I am - Aldivan Torres - E-Book

I am E-Book

Aldivan Torres

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“I am” is presented as a challenge, a daring, face a society many times backward and conservative. The first great thinker to face this paradigm, was a Jew called Jesus Christ about two thousand years ago. By declaring being son of God and by affirming his “I am” he broke the then existing structures. Inspired by this example, this book gives a shout of freedom that every human being must experience. We are not what the others say, and we are many times the personality that we create. We must be ourselves with the naked and raw truth. Following it, we will awaken our true “I am” and this will free us from our own fears forever.

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Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2024

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I am












Aldivan Torres





I am


Author: Aldivan Torres

©2018- Aldivan Torres

All the rights reserved.

Translator: Sara Pereira

Review: Aldivan Torres


This book, including all its parts, is protected by copyright and cannot to be reproduced without author's permission, resold, or transferred.

Academic Qualifications: Degree in Mathematics with specialization in the same area.


Short Biography: Aldivan Torres, the seer, created the series the seer, the series sons of the light, poetry, and screenplays. His literary career started at the end of 2011 with the publication of his first romance work, opposing forces. For whatever reason, he stopped writing, only resuming his career in the second half of 2013. Since then, he never stopped. He hopes that his writing will contribute to the Pernambuco and Brazilian culture, arousing the pleasure of reading in those that do not yet have the habit. His motto is “For literature, equality, fraternity, justice, dignity, and the human being honor forever.”







I dedicate this work to all the enlightened and fighting spirits, which have had the courage to face the social dictates and spread their beliefs and views of the world. In special, to those stigmatized by society who are constantly being pre-judged. For these, I have a message: “I am” believes in you.














Firstly, to my good God, who regards me as his son. To my parents and relatives, who are always present in good and tough times. To my friends, work colleagues, acquaintances, neighbors, and those who have been part of my life. To my readers who are always praising me. Finally, I thank everyone who believes in the Brazilian literature.














“Jesus was then telling the Jews that believe in him: If you stay in my word, you will be my true disciples, and you will know the truth and the truth will free you. They replied: We are descents from Abraham, and we were never anyone’s slaves; How come you say, “you will be free”? Jesus replied: In truth, I tell you that all those that sin are slaves of the sin. The slave does not stay at home all the time; The son, however, always stays there. If then, the son frees you, you will be free. I know that you are descents from Abraham, but you try to kill me because my word does not penetrate you. I speak of what I saw together with my father, and you do what you have heard from your father. They answered: Our father is Abraham. Jesus told them: If you were sons of Abraham, you would do the work of Abraham. Now, however, you try to kill me, I who I have spoken the truth that I have heard from God; Abraham, did not do this. You are doing the work of your father. They retorted: We were not born from fornication; We have only one father, who is God. Jesus told them: If God were your father, surely you would love me, for I am from God and come from him: I did not come from myself, but he has sent me. Why don’t you understand my language? Why can’t you hear my word? You are from the Devil who is your father and want to satisfy the wishes of your father. He has been a murderer from the beginning and did not persist in the truth because the truth is not with him; Telling lies, he speaks of himself, for he is a liar and father of the lies. I, however, who tells the truth, you do not believe in me. Who among you accuses me of sinning? If I tell the truth, why don’t you believe me? He who is from God, listen to God’s word. You do not listen because you are not from God. The Jews retorted: Did we not speak well by saying that you are Samaritan and that you are possessed by the devil? Jesus replied: I have no demon, but I glorify my father, and you dishonor me. I am not seeking my glory; There is someone who seeks and judges. In truth, in truth I tell you, those who observe my word, will never see death. The Jews then said; Now we know that you have a demon, Abraham died and so did the prophets; And you say: If someone keeps my word, will never taste death. Are you by any chance greater than our father Abraham, who died? And the prophets that died? Who do you pretend to be? Jesus answered: If I glorify myself, my glory is not worth anything, who glorifies me is my father who you say is your God and whom you do not know, I, however, know him. If I say I do not know, I am, like you, a liar. But I know him and keep his word. Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day; He saw it and was happy. Then the Jews told him; You are not even fifty years old, and you have seen Abraham? Jesus told them: Truly, in truth I tell you, before Abraham existed, I am.” (John 8,31 – 58)















“I am” is presented as a challenge, a daring, face a society many times backward and conservative. The first great thinker to face this paradigm, was a Jew called Jesus Christ about two thousand years ago. By declaring being son of God and by affirming his “I am” he broke the then existing structures. Inspired by this example, this book gives a shout of freedom that every human being must experience. We are not what the others say, and we are many times the personality that we create. We must be ourselves with the naked and raw truth. Following it, we will awaken our true “I am” and this will free us from our own fears forever.

“I am” also puts in contradiction the rules, the false morals, the prejudices, the intolerance, and pride. Only when we find our main axle, we will define our priorities and the best way to realize them. The book poses pertinent questions relating to the correlated and inter-correlated relations.

