Horny Classroom Antics: Taboo Barely Legal Erotica - William Picard - E-Book

Horny Classroom Antics: Taboo Barely Legal Erotica E-Book

William Picard

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Warning: Very taboo. Not for the faint of heart. May include BDSM, incest, and other taboo and forbidden elements. This is a vintage **full length** (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel.


"Yes, fellow faculty members," Principal Mark O'Connel looked out at the sea of faces before him in the faculty meeting room. "We are very pleased to have Miss Johnson with us this semester. She comes to us with a good many positive recommendations from the junior high school where she did her student teaching, from the elementary school where she spent her first full year in teaching, and from her college instructors. A comprehensive look into her background convinced me that she represents the fine ideals that education needs in order to survive in our competitive modern world. As changes occur, so must our methods as well as our insights. We think that Jean Johnson is the kind of intelligent young woman with the dramatic instincts for looking farsightedly into the future. She considers it a great challenge to be training the young minds who will be making our decisions here in America in the future. We're very happy to have her with us."

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Horny Classroom Antics

William Picard

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 1

"Yes, fellow faculty members," Principal Mark O'Connel looked out at the sea of faces before him in the faculty meeting room. "We are very pleased to have Miss Johnson with us this semester. She comes to us with a good many positive recommendations from the junior high school where she did her student teaching, from the elementary school where she spent her first full year in teaching, and from her college instructors. A comprehensive look into her background convinced me that she represents the fine ideals that education needs in order to survive in our competitive modern world. As changes occur, so must our methods as well as our insights. We think that Jean Johnson is the kind of intelligent young woman with the dramatic instincts for looking farsightedly into the future. She considers it a great challenge to be training the young minds who will be making our decisions here in America in the future. We're very happy to have her with us."

Then, the handsome, white-haired principal with the mustache sat down. As he eased his long, lean body into his leather chair, polite applause ensued from the faculty members.

"Would you care to say a few words to us, Miss Johnson?" Mark O'Connell looked at her and smiled.

"I'm not much of a speaker before big groups," she chuckled.

"You're among friends, my dear," the principal pointed out. "It's part of our tradition to have a new teacher get up and say a few words before his or her fellow faculty members."

"Well, then, I guess I'd better not defy tradition," she smiled.

As Jean Johnson stood up, another sprinkling of applause occurred. It was also mixed with a few chuckles from the remark that Jean had made.

"I'm very happy to be here," she began. "I've always dreamed of being able to teach at a good high school. Kane is certainly one of the best in our city. Also, I wanted to be able to play a role in molding the generations of the future. I'll have an opportunity to do that here at Kane. You've all been very nice to me, and I look forward to serving with you. Thank you for your many kindnesses."

She sat down, acknowledging more applause.

A few minutes later, the meeting broke up. As she walked out the door, Clyde Downes, a history instructor, had this to say to her:

"You must have impressed O'Connell quite a bit."

"Why do you say that?" she asked.

"He usually doesn't go quite that far in praising new teachers. You hear a few tiny sprinklings of praise, but nothing quite like what he gave you."

"That can be good or bad," she smiled.

"How can it be bad?"

"Maybe I've quite an image to live up to."

"I never stopped to think about that," Clyde laughed. "But I'm sure you're more than capable of living up to it."

"I appreciate your confidence."

"Don't mention it."

They separated in the hallway. Butterflies surfaced in Jean's stomach as she walked toward her first-period class. Clyde Downes went the other way, to his first class.

For Jean it was a dramatic step forward. It was the biggest assignment of her yet-young teaching career. She was not even twenty-five years old, yet was occupying a good position at a top high school.

It always made her nervous when she walked into a new school for the first time. Mark O'Connell's words had put her somewhat at ease, providing a little confidence for her as needed by an instructor moving into a new environment, but as she moved into the classroom the nervousness began to accentuate once more. She would be meeting new students, and these students would be older and more sophisticated than the others with whom she had dealt.

She had heard an, awful lot from teachers she knew about how precocious some of the young high school students were.

Along those same lines, she had heard warnings about the kinds of problems that she could expect, being an attractive young woman, amidst a large contingent of rapidly developing young boys, who were very curious about sex.

"You'd just better be careful, be very careful," warned a middle-aged woman, who had been a fellow teacher at the last school where she had taught, on Jean's last day. "Some of those young guys know ten times more about sex than my husband and I know put together."

"Surely you're exaggerating at least a little," Jean had attempted to laugh the remark off.

"Listen, Jean, I've talked with teachers that I know. I'm not exaggerating one bit. They know about things that a lot of promiscuous playboys never heard of."

Those words of warning reverberated in her ears as she stepped inside the classroom. She was a highly striking young woman, with long raven hair and dark eyes. Her body was petitely sensuous, with perfectly contoured hips that thrust out in all the right places, and an exquisitely proportioned pair of breasts.

From the moment that she took her position behind the desk, an uncomfortable feeling swept through her as she observed the hungry stares of the boys in the class.

