Hot Incest Affairs: Taboo Erotica - Corine Burton - E-Book

Hot Incest Affairs: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Corine Burton

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Warning: This is a vintage hard-boiled full length, post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even hive a proper description. Check out the free sample if you can.


Janice Holt, a beautiful, big-titted blonde, looked across the breakfast table, where her daughter sat flipping the pages of the morning newspaper. Janice could tell from the smile that suddenly showed on the girl's face that her daughter had found something in the jobs' section that interested her. The woman, now a thirty-eight-year-old housewife, could still remember searching for her first summer job. Time does fly, she thought as she studied her daughter's face.

"Guess what, Mom?" said the girl, lifting her head from the paper. "There's an opening for typists down at the office building where dad works. Wouldn't that be something if I could get a job there? Dad would be so surprised!"

"I'm sure he would be, Laura," said Janice. "Why don't you get dressed and go on down there? You got good grades in typing in school. I'm sure you'll get a job."

Janice knew how much Laura loved her father. And Laura had always been her father's favorite. If they could work together it would no doubt mean a great deal to the girl--and to Janice!

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Hot Incest Affairs

Corine Burton

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 1

"Guess what, Mom?" said the girl, lifting her head from the paper. "There's an opening for typists down at the office building where dad works. Wouldn't that be something if I could get a job there? Dad would be so surprised!"

"I'm sure he would be, Laura," said Janice. "Why don't you get dressed and go on down there? You got good grades in typing in school. I'm sure you'll get a job."

Janice knew how much Laura loved her father. And Laura had always been her father's favorite. If they could work together it would no doubt mean a great deal to the girl--and to Janice!

No matter how hard Janice tried not to, she couldn't help but feel that her husband was fooling around with some of the girls down at the office. Why else was the man neglecting her so often lately? And why did he come home late from work so many times this month?

And so Janice was happy to hear that her daughter might get a job at the same office building where her husband worked. Surely the man wouldn't try anything with the girls as long as his daughter was nearby. But Janice wouldn't mention any of this to Laura, for she had no proof of her husband's cheating and did not want to destroy Laura's love of her father. Besides, Janice was still hoping she was wrong.

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