How to integrate asylum seekers into Danish society with the help of dialogic communication approaches - Katharina Haering - E-Book

How to integrate asylum seekers into Danish society with the help of dialogic communication approaches E-Book

Katharina Haering

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Project Report from the year 2007 in the subject Sociology - Political Sociology, Majorities, Minorities, grade: A, Roskilde University Denmark (Roskilde University Denmark), language: English, abstract: Speaking about a problem as the situation of the asylum seekers is complex for manifold reasons as it is bounded with many different aspects regarding our current society. It concerns the political situation of our world and includes social and economic problems in many countries. Related with these problems is the anonymous and sometimes wrong way the media present the asylum seekers. In this work, we are supposed not to analyse all problems related with the rights of asylum seekers, but we are going to focus on the perception of these people that the danish society has.

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