She immediately noticed how much bigger the average boy in her class was, compared to the median standard of size, which existed with the students she attended high school with.

Just as she was preparing to call the class to order, two tall boys, both of whom stood better than six feet in height, came trotting inside the class.

"Wait for us, teach, we don't want to be late," the first one inside the door, a blond who was wearing a mischievous smile, said.

"Yeh, we're here to get educated," the boy walking several steps behind him asserted. He was about an inch taller than his blond friend and had long brown hair.

"Please take your seats," Jean Johnson said. She was a little disgusted, but did not want to blow up at such an early stage of the game.

The late-comers sat down in the front row. There were waves of snickers as they took their places.

"I'll say one thing," the blond said, "we've got the best-looking teacher around here."

"That's for damned sure," his friend eagerly put in.

"What is your name?" Jean Johnson pointed toward the blond.

"Who me?" he grinned.

"You know very well who I mean. What is your name?"

"It's Dennis Sanders."

"And you?" she pointed toward his friend. "What is your name?"

"I'm Perry Smith, and I'm glad to know you."

"Dennis and Perry, there's one thing I'm going to have to establish right at the outset," she began on a solemn note. "And I'm not talking to just the two of you. I'm talking to everybody in this class. I expect students to maintain certain rules of decorum around here. What I mean is that I don't want a lot of loud talking and disruption to b? going on. This is a school, and you are here to learn. Your parents have to work and pay taxes in order to keep a place like Kane High School going."

"You mean my old man is actually spending some of his money on me by keeping me here?" Perry Smith grinned knowingly.

"I think you're aware of the fact that he is," Jean snapped, still doing her best to maintain her cool. "Now why don't you give yourselves, along with the other students of this class, a break and knock off all this silly chatter. It's very nonproductive."

"Gee, I wish my old man would give me a choice in the matter," Dennis Sanders cut in. "If I had any kind of choice, I would have him just give me the money and let me pocket it, rather than wasting it by keeping me cooped up in a place like this."

Dennis' remark precipitated a great deal of laughter from the students. Jean could see that she was quickly losing control of her class, on the very first day of school.

"I'm warning you, both of you," she looked at Dennis and Perry. "I don't want to hear anymore nonsense from either of you. Going to school should and, as long as I'm teaching, will be a serious business. That means that we're here to work and to achieve, not to tell a lot of frivolous jokes. I have as much of a sense of humor as the next person, but that doesn't mean that my classroom will be turned into a playpen. This is a high school, not a nursery school."

"But just think," Dennis cut in, "if I'd flunked out of nursery school, I wouldn't have to worry about being cooped up in this joint."

"I thought you did flunk out of nursery school," Perry Smith said.

More loud laughter followed. When it died down, Dennis seized the floor and responded to Perry's comment before Jean had an opportunity to say anything. "I did flunk out, but my old man burned the joint down," he said. "It was too much for his ego to think that his darling little son had flunked out of nursery school."

This time the laughter was louder than ever. Jean's face was reddening from a combination of mounting anger and embarrassment from the futility of the situation. She had to dramatically take control of the class at that point or face the immediate future prospect of confronting a number of the same kind of disruptions.

"You two obviously think you're very funny, don't you?" she said angrily to Dennis and Perry.

"We do okay," Dennis said.

"Very well then," she nodded. "If you're that interested in making jokes, then I'll give you an opportunity to try and make me laugh. It's just like I said before. I've got as much of a sense of humor as anybody else, but it's just that I don't want the classroom to be used for that purpose. But I will give you a chance to test my sense of humor. You can test it right after school in this very classroom. And if you're lucky, I might just give you an opportunity to test it for several hours. I'm not in any hurry about going home. I'm the kind of person who can settle back and read a good book for hours."

The students burst into laughter one more time. They looked over at Dennis and Perry, chiding them over their present status.

"And that will be all from the rest of you," Jean spoke out. "If I hear anymore laughter eruptions from this class, these two will have plenty of company. I'll keep the whole class after school if necessary. Now, if you will, you may open your textbooks to page one."

Dennis and Perry exchanged subtle little smiles. It appeared that they did not mind staying after school one bit.

Chapter 2

Now school was over, and only two students remained in Miss Johnson's class.

Dennis Sanders and Perry Smith sat attentively at their desks. Jean Johnson wore a stern look as she peered into their eyes.

"You two boys were terribly disruptive influences today," she began. "All it takes are a few troublemakers to turn an entire class into bedlam. Most of the students are followers, so if a few exhibitionists like you two go to work, all kinds of havoc will break loose. I don't like your attitudes and I don't like the smart manner that both of you have. This is going to have to stop. And just to show you to what extent I mean business, I'm going to lock both these doors and keep anybody from coming in here. The janitor can wait a little while to do this work. I want to just sit here and read my novel while you two are amusing me by cracking jokes. I'm sure that you have a number of them stored up and saved for me. I said that I did have a sense of humor."

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