Handbook of Venusian Spirituality - Omnec Onec - E-Book

Handbook of Venusian Spirituality E-Book

Omnec Onec

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A spiritual guide that teaches how to understand and master life from the perspective of Soul. Omnec Onecs international bestseller From Venus I Came touched the hearts of countless people around the globe and awakened within them latent memories of the Soul. The presence of this woman who descended from the astral plane into the physical on Earth sparked desires for people to know more about how they could also raise their frequencies and vibration. This was the impetus for Omnec to begin holding seminars in order to convey these teachings of unconditional love.This handbook contains the essence of the message by which the Venusians have been living in harmony with the Laws of the Supreme Deity for a very long time. Due to their compassion, oneness and love for all that is, they have been naturally gifted with the keys to raising their frequency and vibration.As Earth currently is experiencing a shift from the third to the fifth dimension, we can benefit from the knowledge of our sister planet Venus which has already gone through this transformation. This little book contains the essentials to help expand the consciousness as we proceed through the process of ascension.

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Handbook of Venusian Spirituality

Omnec Onec


Copyright © 2023 DISCUS Publishing, Anja Schäfer


This publication is the only authorized version from Omnec Onec.


All Rights Reserved. No part of this book, text as well as illustrations, may be reproduced or translated into any language or utilized in any forms or by any means, electronic, or mechanical, including social media, photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the prior written permission by the author and the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.


For permission requests send an email to [email protected].

Publisher’s Website: https://discuspublishing.com


Cover Mandala: Iris Merlino

Layout: Anja Schäfer


ISBN: 978-3-910804-11-1

Omnec Onec





Table of Contents
Preface from the Publisher
Chapter 1 – Understanding the Physical
Fasting Techniques
The Ghee-Diet
Recipe for Ghee
The Cellulite Melt
Crunchy Space Granola
Chapter 2 – Learning to deal with the Emotions
Emotional Evaluation Test
I. Below list six things that you think you should do, beginning with “I should ...”
II. Now read each statement and ask yourself after each one, why you think you should do this or be that way.
III. Now reread the six “I should” statements in list I. Change the “I should” to “If I really wanted I could ...“
IV. Now reread list III. Then ask yourself “Why have I not?” after each statement. Write the answers below:
V. Now on to the subject love or self-love:
VI. Let us look at the ways you do not love yourself:
VII. Lack of self-worth
Chapter 3 – What Effect the Causal has
Chapter 4 – The Mental Process
Chapter 5 – The Function of the Etheric Body
Chapter 6 – The Soul, the real I
Chapter 7 – About Karma
Laws of the Supreme Deity
The seven basic laws are:
The seven divine laws are:
Chapter 8 – Meditation
Meditation Techniques
Creative Exercise
Chapter 9 – Soul Travel Technique
Chapter 10 – Mantras and their Benefits
Physical Dimension
Astral Dimension
Causal Dimension
Mental Dimension
Etheric Dimension
Soul Dimension
Anami Lok Dimension
The Godworlds Illustration
Chapter 11 – Healing and Self-healing Procedures
Chapter 12 – Energy – Ways to feel and use it daily
Power Punch for every day
Song Mantra
Sweet Dreams Vision
Chapter 13 – Venusian Ceremonies and Rituals
Venusian Ceremonial Blessing
Venusian Love Ritual
The Ritual
Venusian Commitment Vow
Concepts of Relationships (with Commitments)
Venusian Healing and Cleaning of negative Energy for Environment
Preparation for Cleaning of Environment
Venusian Ceremony for the Transition of Dimension
Venusian Understanding of death
Knowing the Life Plan
The Ceremony
Chapter 14 – Test and Initiation for potential Star Seed People
Initiation: Spiritual Journey
Publisher’s Recommendations
Venus Pearls
Venus Historian Dr. Raymond Keller
CDs from Omnec Onec

Preface from the Publisher

This little book pearl was already written at the end of the nineties. With this edition, it is now published for the first time in English in its original, complete form, as Omnec wrote it back then.

A few words about the background: After the first publication of Omnec Onec’s autobiography “From Venus I Came” in 1991 in the USA, her soul mission led her directly to the German-speaking world. From the interest of people who had experienced Omnec live in public appearances and who were deeply touched by her unique autobiography about her life on the astral plane of Venus, a great desire arose for more knowledge on how to apply the spiritual teachings of the Venusians into everyday life.

As a consequence, two more books were written, which were available for a long period in German only: her autobiography part 2 with the title “Angels Don’t Cry” as well as this “Handbook of Venusian Spirituality”.

May this small, pure pearl of love and wisdom remind you of your divine being as a beloved soul and be a compass for you on your way home.