Finally, “I am” is a prime work that must be read in the light of the present society and if we put ourselves in the plot line, we will solve our failures and will discover that there is no greater happiness in the world than being together with our friends, our masters, with our belief and with our God. With them, we are stronger, and we will transform ourselves into advocates, spreaders, and protectors of the things of goodness. Do that. Be an apostle of goodwill, truth, the father and always practice love. A hug and proficient reading.
















I am

I am







Riacho do meio- Arcoverde




Belo Jardim

In the ghetto

The return to the observatory

São Caetano

The museum


On the way

At the rural area


The Papangus

The crossroads district

The return


Towards Pombos

Vitoria de Santo Antão


Finally, Recife, the capital of Pernambuco

Chapter I

Chapter II

Chapter III

Chapter IV

Chapter V

Chapter VI

Chapter VII

Chapter VIII

Chapter IX

Chapter X

Chapter XI

Chapter XII

Chapter XIII

Chapter XIV

Chapter XV

Chapter XVI

Chapter XVII

Chapter XVIII

Chapter XX

Chapter XXI

Chapter XXII

Chapter XXIII

Chapter XXIV

Chapter XXV

Chapter XXVI

Chapter XXVII

Chapter XXVIII

Chapter XXIX

Chapter XXX

Final Part














It was the day of 01/01/2015, agitated, dark, somber, stormy morning, despite being the start of the new year, at a certain place in the outback of Pernambuco, where resting on a recently bought box-bed, was the glamorous seer, the old dreamer who had conquered the cave of despair and its fire.

Among conflicting nightmares that wake him several times during the night, he debates tirelessly, searching for signs that would allow a greater realization of his deepest dreams. However, nothing promised anything.

Exactly at 3:00 am awakes from the last sleep of the night, gets out of the bed approaches his desk where are his notebook, his printer, books, the cable to connect the internet, forms, and other bureaucratic papers.

He sits down on the chair, opens the drawer, taking out a pen and paper. The spirit of Yahweh agitates him, and then he begins to psychograph.

“A new era approaches and in these modern times, I want to give you, my son, all the honor, glory, and success deserved. I act in this way because you are the only one on earth to understand me, to listen to me and to be completely obedient. Therefore, I tell you: Take your bag, your crook, your cross and follow me. Do not worry with what you are leaving behind and not with what will happenafter, for everything has been planned from the beginning of time. I want through you to touch the people’s heart, make them reflect and who knows take a new direction in their troubled lives. I am, once more, intends looking for the sinners, for as the old saying goes: Who needs a doctor, is who is sick. Those we believe, I promise eternal life and a special place in our kingdom. Those who reject it, they will have their names taken out of the book of life, for those who do not recognize the son they can see, much less will recognize the father who they do not see. The latter does not deserve the dust from your feet. Do not be afraid, will always be with you, directing you internally. There are no secrets between us, and my grace will keep you. Look for a signal.”

The seer stops writing. He picks up the paper and gets worried. What was going to happen? At every moment that passes, the gigantic wheel into which his life has been transformed, becomes more interesting.

He has already reunited the opposing forces, understood deeply his dark night of the soul, revisited the past, has deciphered God’s code, and now he was before more demands.

Tiredness was intense, and he decides to go back to sleep. He was sure that he would not be able to sleep, but at least he could rest his tired body. And so, he does: keeps the paper in the desk drawer, gets up from the chair and with four steps slumps on the bed. Now, it was just waiting for daybreak to take care of the necessary measures.

Until this happens, he takes advantage of an inner reflection about himself, his mission and respective challenges, his social circles and its needs, his commitments, the daily battle and try to foresee the destiny’s nuances, each time more amazing. But the most important is that everything remained in peace and at the expected rhythm. His star would soon shine.

And so, the time passes. When the alarm clock rings exactly at 5 o'clock in the morning he jumps out of bed, gets dressed, shouts of happiness for it is a holiday, goes to the shelf, picks up the cable of the radio and plugs it in. In the same shelf, he chooses one of his favorite CDs and plays it. He listens to three songs, undresses, picks up shampoo, soap, brush, toothpaste and shaving cream, razor, the towel wrapped round his needy, thin, and sweating body. Leaving the room, he goes through two lounges and at the end of the corridor enters the bathroom. Closing the door behind him, removes the towel, put the personal items on the basin and starts the required procedures.

Carefully splashes some water on his face and applies the cream. At this point, he has the chance of analyzing his external aspect. His face was black and blue, resulting from constantly hitting his face on the pillow during the previous night. Being vain, immediately starts shaving so to feel young as soon as possible. As he shaves, the whiskers are cut, the skin becomes soft, despite some lacerations caused by not paying attention. Just as well, they were not serious.

When he finishes, gets under the shower, opens it, and the contact with the chilly water awakes his most feelings. Everything was falling into place in his life, leaving each time his destination even more interesting. Although he had not realized it yet, he felt fully confident and capable of winning once again. He was prepared to go to the bottom, searching for the signal mentioned by his father in the psychographic message a while ago. Even if he did not have an idea where to start. The seer closes the shower. He puts soap on his body in the smallest detail and wash it once more. With the exfoliating of the skin, now it is easier to remove completely the corporal, spiritual and psychologic impurities that had now and again afflicted him. He takes advantage and concentrates in cleaning, leaving other thoughts for another time.

