Floppydiskism I - Dominik Jais - E-Book

Floppydiskism I E-Book

Dominik Jais

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Die Jahre 10 bis 15 fasst die in diesen Jahren erstellten künstlerischen Arbeiten des Künstlers Dominik Jais zusammen.

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Seitenzahl: 16

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For Lumia.

Floppydiskism, the years 10 to 15 - is actually a paradox because I prefer digital media. Astonishingly it was very easy for me to put it together. Nearly all of it was already Online or available to me in digital form.

It is a documentation of most of my artistic work from the years 2010 to 2015. I ordered it chronologically, making it possible to follow the path I took during that very interesting and also disturbing time.

If you are interested in my work I suggest you visit http://dominikjais.com.

Dominik Jais

Essen, Germany, October 2015


The freedom of choice

(How) do you remember snow?

This aint Manhattan


Play the world



Fill the EmptySpace

Kawaii me

“Less” series

Brave new words

are you certain? (or do you still belive in politics)

Enjoy the silence

dont’ tell anybody


Digital AK47

Uzi I

Uzi II

Icons of Speed I

Icons of Speed II

Coffee and Cigarettes

Ruhrgebiet I & III

Ruhrgebiet II & Mirror, Mirror on the wall - who is the sustainabelst of them all?

“Circle” Series


Space ship C74

Shapes of mine

The Kurbel

Protest series

A question of speach

s9 I

s9 II

Das Ehepaar Jais

The freedom of choice

The interactive sculpture tackles the question of surrogate religion. At what point does a brand, a product or a medium, such as for example the Internet or the belief in it, acquire attributes similar to those of a religion?

Customers of the Apple brand are fondly described as “Apple boys”. The most important protagonists of a certain branch of technology usually call themselves “Evangelists”.