayment in the study area and to assess the current loan repayment status of WASACCOsU. The study has several significances, for the SACCOs in identifying effect of financial literacy on loan repayment performance and for the members to understand about their financial knowledge on their saving and loan repayment. For others the project findings and recommendation may be helpful for further research. The study will be important to the academicians and researchers who can use it as a springboard for other researches/studies. It gives guide lines for policy makers, SACCOs and stakeholders about existing financial literacy and its effect on loan repayment performance. It helps institutions to use as inputs for preparing training for their employees and members of the society.

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