Between shampoo and soap and more chilly water, he finishes bathing in fifteen minutes. He returns to the basin, brushes his white teeth, making them shine. Now, he is ready for a free day and who knows, interesting in his almost monotonous life. Feeling confident, picks up the towel, dries himself, gets dressed and leaves the bathroom, and using the same way as before, returns to his room. At this point, everyone in the house was awake and politely wishes good morning to the ones he meets and is promptly reciprocated despite that not being the usual. In the room, he puts on simple but clean clothes. Then heads to the kitchen located at the end of the passage. Passing through the same places as before, arrives there, goes to the table, and sits on an empty chair around the table. At this point, he smells the coffee and fried eggs, which are being prepared by his kind sister. The others start to arrive, making the place livelier, with the usual family contradictions.

The breakfast is then served and comprises bread and eggs, bread rolls and biscuits. While they eat, they engage in a conversation relating to daily matters, regional news, sports, politics, religion, and relationships, each one having the opportunity of giving his opinion. Everything is very pleasant.

Once the breakfast is over, the seer says goodbye and returns to his room. There, he starts to pack his knapsack, only packing the items of bare necessity. His objective was to go out and begin to look for the signal mentioned by his father. With everything ready, leaves the room, goes through the lounge, says the last goodbye, and exits the door. He was going to follow his intuition

Outside, he heads towards the east, a place of a peculiar view. On the way, he meets two people, greets them, and continues forward, for there was no time to waste. The challenge was calling for a decision.

In five minutes, he is already at the field adjoining the village school. He walks around for a while and at a given moment everything seems to change: The ground shakes, the sky darkens and the torment of a black shadow approaches. It was like the dream he has had two years ago. From inside the shadow, three men come out and come close. With a deceitful smile, forcibly grab the seer from both sides and take him to near the inside of the shadow. Getting closer, the son of God understands that it would be his perdition to enter the shadow and struggles to get free.

However, his efforts are futile, for he is at disadvantage, being three against one. With no way out, the solution was to ask help from his father through the following prayer named “Prayer of Liberation”:

“I invoke you, God of the armies, to rescue me at this time of despair. Behold that might evildoers got hold of my soul and body trying to lead me to perdition. I am stuck. So, I beg of you, my father, rescue me, show your mighty and take away all the evildoers. I beg you for you plan your kindness and your unfathomable love. Free and liberate me so that I can dignify your name before the assembly. So be it.”

As soon as he had finished saying the prayer, the situation changed completely: A great light approached, stood in front of the men and from inside it two strong angels came out. There were Uriel and Raphael, old acquaintances of his. They grabbed the men and with a spectacular agility threw them back to the shadow. After, they blew a strong wind that send them to Sheol, the great abyss. Done! Now the seer was safe.

As for magic, Renato also arrives, making up the wonderful quartet from the previous adventure. After the usual greetings, they start talking.

“Oh, how good that you are here, my friends, pleased to see you again — Said the seer.

“We are here by the will of your father. Thank him” Answered Raphael.

“It is our pleasure too. (Uriel)

“I am pleased, partner. (Renato)

“How come you are here, Renato? (The seer)

“The guardian lady gave me your co-ordinations. She stressed the astral importance of this moment. It is as if it were a restart of everything built up to now” He explained.

“Blimey! First the message from my father and now you are all present here. Would it be a new adventure, Raphael? (Divine)

“Precisely. We came to help you in the continuation of your work. (Raphael)

“Ok. What is the first step? (The seer)

“It is up to you to decide. Only then you will find the answers. (Uriel)

Uriel answer was reasonable. As a human being, he was free to choose the best way, and intuitively, he knew that would be the right choice. His father was wonderful and expressed himself through his person, and that was what the angels recognized. With a brief analysis, he takes a decision and tells his friends:

“Very well. I have decided. The experience in Sodom, showed the direction of my true mission: I look for the sinners and their liberation from darkness. I want to bring them to my kingdom where they will have peace, plenty, justice, and happiness if they accept me as king and brother. “I am” invites you to a journey.

“I am at your disposal. Since the first time, I am your right and left arm of any work. (Renato)

“I will accompany you and protect you from any evil. (Uriel)

“I will always be your adviser. (Raphael)

“Thank you all. Follow me. (The seer)

Having said that, the train departed. The next stop would be the seer’s home, where they were going to get food, clothes, and money for the journey’s expenses. The dice were rolled.

On the way, they have the chance of talking a little and enjoying the beginning of the new year at the village. The land of Aldivan and Renato was a tranquil and pleasant place to live at, full of cultured, polite, and welcoming people. This restart of their lives was promising.



A while later, the group reaches its destination. Thanks to the seer, the suitcases are packed, they then get together and depart for the first destination. They go through the village center, take the main road and after one hundred meters are already beside the road BR 232. They wait a while, talking lively about the journey’s plans.

Twenty minutes later, the bus arrives, they board it and then a twenty kilometers trip starts, towards the capital of the outback, the beautiful, beloved, and important Arcoverde.

