Her Youthful Body: Taboo Barely Legal Erotica - Candace Spencer - E-Book

Her Youthful Body: Taboo Barely Legal Erotica E-Book

Candace Spencer

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Warning: Very taboo. Not for the faint of heart. May include BDSM, incest, and other taboo and forbidden elements. This is a vintage **full length** (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel.


From inside, Mike looked out at the young girl. Slender, blonde, no more than eighteen or eighteen, a virgin beauty.
Sueanne could see the husky, thirty-five year old man through the glazed window. A square-jawed, moderately handsome fellow, he had a warm smile like her father's. She felt warmer and safe even before she climbed with frozen knees and hands across the drifted mound of snow and let his strong hands close around her forearms and lift her through the window. She stood, dripping, in front of the fireplace, letting the warmth seep painfully into her frozen limbs as the dark-haired man pulled down the window.
"It's a real bastard out there," he said. Sueanne knew that he was looking her over, that he was pleased at what he saw. "Take off your coat and get warmed up," he said in a firm paternal manner, "there's hot coffee on the burner."
She dropped her soaking coat on the floor beside the fire and rubbed her limbs furiously, trying to regain the circulation. She saw his eyes follow her hands as she rubbed her ankles, her calves, her thighs.
"Been out there long?"
"About an hour," she said, her teeth still shaking.
"Car break down?"
"No," she said. "I was on a date and the boy I was with-" She hesitated, feeling silly and girlish for not being able to handle a mere teenage boy, for having to get out of the car and take the chance of freezing to death in a blizzard.

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Her Youthful Body

Candace Spencer

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 1

Sueanne hung onto the edge of the dashboard as Billy took a turn, so quickly that the hind wheels of the car seemed to fly in the opposite direction, off the road entirely.

"Please, Billy," she begged again, "slow down. I want to get home in one piece."

Billy grinned across the dark seat at her. "You'll get home eventually," he promised. But she knew that she wouldn't be in one piece if Billy had his way. She knew that Billy's sole purpose in taking her to a football game eighteen miles from home and spending eleven dollars feeding them both afterward, was to impress her. His reason for the wild 'and crazy driving was to assure her of his bravery, his maleness. And that his goal for this evening was the thin membrane, her cherry, that had stayed for eighteen years untouched between her thighs.

"Slow down," she pleaded again. They were on the old country back road and there were no streetlights, only the white glint of the moon through the falling snow and the streamers of light across the ice-packed road. "Slow down, please!"

Billy hit the brake with his scuffed cowboy boot and the car shimmied to a stop, spraying snow up all around them.

"How's this?" He reached over to the dashboard and turned the heating knob to "high." "This slow enough for you?"

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