Universal love and blessings

Anja Schäfer


IThis book is dedicated to my publishers along with many families and friends who welcomed me into their hearts and homes. Also to all who helped me with this book by lending me their ears, listening to my ideas and contributing with ideas, so I may better understand the needs of all beings; also to those higher beings who channeled information from their levels; to uncle Odin who formulated some mantras and who’s humor helped me.

Thank all of you my ever growing families for your support and love helping me to not feel like a stranger in your world.

My hope is that this be valuable information to create whole, balanced, powerful souls with a greater understanding of themselves and all the wonders and endless possibilities of the creation of which we are all a part. May I be an inspiration on behalf of my fellow Venusians and all great beings that I represent.

Amual Abaktu Baraka Bashad

(Universal love and blessings)



Image 1: Omnec Onec, 1994


The Handbook of Venusian Spirituality is made up of our Venusian concepts of ourselves in relation to the world around us and the other existing dimensions above or below us or as we like to understand all around us. It gives you our view of every living entity from a soul point of view. It is a guide to help you not only understand but balance and harmonize all the non-material bodies within the physical body. It is a step-by-step guide of how to properly care for the physical, astral, causal, mental, etheric, and soul bodies.

It has exercises – physical and others. It also sets programs to replace misinformation. Further it gives you guidelines to help you recognize your progress. It has mantras for morning, afternoon and night, also mantras for each existing dimension and meditation procedures for each.

Also in this handbook are never before published Venusian ceremonies, for which I have received the permission to make them public. These you may try and enjoy yourselves.

I as a former astral being have set the following guidelines to help you absorb and properly understand what lies in the following pages. This information is based on my experiences here on Earth and what I brought with me from Venus. Much of the information is also based on the needs I have encountered in my relationships here on Earth and especially what I have learned through media encounters and workshops. My life as well is a great learning experience for me as an individual, and as I learn I try to share with all I can.

Since entering into the physical body I have found of course that in this material world you encounter limits as it is on each dimension. For each dimension of existence has spiritual laws that govern the extent of what we can or cannot experience in that particular existence or dimension.

So to my best abilities I try to work within the limits in a most unlimited way so that you may experience as much as possible within your own individual consciousness and physical limitations.

First patience is very important as everything needs time to develop. Also the spiritual bodies need adjustments to new experiences. It is all individual as you each are.

Every experience is not always sensational but sometimes very fine and subtle – we must learn to become sensitive to fine experiences.

A further good preparation for life and for the teachings in this book is a sense of humor. I have found that in the physical world where you cannot always control the conditions that happen or exist that one can try to view it with a sense of humor. It has helped me through many trials. Learn to laugh at yourself and then it does not hurt so much when others laugh at you. After all we are not perfect yet!

Now the first chapter is about the maintenance and care for the physical. I know it is boring but after all we all still have a physical body! Since we reside in the physical we must at least understand it because tolerating it is not sufficient. Because to tolerate is only to accept but not to really care – and we must care about the whole self.

We need the body in order to be able to exist, communicate and move around. You will learn it can be wonderful. I had to learn the hard way, I am trying to make it easier for you. The body is a vehicle for the soul. The soul is the driver, the body the car. Now who wants to drive around in a dirty, beaten up, rusted, broken-down car? Well, read on... We will soon have all of you brilliant inside and out!


Enjoy while you improve!

Chapter 1 – Understanding the Physical

In the Venusian society we have a concept of spirituality as a balancing of one selves on all levels. If one resides in the physical this includes the physical body. You must take care that the physical body is healthy and balanced. Exercise, diet and proper rest are necessary. Further you must accept that the physical body is mostly genetic in structure and many of our physical attributes are inherited. Some of us are tall, short, heavy, muscular, thin etc. by nature. We must be able to work within our own physical limitations and accept them, also to use them to our advantage.

First to accept each of ourselves as unique and individual is a must. To see ourselves as we are and realize the beauty that is individual we must set our own standards and not accept standards set by others. That does not mean that we are perfect and do not need to work on ourselves. It means we need to find what works for us individually.

Everyone can always improve themselves. Even a thin person’s muscles can become slack and loose. Being active is important. Walking, climbing stairs, dancing, sports – all can be beneficial. Sometimes we rely to much on automobiles and not on our legs. People who sit a lot at work need more exercises than those who move about at work. Do not enroll in aerobics unless you will enjoy it.

Anything you undertake should be something you will enjoy or you will soon loose interest. I love dancing and I attribute it to myself being able to stay in shape. I am short and slim but would quickly loose my shape if I did not love to walk. I take long walks because I enjoy nature and I love to dance. So half an hour a day I put on music and do outlandish dancing all by myself. By outlandish I mean lying on the floor and waving hands and legs around. Of course everyone may not enjoy this. You have to fit your exercise to yourself and your life style.

Sex is also a very healthy activity. (It helps to have a partner.)