In the car, they try to keep busy, being it making small talk with other passengers, listening to music, or even enjoying the enchanting typical provincial landscape of the Brazilian northeast interior. Undoubtedly, one of the most beautiful places in the world.

At a medium speed, they cover the distance in twenty minutes, alight at the bus stop, say goodbye, pay the fare and continue the walk on foot through the town’s main avenues.

Helped by the angels, the first stop chosen is the Cathedral of the Deliverance. They climb the stairs, go to the main area, and kneel in front of the sacrosanct altar. There are other people around, but each one has the freedom of saying his inner prayers in a perfect and individual communion with the creator.

When they finish the prayers, something calls the attention of the members of the group: A young blonde woman, 1.75 m tall, rosy cheeks, thick legs and arms, thin body, wearing a pink pair of dungarees, who could not stop crying. They decide to approach and address the unhappy creature:

“How can I help you, miss? Any problem? (The seer)

“No. Nothing that concerns you. (Young lady)

“Don’t talk to him like that. He only wants to help. (Raphael)

“Beg your pardon. It is that I do not understand the sudden interest of strangers about me. (Young lady)

“I understand it. What is your name? (The seer)

“Raphaelle Ferreira. And yours?

“My name is Raphael Potester.

“My name is Uriel Ikiriri.

“I am called Renato.

“I am Aldivan Torres, also known as the son of God, Divine, or seer. I want to tell you, apart from what is happening, that there is a solution for everything. Suffice you having more confidence in yourself, the father and in me. I am here to help you.

Raphaelle was astonished. Who was that mad person thinking of himself as the son of God? In her perturbed mind, nothing and nobody could help her, and her destiny was perdition or the first bridge she found to jump off. Those words, despite having touched her, did not signify anything before her private pain. She decides then show herself firm and difficult.

“You are kidding! Do you want me to believe that you are divine? Do not waste my time.

“Seriously? You look like that young girl playing with her doll and hiding at the church’s vestry with your friends. At that time, your naivety, and faith were mirrors to other people. Now, however, I understand your soul darkness and I feel concerned. Don’t you want my help? Don’t regret when everything is lost” said the son of God.

“I sincerely recommend that you listen to him. After having met him, my life was changed in such a way that I can no longer live without him. He has words of life. (Renato)

“Aldivan is an extraordinary being. No power, symbol, entity, or denomination is stronger than his love for people. Always listen to him. (Raphael)

“I don’t exist without him. (Uriel)

Raphaelle was lost for words. It was indeed unbelievable, despite her faith and belief not allowing to believe in miracles. The five there in front of the Almighty, her problems that did not stop hammering her head, the promise from a stranger who called himself son of God and knew about her past. What was happening? Could it be a plot from destiny to deepen her more in her misery? Or who knows, could it be her salvation? In her mind, this last hypothesis had the least probability.

After a quick analysis of the situation, she decides to evaluate them and where would all this madness be going to end.

“All right. I will let you help me. What is the first step?

“Let us get out of here. Outside, I will explain better. (The seer)

Everyone obeys the team leader. Leaving the matrix of deliverance, they walk a few meters towards south and the turn right at the center main avenue. On the way, the seer speaks.

“Raphaelle, could you introduce us to your family? You live in the neighborhood Saint Christopher, don’t you?

“Yes. No problem. The past three months I have been living with my parents, after my engagement broke-up, “She answers each time more impressed.

“I know it. We will take advantage to have a snack. Are you hungry, guys? (The seer)

“I am. (Renato)

“I am not. But I will accompany you. (Raphael)

“You don’t even ask if the child agrees. Lazy bones! (Uriel)

“There is no problem. My parents are very welcoming. (Raphaelle)

“Thank you. (The seer)

The walk continues. Further ahead, they turn right again and wait at the corner for the first bus towards the neighborhood. While waiting, they remain silent.

Five minutes later, the bus arrives. Our esteemed personalities board it and the journey through the west side of the town of Arcoverde neighborhood restarts. At a normal speed and facing chaotic traffic, they arrived at the nearest stop to the friend’s residence in ten minutes. They pay the fares, alight, and walk a further one hundred meters.

They are in front of a modest masonry building, Ten meters long and five meters wide, style house, with a short wall in front. Raphaelle, as host, takes the initiative and knocks on the small entrance gate, giving access to a small room. She knocks once, and nothing happens. At the second attempt, they hear steps and wait to be addressed.

From inside the house, outcomes a strong man, short, light colored, wearing jeans, knitted shirt, leather hat and flip-flops. Seeing his daughter accompanied by the boys, he gets surprised and with authority says:

“Daughter, what is happening? Who are these people?

“They are my friends, father. They came with me to pay a visit. Everything is all right? (Raphaelle)

“Ok. Excuse the bad manners. My name is Antonio Ferreira, and yours?

“I Am Aldivan Torres.

“I am Renato

“My name is Raphael Potester.

“And I am Uriel Ikiriri.

