Incest Blow Out: Taboo Barely Legal Erotica - Amber Greene - E-Book

Incest Blow Out: Taboo Barely Legal Erotica E-Book

Amber Greene

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Warning: Very taboo. Not for the faint of heart. May include BDSM, incest, and other taboo and forbidden elements. This is a vintage **full length** (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel.


She loved watching her handsome brother as he ran back and forth on the hot sand. He was two years older than Dolly. He was one of the most popular guys in school due to his good looks, his athletic abilities, and his charm. He was especially popular with the girls who often referred to him as "the Hunk with a capital 'H'."

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Incest Blow Out

Amber Greene

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 1

She loved watching her handsome brother as he ran back and forth on the hot sand. He was two years older than Dolly. He was one of the most popular guys in school due to his good looks, his athletic abilities, and his charm. He was especially popular with the girls who often referred to him as "the Hunk with a capital 'H'."

Dolly was no slouch herself. She was beautiful, with long blonde hair and slanting green eyes. She had long slender legs, a tight little ass and a flat tummy. But her greatest asset was her bust-she had extremely large, firm, fully-rounded tits which jutted straight out from her chest. She was proud of her tits and she knew that, because of them, she could have any guy she wanted.

But so far she had not been able to find anyone to compare with her own brother. Lately, she had even begun to have fantasies about what it might be like to fuck him. That thought made her hornier than ever, and she absently moved her right hand down to her crotch. She glanced over toward her younger sister, May, who was sitting on her own blanket a few yards away. No problem there. She was busy reading her latest romantic magazine. And Tim and Al were still tossing the football back and forth. Dolly's mother and father had gone off about thirty minutes ago to take a walk along the beach.

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