Genres of drama. Instruments and protagonists of psychodrama - Silke-Katrin Kunze - E-Book

Genres of drama. Instruments and protagonists of psychodrama E-Book

Silke-Katrin Kunze

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Seminar paper from the year 2001 in the subject Didactics - English - Pedagogy, Literature Studies, grade: 1,3 (A), Dresden Technical University (Institute for the Romance Languages), course: Seminar: Drama Techniques, language: English, abstract: Genres of Drama Drama Games When traveling back in time, say six years, I see myself at school, a twelfth grader then, practising for a theater play. Those were the days of "king Kreon" from "Antigone," and there is a great deal of what I would give to live them once more - so much fun and joy, - and what an amount of text to learn! Whereas today? For four years already I am preparing myself to become a teacher. There is a saying, "school is supposed to be fun." I have been to six different schools in my life, where I had to deal with different kinds of difficult situations: several psychological injuries by fellow students causing grief to me. Maybe because I was not easy to be dealt with. It is the responsibility of a teacher to deal with all sorts of students and problems, resulting in the change of lives. In the movie "Mr. Holland′s Opus" the quotation: "A teacher′s job is to encourage his students", is found. Does that not tear the heart? It does, for, how can something partly so emotional be achieved? From my personal experience I say it depends as much on the chosen recipe as on the correct measure of ingredients. Most certainly, do I want my students to live moments of fun and joy, such as I experienced a few years ago. My assistants: drama games applicable to attain educational aims. There are different categories and subcategories to drama games: e.g. figure theater, simulation, charade, mime, dance, magic, as well as fantasy travel. Three major streams are distinguishable from a simulation dividing it into gaming, computer simulation or role play, which is probably the drama game known to teachers and students all over the world. The figure theater also has subdivisions, statue - or puppet theater, for instance. Depending on the age, the students could choose from the latter in between shadow-, finger-, hand- and stick puppets, or even puppets on strings, like Spejbl and Hurvinek. [...]

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