“My pleasure. Be at ease. Let us go in. (Antonio)

“Thank you. (The seer)

“Is my mother here? (Raphaelle Ferreira)

“Yes. In the lounge. Are we going in? (Antonio)

Everyone accepts the invitation, nodding in agreement. They pass the hall, enter the lounge, and one by one settles on the five-seat sofa and others on chairs. Gildete, Raphaelle’s mother, is introduced to the visitors. Immediately, they start talking.

“Good, Mrs. Gildete and Mr. Antonio, we met Raphaelle by chance, when we were praying to the Sacred. Tell me, when did the problems start? (The seer)

“We don’t know exactly when, but we suspect that the worse happened because of the engagement break-up. From then on, she lost the will to live. (Gildete)

“It was just like that. (Antonio)

“I understand it. It is exceedingly difficult indeed. (The seer)

“Have you seen a specialist? (Raphael)

“Yes. With no concrete results. (Gildete)

“In my despair, I even consulted a holy priest. (Antonio)

“I have already told them that nothing and nobody can help me. They are stubborn. (Raphaelle)

“Don’t talk like that. Nothing is impossible. (Renato)

“She is depressed, young man. It is normal feeling like that. (Uriel)

“Oh, pardon me, Raphaelle. (Renato)

“It is not your fault. What to do, my God? I feel lost and with no chances of surviving. What else could happen? (Raphaelle)

“The answer you are seeking is in my father. When I was in the dark night of the soul” a dark period when I went away from God” he looked for me and with great love, he saved me from perdition. He can even do more for you through me. For that reason, I ask permission from your parents and you, to let me try to help you. (The seer)

“I don’t know. Although I am afraid, I have trust on this.

“What must I do, dad and mom? (Asks Raphaelle)

“We have nothing to lose. For the little we have talked, I have understood the greatness of this man’s heart. I have faith. (Gildete)

“What have you got in mind? (Antonio)

“Get to know your daughter, and through knowing her be able to help her. I also want her to come with us for a short journey. (The seer)

“I'm fine. However, keep us up to date. (Antonio)

“If you agree, I am also in agreement. I am going to try. (Raphaelle)

“Thank you for your trust. (The seer)

“Would you like something to eat or drink? (Gildete)

“Water for me. (The seer)

“I want juice. (Renato)

“Anything. (Raphael)

“Thank you. (Uriel)

“If you excuse me. (Gildete)

Gildete got up, ruffled her hair and with steady steps headed to the kitchen. In a few strides, she gets there and begins preparing some snacks. While waiting, the conversation continues lively in the lounge, relating to other subjects. When she finishes preparing the food, the host call everyone to the kitchen table, where everything was well organized. They respond to the call, and for twenty minutes, they continue to interact, in an atmosphere of peace, tranquility and union, as if they were a large family. What has a touch of truth, for they are all part of the great family called humanity?

At the end, Raphaelle goes to pack her suitcases to take on the long journey. A journey still not defined and unforeseen which could change the future of the entire world. Let us wait and see.



Thanks to her new friends, Raphaelle finalizes things and then the group leaves the house. Outside, the seer hires a car with a destination to the first place that comes to mind. The chosen place is Ipojuca, in the municipality of Arcoverde. They get in the car and depart to the mentioned place.

They pass the neighborhood of St. Cristopher, reach the center, pass “Good view” and at the end of the main avenue they make a detour towards the village. At this point, everyone is attentive and expectant. “The destiny lines are being drawn even without them being aware of it. Surely success was awaiting them.”

On the way, they try to amuse themselves the best way possible with laughs, jokes, gossip, and disorder. Only the seer was grave and pensive. At least on the surface.

And so, the fifteen kilometers separating them from the village, were quickly covered without much stress. They arrive in the village, with only a main road with houses here and there. They ask to stop in front of the local small church, take the driver’s telephone number, say goodbye, pay the hire, and alight. They watch the car disappear in the horizon and decide to walk at random a few meters. It is this point that the seer speaks:

“Everything is changing. I will finally find my destiny; I will enchant the public and will solve many conflicts. Do you believe, brothers? (The seer)






“Yes, you are the man” Praised Renato.

“Thank you. (The seer)

“Everybody has the capability of attaining success. However, many are carried away by the destiny’s occurrences and give up. I know that this is not your case, and I admire you for it. (Raphael)

“Raphael, I am not superman. I am human, and I am immensely proud of it. I am like any other normal person, with fears, frustrations, deceptions, anxieties, worries, and many problems. Everything conspires to failure, but I do not accept defeat. I have decided to fight until the end, and I call my brothers to my father’s midst, “I am “loves you and through me, he can heal your wounds. It is enough to believe in Yahweh, in my name and of that of my superior brother. Have faith! (The seer)

“Teach me! I have lost hope and I do not know where to find it. (Raphaelle Ferreira)

The seer gets emotional. There, by his side, it was a suffering sister, fighter, full of scratches from the ungrateful life. He understood well her situation and her pains, and by his experience knew that it was not going to be easy to manage them or even heal them. Full of compassion, he approaches the child, gives a strong hug, kisses her on the face and murmurs something in her ear. The message calms her down.

