Generational shift and the American Dream in the Novels of Jeannette Walls - Jenny Brocker - E-Book

Generational shift and the American Dream in the Novels of Jeannette Walls E-Book

Jenny Brocker

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Examination Thesis from the year 2014 in the subject English Language and Literature Studies - Literature, grade: 1,7, University of Duisburg-Essen (Essen), language: English, abstract: This thesis deals with the generational shift and the question of the American Dream in the novels of Jeannette Walls. One extraordinary book by this American author is the "Glass Castle: A Memoir". This autobiography reveals shocking details of her childhood. The reader cannot believe that parents of four children are that inconsiderate to follow their own interests and neglect the little ones disregarding their basic needs like nourishment, a warm and clean shelter and the possibility of regular school attendance. For several years the family is of no fixed abode and roams through many American states. The children often go hungry and at school their mates mock them because of their worn-out clothes. When the novel "Half Broke Horses" was published the reader might have hoped to get to know more about the family’s background and Jeannette’s mother Rose Mary who often treats her children heartlessly and acts selfishly. This novel is concerned with Lily, Jeannette’s grandmother. The reader learns a lot about her upbringing and her strict way of educating Rose Mary. Both novels, covering at least sixty years, also reflect the American history and values of that time. The thesis, therefore, examines in how far one can speak of a generational shift regarding the women of the families and their role models. As all members of the family strive to reach their personal goals in life it also wants to find out which components of the American Dream are relevant to them and what they can realize.

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