Growing Up With Two Languages - Katharina Hirmer - E-Book

Growing Up With Two Languages E-Book

Katharina Hirmer

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Bachelor Thesis from the year 2012 in the subject Didactics for the subject English - Pedagogy, Literature Studies, grade: 2,3, University of Regensburg (Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik), course: -, language: English, abstract: This bachelor's thesis wants to give an insight into the life of three bilingual children and the underlying theory of bilingualism. First of all, there will be given a general overview about the theoretical background of bilingualism. Next, the case study itself will be presented and after introducing the family and their special situation in relation to bilingualism, the aims, methodology and materials of the study will be described. Subsequently, the results of the case study will be brought into relation with the underlying linguistic theory. At the end of the paper, the results of the case study will be summarized once again and further implications of bilingual acquisition will be made.

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Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2012

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