After, with a signal, ask the other to accompany him. The group crosses the village on foot, enters the woods and soon after stops in front of a fig tree. The seer then speaks again:

“As once a tree like this saved my life, I want to save you from darkness and sin. Make a circle holding hands.

They obey. The seer approaches and touch his newest friend. The forces of two hearts meets as “Take one” from the presentation starts:

“It was January 1st, 1990. A new day begins, tranquil and moderate sun, at the beloved Arcoverde. More exactly at the neighborhood St. Cristopher, near the local faculty, the couple of Gildete and Antonio Ferreira have just arrived from the hospital where the first has given birth to a beautiful baby. As it was the first and the last daughter, because of complications during the birth, both were spoiling her. It was the concretization of the couple mutual love, after 5 years of comings and goings.

The little girl was an enchanting creature, and it seemed smiling, despite not being able to see them. After hugging her tightly, the mother makes a prophecy:

“My daughter will be happy even if she suffers the vagaries of life. I feel that something special will happen in her life.

The atheist father did give importance to the message, but the catholic mother, faced it as a road to destiny. She piously believed that she was special. Of collective agreement, they chose the name Raphaelle, and thus she was baptized the week after at the neighborhood’s church. Afterwards, life continued normally.

Little by little, Raphaelle grew up, gaining body size, crawling, and then walking at about her first year of life. On the way, she tripped, fell, hurt herself and finally won. These stages would accompany her in any project and with a little dedication, guts, and faith, had won. “Every human being is predisposed to succeed. However, most give up at the first difficulty. For those, “I am” says: You are capable, and nothing is impossible to those who believe in God. Therefore, persist in your dreams that at some time or another the miracle will happen.

After the first anniversary, little by little, the little girl conquered her space and being conscientious of her existence. It is at the time, the phase of why begins and the parents must bend back to satisfy her or at least calm her down. The world was not like an exact subject, but an infinity of unknowns that not even the adults understood well. Therefore, there was no answer for everything.

From this stage to eight years of age, the most difficult was the indefinite parting with a school friend, who had moved to São Paulo. Raphaelle passed days and nights mourning and became so sad that they had to consult a doctor. Her salvation came from her paternal grandfather, Garcinia, who was excellent at explaining the situation. There were several sessions until she would partially recover. She managed to restart her life, but the scars remained. We could say that fact has caused her first depression crisis and the illness remained well manifested. Just as well that it wasn’t the end.”

The first flash ended. The seer takes the hand away from his friend, stays pensive as if analyzing the situation, and only sometime later he speaks.

“I understand you, Raphaelle. You let your pains take control of you, and at times you feel lost, confused, and desperate. However, I guarantee you that it is not the end. We must give ourselves to the infinite power of the father and go ahead. As the old saying goes, “There isn’t a single hair that falls without his consent.”

“Who are you? I never had anyone talking to me so profoundly. (Raphaelle)

“He is the son of God, Raphaelle. In him the father finds his pleasure. (Renato)

“Aldivan is one of the few beings in the universe to emit pure light. Not even the angels compare to him. (Raphael)

“I am his special protector. I was specially created together with him. (Uriel)

“I am the one who people rejected and humiliated centuries ago. I am also the light of the sun, the cool breeze of the morning, the most profound wish of the dreamer. This one talking to you is known as “I am,” he who frees, heals, guide those who wish to know the father. (The seer)

“Blimey! I am lost for words! At a certain point, I was in contrition and pain before the Almighty at the cathedral of deliverance. Then I met you, and now I am here at the village of Ipojuca with a man who knows my life, my future and who calls himself the son of God, with an intelligent and wise young man and two beings that seem to be from another world. Could it be a dream, a delirium or as last hypothesis a fantastic reality that is hard to believe? (Raphaelle)

“Then touch me and confirm what your faith does not allow” said the seer, stretching his hands.

Raphaelle Ferreira hesitates. Should she, do it? Well, it was the only option to take away the doubt that corroded her heart. It was then that armed with the rest of her remaining courage advanced three steps and with her delicate and fine hands touched the son of God’s arm. As retribution for the gesture of kindness, he pinched her, what made her shout with pain. Yes! She was completely sure now that he was real, and the way he has spoken could lead her to paths she did not know yet.

At the end of touch, they separate and then the seer speaks:

“Let us go back to the village urban area. The time presses.

The group agrees in total, and they then depart from where they were (the beginning of the woods) and go back by the same way. At the time there was complete communion of feelings among them. May what come, they would face it together in search for the greater objective. The world awaited them.

In twenty frenetic minutes, facing the heat, the stones, the lacerating thorns, the inner solitude and the unforeseeable, they arrive in the village. In a quick get together, they decided to look for a restaurant or snack bar, for they were thirsty and hungry. Looking here and there and asking the locals, they find a simple snack bar named enchantment bar.

The establishment comprises a single area, counter and shelves, and area were tables and chairs were laid out. Besides ready to eat food, they sell drinks, foodstuff, and domestic utensils. At the weekend, it offers barbecue and regional dish by order.

As it was not yet lunchtime, they find empty tables and chairs, sit down, and choose some dishes available on the menu on the table. They choose manioc with dry meat, something cheap, good taste and regional.