Eating habits are also important. There are plenty of books about diet. However, it is important to not become fanatical about anything. Because then you have upset the balance of your physical self. It is good to be healthy, but not to be a health fanatic. You once again have to make the choice as to what you are comfortable with. If you eliminate meat from your diet, consider that all living things have souls and will one day evolve into the human state! That is correct – all plants, minerals and animals are souls, incarnated in different existences for experiences. When their particular purpose is served in this state they leave the physical and return into a higher state of existence.

So we must choose to eat what benefits us and not worry that we are destroying something. You destroy your own body by overindulgence of any kind. You have to pay attention to how your body feels and responds to different foods. Because we all are different.

I have found that by reducing the starch intake (potatoes, corn, bread, rice, noodles) and of course sugar, can reduce your weight if you are overweight. If you have one helping of starch you do not need two. You do not need bread with noodles, rice, corn or potatoes.

Being vegetarian is good. But to eliminate meat, cheese, eggs, fish all from the diet is not good. You miss the protein that is essential to good health. Remember balance is important. Do not use the way you eat to feel superior to others. It is important to be healthy, not superior. You cannot attain spiritual perfection through diet. However, you can be healthy balanced and above all not judgmental of others in the process of learning. Much better is it to share your information and help others. Remember we are all beautiful souls inside this physical structure. We must try to reflect this in our appearance to the best of our abilities. Believe me, it is easier on the astral when we do not have a physical body. However, most of you reading this have a physical structure!

Now personal dressing or grooming habits are vital. We must care how we appear. It will make you more self-confident if you feel that you look good. I do not mean you have to look like a movie star. But to be well groomed and neat and clean is important – also for those closest to you!

You must not just say appearance does not matter. Of course it does! If you have went around only wearing black don’t you think you could brighten your image a little? Find clothes that are comfortable and attractive. Try a few different colors, fall into a new image. Break old habits and discover the hidden you. Do not be afraid to try new ideas. You can always change. But it is essential to be clean.

I really found this first troublesome after I had manifested a physical body. I thought it were a waste of time to bath, brush teeth, change clothes, comb hair. It was a never ending process. Then I realized I felt better if I did and people did not mind coming close to me!

Being creative is another important factor in being physical. It actually helps to stimulate the energy that constantly flows through the body. Unfortunately, many people do not consider themselves as creative. Being creative does not mean you have to be a great artist. It means to find a way to express yourself and your feelings.

You are being creative if you see shapes in the clouds. You are creative if you find a use for something that someone else discarded. You are being creative if you repair something with wire or tape because of necessity. Everything that people have created was out of necessity. They needed something and created it! Because we are attuned to the Creator and are part of that energy that created us we are by nature creators ourselves! We create families, societies, means of travel and communication. Extend this further and focus on the ways you can become more creative. Remember the more you use your creative energy the more creative energy will flow through you.

Fasting Techniques

Fasting one to three days is also helpful for an optimal physical condition. One way if it is physically difficult to fast is to try to be positive and focus on spiritual thoughts for a whole day. Focus on the needs of others or be thankful for all the benefits of your existence. It is always good to bless the souls that have been created to sustain and provide you with nourishment.

One fasting technique is to only eat fruit and fresh vegetables and to drink juice, water, herb teas. Abstain from protein, starch as well from coffee, alcohol, cigarettes etc.

Do a three day fast only if you can rest and not have to do physical or mental or emotional stressing activities. Just relax, listen to music, read a book.

The Ghee-Diet

This is a known yoga diet. It is to thoroughly cleanse the intestinal tract of food wastes that become trapped in the passages and nots. It also rids the body of accumulated toxins. However, I recommend not to do it more than once a year. Also you must have three days free of physical labor where you may rest without any type of stress. I tried it and shall share with you my experience.

You must begin the first morning or night before and prepare the Ghee, which is ½ lb. unsalted pure butter per person. You boil it for one hour on very low heat. It must be warm and melted each time you take it. You take three tablespoons of the Ghee (melted butter) as the first thing upon arising in the morning. Then you may only eat cooked cereal – oats, wheat, barley and grains, except rice. This is all you are allowed to consume, other than juice (unsweetened), water or unsweetened herb tea. No coffee, black tea, alcohol or cigarettes are allowed. You continue the same for three days.

You might experience headaches or mild stomach cramps at first. This assures you that it is working. This is the reaction of the body as it is used to having certain amounts of coffee, black tea, alcohol, coca cola etc. This will pass. You will feel weak and light headed or dizzy. But finally you will notice a clarity of sight, hearing, smell, and the feelings become resensitized. You will feel regenerated and have more alertness and energy. This was my experience, of course it will depend on the amount of toxins in the body. Good luck!

Recipe for Ghee

½ lb. unsalted butter, boiled for one hour and heated before each dose of three table spoons at the beginning of each of the three days.