IMPURE THOUGHTS - Golnoosh Nour - E-Book


Golnoosh Nour



Riotous and fizzing with language, the poetry of Golnoosh Nour boldly explores what it is to be utterly alive and ecstatically, yet complicatedly, in desire. –Richard Scott Impure Thoughts is a dizzying dance through impurity's several selves. Half bal masqué, half Grand Guignol, Nour confronts the limits of desire with an almost uncanny intensity of focus. Even at their most tender and elegiac these poems tremble with the white-hot heat of libidinal energy and gleam with oracular fury. –Fran Lock

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© 2022 Golnoosh Nour

The right of Golnoosh Nour to be identified as author of this work has been asserted in accordance with section 77 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

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Printed and bound in the UK

by Imprint Digital, Exeter

ISBN: 978-1-913917-21-0

ePub ISBN: 978-1-913917-76-0

Cover illustration by Sailor Stephens

insta: sailors.ghost


Astrological Storms

Inventing Language

Cheap Tricks

Scorpio Sun

The Cursed Art of Storytelling


Anxious Dreams of Ambitious Little Deaths

Dogs Masquerading as Wolves


Dirty Moon

Men with Small Mouths


Vexed Vixen Tale

Let the Darkness Speak

Ode to Courage

Of Rumours and Regrets

Today Is the Day

Curious Circumstances


Towards Gods

Your Blood

‘Desire is no light thing.’

–Anne Carson

‘Toys, pets, boys... Inside each enchanting exterior was a vagueness that disappointed me night after night.’

–Dennis Cooper

‘I had a presentiment then that there is in this world a kind of desire like stinging pain.’

–Yukio Mishima



Astrological Storms

I am what they call ex tremely bi sexual

‘extremely’ for I can only be an extremity or a non-entity

‘What is a man? What is a woman?’ Asked Mishima

in 1950. ‘What are genders and sexualities?’ I ask in 2020.

And before I know it, I realise I am a woman stuck in a sacred circle,

asked to pray, to work, to learn. And before I know it, I dream I

am a boy desperate for the dark men of my dreams. There is a list, but

only a few can make it. My lovers agree on one thing - that I stink.

I bathe in mirrors, moonbeams, and blossoms, so perhaps I only stink of

Treachery for I cannot be loyal to ideas, to diets, to deities, even

to my astrological signs; I justify my mood swings

and storms of heart by my Gemini moon like a basic bitch from Starbucks

but my Taurus sun makes me carry my assurance like a torch.

My brother says, how are you so sure?

How can you be so certain whom and what you want?

His Virgo sun analyses everything until we both bleed.

He is eternally ambivalent, pensive, and pained

I am profoundly impulsive, explosive, and pained

two wrecked emotion machines, we are twins.

We stroll around every nasty city we are allowed

in, holding hands, pretending we own every land

we step on like a pair of otherised yet middle-class snobs.

I know I have been fetishised but I’m a fetishist myself.

He loves his sad modernists, and I revel in my egregious

transgressionists. We explore each other as we enter the light.

I realise it is my lack of ambivalence that makes me stink.

This assurance of mine means when I desire something,

the urge is strong, and when I’m supposed to desire something

but the urge is non-existent, I cannot even feign interest.

Despite acting all young and fluid, I’m stuck in my old ways