They order and while they wait, they chat.

“Where are you from? (Raphaelle Ferreira)

“I’m from Arcoverde. I am a chap who believes in work, in people, and in the benign forces that accompany me. (The son of God)

“I am from the mountain of Ororubá, in Mimoso region. There, I, and my adoptive mother” the guardian of the sacred mountain” live with dignity, kindness and in complete communion with nature. (Renato)

“I am one of the seven archangels who are always in God’s presence, However, I have got a special mission here on earth together with you and I hope to match the expectations of the creative force. (Raphael)

“I am also an angel with the sole objective to take care of my master and lord, the son of God. I thank the father for it. (Uriel)

“I was born and raised in Arcoverde. Although it is weird, something tells me to trust you. Thank you very much for taking an interest in me. (Raphaelle Ferreira)

“Be at ease, friend. We are here to help you. (The seer)

“Thank you. (Raphaelle)

“And what do you do in life, Raphaelle? (Renato)

“Now, I am only studying. But I must admit that now I do not want to do anything. (Raphaelle)

“Must be the illness. (Renato)

“What illness? I am only depressed. (Raphaelle)

“This, that you have got, is called depression. If it is not treated properly, it may lead the person to madness or even to suicide. (Raphael)

“It was precisely what I was thinking about when you appeared: Jump off at the first bridge. I want to avoid suffering anymore. (Raphaelle)

“God would not allow it, nor I, for we love you, Raphaelle. The solution to your problems is in my father and in my name. Do you believe it? (The seer)

“Oh, very well! Make a miracle so I can believe it! (Raphaelle)

“If it were allowed, I would do it, Raphaelle, for the love of you. But think well: Just being here, is it not a miracle? How long have not you talked honestly to a circle of friends? (The son of God)

“Seen from that angle, you are all right. (Raphaelle)

“The time for great miracles has already passed. We are at the apostasy era, where the materialism and selfishness of the human being is preponderant. Be happy for the opportunity that you are having now. (Uriel)

“Ok. Pardon my lack of manners and the temptation. (Raphaelle)

“Do not worry. I am ready to understand you. (The seer)

The food arrives. From then on, silence prevails, only broken by the locals who start arriving. The group spends about thirty minutes in total harmony, enjoying the lunch and at the end, ask for something to drink. After, they ask for bill, leave the place and phone again the driver who has bought them there. They wait twenty minutes more, and with the arrival of the taxi, they depart, destined to the beloved Arcoverde. Destiny awaits them.


Riacho do meio- Arcoverde


During the short trip between Ipojuca and Arcoverde, nothing abnormal happens. They kept themselves busy most of the time with interactions and visualizations. Did not even seem that each one lived a private drama: The seer, who had not established himself as the artist that he deserved to be, Raphael and Uriel because they have not yet completed their mission, Renato for not being efficient yet and finally, Raphaelle Ferreira, who was facing a severe depression crisis. At least, none of them has lost faith completely. There was still hope, and this was something Aldivan used to emphasize.

In this tranquil atmosphere, they return to the capital of Pernambuco, being dropped near the Bela Vista neighborhood. It was 12:30 pm, and they stay waiting for the bus in one of the roads.

While they wait, they take the chance of catching a bit of sun and listen to music coming from nearby. Everything was perfect. The music stops, the bus arrives, they board it, a blue beast, and then the journey restarts.

At a normal speed, they arrive at the highway, which now is terribly busy. There would be sixteen kilometers more until the village of Riacho do Meio, where the seer and his friends were going to pay a visit to friend.

As usual, they take the chance in the vehicle to make friends with other passengers and the driver. All of them were well known in the area for often doing that trip.

From general news to politics and religion, the topics are well discussed, and everyone laughs. How good it was to live, have friends, to chat and forget the worries for a while. This is significant for everyone’s mental health.

And thus, they advance on the road, going down the mountain, pass Site Fifteen and sometime later arrive in the village which is located on the border between Arcoverde and Pesqueira. They alight near a cashew nut orchard, pay the fare, say goodbye, take the path and go to the small village.

With a few more steps, they reach the only street and advance on the right until reaching the fifty building, in house style, 8×4 meters, cedar door and window, with a small area in front of it. The seer then starts knocking and shouting:

“Lady Eulalia! I am here!

At the same time the sound of footsteps is heard and from inside the modest house, comes a middle-age white lady, thin, with a suntan, 1.65 m tall. She comes out with a smile on her face, recognizing the boy who she had met a certain time at the bus station and who made her believe she was important. How good that is there, she thinks to herself. Then she speaks:

“Aldivan, are you here? And who are these people with you?

“Yes, it is me, lady Eulalia. These are my adventure companions. They are Renato, Raphael, Uriel, and Raphaelle” said the son of God pointed each one out.

“Oh, pleased to meet you. Welcome. Please come-in!

“Thank you. (Everyone)

Accepting the invitation, one by one go in the small masonry house. The house consists of a sole lounge, bedroom, service area, kitchen, and bathroom. In the lounge, they made themselves at home on a five-seater settee and one chair.

