Hilton Hhonors Worldwide. Loyalty Wars - Paul Petersen - E-Book

Hilton Hhonors Worldwide. Loyalty Wars E-Book

Paul Petersen

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Fallstudie aus dem Jahr 2016 im Fachbereich BWL - Offline-Marketing und Online-Marketing, Note: 2,7, Cologne Business School Köln, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Marketing strategies in terms of loyalty programs are very often launched by corporations that employ a specialized team of project managers and data analysts who lead the complex program. The loyalty programs are typically driven by bigger companies due to the technical costs related to the implementation. In fact it is a very popular market for corporations in order to achieve a competitive advantage whether it is highly competitive by virtue of changing conditions in price and customer loyalty. The following paper exhibits the Hhonors loyalty program in which the Hilton Group tried to achieve a competitive advantage while concentrating on its “double dipping” strategy which other competitors lacked at this time. Therefore the paper starts with a brief explanation of the research question which is related to the strengths Hhonors loyalty program displays. In the following the general marketing strategy of Hilton is declared and evaluated. According to this the main guiding questions are based on the theoretical background and analysed by a service marketing approach. Subsequently the most important issues of the case are stated and summarized. Furthermore, recommendations on the loyalty program have been made.

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