His host is the first one to speak:

“Very well, I was just thinking of you, my son. When we met for the first time, your words did a lot of good to me. Nowadays, I am tranquil, living off my pension. Now and again, my grandchildren pay me a visit and when that happens it is that party.

“How nice that I could help you in some way. I brought this young lady here (pointed to Raphaelle) for you two to have a chat. She suffers from depression. (The seer)

“It will be my pleasure. How are you, Raphaelle? (Eulalia)

“I am surviving. Thank you. (Raphaelle)

“We met her at the church of deliverance, in Arcoverde. She arose to our attention. (Raphael)


“Explain to her, brother. (Raphael)

“She was crying and completely lost. (Uriel)

“So, we decided to help her. (Added Renato)

“That shows the greatness of your heart. I admire you. But could you explain the reason for all this? (Eulalia)

“It is what I also ask. (Restated Raphaelle)

“My father called me to the mission. In some way, I am linked to Raphaelle and her to me. We are sister souls from the beginning, and I will spare any effort to help her. In any way, I always do that whether the person deserves it or not” Explained the son of God.

“Thank you. (Raphaelle)

“It is indeed honorable. Congratulations! Tell me, colleague, how long have you felt like that? (Eulalia)

“I am not too sure. I have already gone through many crises, for banal things. I must admit that if it were not for the son of God having rescued me, I would be dead, jumping off a bridge. (Raphaelle)

“Don’t talk like that. You are young, have many reasons to live, and you are incredibly lucky. So, smile! (Eulalia)

“It is what we are always emphasizing to her. (Raphael)

““Indeed, it is not the end. I see good times, of spiritual self-communion, discoveries, and happiness. Word of Yahweh.” (Uriel)

“Amen. Help me Lord! (Raphaelle)

“He is helping, my friend. Have faith! (The son of God)

“I believe it! (Renato)

“I also believe it. Teach me! (Raphaelle)

The seer stands up, approaches the young woman, and gives her a great warm hug. Resting her head on her lord’s chest, brother, and friend, she was conscious that no evil would come to her. This belief calms her down, and the commotion of the moment made her cry.

The son of God then bent down and delicately wiped her tears. At this point, he promises himself, his father, and the whole of the universe, that in his future kingdom there would be no place for suffering, pain or even death. In it, the humans would be completely happy and would adore his father at the Mount Zion. Unlike the human kingdoms, there would be equal rights and people would not be prejudged by the color of their skin, race, religion, sexual choice, or any other reason. Everyone would be children of the same father.

When he realized that Raphaelle had calmed down, he ends the embrace and returns to his seat. The host speaks again:

“Would you like something to drink or eat?

“Thank you, lady Eulalia. We are leaving. Aren’t we going, guys? (The seer)

“Yes. (The others agree)

“Thank you very much for the chat and the hospitality. (The seer)

“Nothing at all, pay me a visit whenever you want. Good luck, Raphaelle. God bless you. (Eulalia)

“Thank you, lady, for your words of comfort. (Raphaelle)

They all mutually embrace and finally say goodbye. They head to the door, exit, and go to the street. After walking a few meters, Raphaelle went close to her beloved and says:

“I am ready! Touch me!

The son of God smiles. He had been waiting a long time for it. Delicately, he gets closer and stretches his arm touching her dress. Immediately, she feels a mysterious force which simultaneously heals her and discovers her most private secrets. “Take two”:

“Raphaelle continues to grow rapidly: From a sweet little girl, clever and inquisitive, she became a child with the same qualities. On the family life she maintained a good relationship with her parents, and on the social life she was active, attended the main events being respected by her nature and values. On the intellectual side, she stood out in her class, passing the primary and high school with honors.

However, that bad feeling remained inside her, only waiting for the right moment to explode again. It is a recently discovered phenomenon, but which existed from the beginning of times, having recently got the status of disease. Its most common symptoms are: Deep sadness, feeling of guilt, difficulty in sleeping and concentrate, low self-esteem and suicidal ideas. Raphaelle Ferreira felt most of those in her crisis.

The second event to initiate again the illness, was at the time of the college admission exam. After a year of intense preparation, Raphaelle took several tests at public universities in the Capital. A month later, the results came out simultaneously, and she had failed them all. This gave her a great shock, even despite the few chances. Let me explain. For being poor, Raphaelle had always attended basic governmental schools, where the teaching was of a lower standard than at private schools. Despite being intelligent, that fact was undisputable. The other crucial factor was the lack of studying material during the preparation. However, with everything against her, she was expecting something good or a miracle, and the total failure of it was a shock, although it was the most probable thing to happen.

From then on, she spent two weeks at home, isolated and suffering until a schoolmate paid her a visit, who had also failed the same exams. In an honest talk, they consoled each other and promised to continue. In the end, they were young and failing the exams, was not going to mark them forever as inefficient. “There is no indefinite failure nor success. Life was made of difficulties, and the secret of happiness consisted of always believe in a way out.”

“Both then restarted their lives”

The seer takes the hand away. How much has this young girl suffered! It was not fair to her or anyone else to live with so many failures and pain. It was then that with a penetrating look, he faced her and the group, declaring: