Incest Stories: Taboo Erotica - Deacon Bock - E-Book

Incest Stories: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Deacon Bock

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Warning: This is a VERY taboo, vintage, hard-boiled full length (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even give a proper description.

Nick West pressed his strong, muscular body hard against his daughter, Eve, as he hugged her goodbye. God, it felt so good to hold her young, sexy body against him. He wished he had an excuse to hold her longer, but he was afraid he would scare her. So, reluctantly, he pulled away, hoping she would not notice his semi-hard-on as he flashed her what he hoped would pass for a fatherly smile."Goodbye, baby, you take care at your uncle's house now and just give me a call if you need any thing." Nick continued to press his hands against his sexy daughter's shoulders as he herd her away from him and looked at her incredibly beautiful and sexy body.She was barely in bet teens and had long, thick, blonde hair and long, slender legs, usually tanned from many days of lounging around her uncle's pool. That was the great thing about living in Southern California -- beauties like Eve were able to keep their tans pretty much all year 'round."Daddy!" Eve pulled away, embarrassed by the strange glitter she saw in her father's eyes. "Uncle Ken only lives a few blocks away. What could happen?"Nick stared at Eve's huge, firm tits, barely concealed by her low-necked, sheer halter top and smiled again. "With looks like yours, baby, anything could happen!"Eve laughed nervously and glanced over toward her twin brother, Ray, who was pretending to read the newspaper but who was really thinking about how dull his days would, be without his sister around. 

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Incest Stories

Deacon Bock

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents












"Goodbye, baby, you take care at your uncle's house now and just give me a call if you need any thing." Nick continued to press his hands against his sexy daughter's shoulders as he herd her away from him and looked at her incredibly beautiful and sexy body.She was barely in bet teens and had long, thick, blonde hair and long, slender legs, usually tanned from many days of lounging around her uncle's pool. That was the great thing about living in Southern California -- beauties like Eve were able to keep their tans pretty much all year 'round."Daddy!" Eve pulled away, embarrassed by the strange glitter she saw in her father's eyes. "Uncle Ken only lives a few blocks away. What could happen?"Nick stared at Eve's huge, firm tits, barely concealed by her low-necked, sheer halter top and smiled again. "With looks like yours, baby, anything could happen!"Eve laughed nervously and glanced over toward her twin brother, Ray, who was pretending to read the newspaper but who was really thinking about how dull his days would, be without his sister around. Not to mention the nights, he thought, as he glanced at her gorgeous tits and firm tummy and trim, tight ass. Not that be had ever dared to touch her, but he spent most of his nights beating his meat as he thought about how much he wanted to fuck her. Her bedroom was right next to his and, if he timed it just right, he was able to catch a glimpse of her in her sheer nightgown. Or if he pretended not to realize that she was in the bathroom, he would burst in and sometimes luck out by catching her completely naked. Then, he would dash back to his bedroom and jerk himself off while he thought about her naked tits and blonde furred snatch he had just seen and, in only a matter of seconds, his cock would be shooting his thick, white cum all over his bed.As twins, Ray and Eve were closer than most brothers and sisters. And this only increased the excitement in dreaming about fucking her. Now, the sound of her soft, sweet voice brought him back to the scene before him -- his father, with the beginnings of a hard-on, saying goodbye to Eve as she prepared to leave for her uncle's house."... so I'll be in touch. Bye, Daddy. Bye, Ray." Her father and brother told her goodbye, and Eve picked up her overnight bag and left the house.As Eve walked quickly down the street toward her Uncle Ken's house, she thought about how her father had hugged her just now. She felt confused. Lately, he had been looking at her in a certain way that made her think about the way she felt about her father deep inside. She knew her feelings were wrong, that no young girl should feel that way about her own father.But Eve could not deny the itching, burning sensation she felt in her virgin pussy as she thought about the way her father had held her so tightly against him. She had felt something kind of hard pressing against her leg, and for a moment, she had thought that her daddy might have a hard-on.She flushed now, ashamed of her thoughts. How could she have such terrible, sinful thoughts about her own father? Of course, he couldn't have had a hard-on from touching his daughter! It must have been his muscular leg pressing against hers.Eve crossed the narrow street and walked on into the next block. Her uncle's house was only three and a half blocks away, and Eve and her twin brother, Ray, often went back and forth between the two houses, especially during the summer, like now, when their uncle's swimming pool made his house even more attractive to the two, young twins.But now, Eve was on her way to her uncle's house to help him out while her aunt was oat of town. She had had to leave suddenly just the night before flue to a family emergency, which made it necessary for her to catch a flight out to the next state where her family lived. It was not known just how long she would have to be gone. But, until her return, Eve had agreed to stay with her Uncle Ken, her cousin, Donna, who was two years older than Eve, and her young cousin, Bob, who was younger than Eve by one year.Eve shifted her overnight bag to her other hand and thought again about her young, handsome father, and her sexy uncle who was her father's young brother. It was funny about how young her uncle was. Both Eve and Ray felt as though he was more their friend than their uncle. Their father had been almost eighteen years old before his kid brother, their Uncle Ken, was born. And their father had gotten married very young, so, really, Uncle Ken was much closer to Eve's age then he was to his own brother's.For the last several years, Eve had been fingerfucking herself a lot, and she had to admit that most often, her fantasies were about her sexy uncle and, lately, even her own father!She flushed again in shame and embarrassment, and told herself not to think such sinful things. She forced her thoughts away from her urge to fuck her uncle and father.As she neared her uncle's house, she thought suddenly about her mother who hadn't been at home that morning to tell her daughter goodbye. Eve shrugged. Her mother was never home these days. She always seemed to be involved in volunteer work or club work. She was rarely home these days, and sometimes Eve felt so sorry for her father who always seemed very lonely and at loose ends.It didn't matter that much to Ray or Eve. They were old enough now to get along just fine without their mother always having to be around. And she had been home all the time when they were younger so they certainly did not feel deprived. But Eve knew that her father missed her mother a lot and as Eve turned into her uncle's driveway, she suddenly resolved never to leave her husband alone so much when she got married.After waiting several minutes for someone to answer her knock, Eve let herself in with the key her father had given her to use. She ran upstairs to the guest room she would be using while she was staying at her uncle's and sat on the edge of the bed, glad to be at her uncle's. She smiled, thinking how much fun it would be, for a few days at least, to pretend that she was her uncle's wife. She flushed again, thinking about her aunt and uncle in bed together. She felt a tremendous surge of jealousy, which surprised her. She loved her aunt! But, somehow thinking about her fucking her sexy uncle enraged Eve. She wanted him so badly. If only...Suddenly, Eve jumped up, opened her overnight bag, and took out her bikini. She had to cool down. These sinful thoughts about her uncle were getting ridiculous. She had to get her mind on other things. She quickly stripped and put on her new bright-blue string bikini, pleased with her reflection in the big, full-length mirror on the wall opposite where she stood.After swimming several laps, Eve just floated, dreaming hot and sexy fantasies as she lay in the cool water with the hot sun beating down on her. Try as she would, Eve could not rid her mind of sexy thoughts about her uncle.She felt so horny. Her crotch felt heated both by the sun and her sinful thoughts and she giggled as she wondered if she could manage to fingerfuck herself without drowning!Very slowly and carefully, still floating, Eve reached a hand down to her pussy, beginning to stroke it underneath her panties. She moaned as she felt her already-stiff clit, and she thought about the last time she had seen her uncle in his sexy, tight bikini briefs. She had practically had an orgasm on the spot, he had looked that good!Of course, she had never seen his cock, but she guessed that he had a big one because his crotch had bulged in such a way that told her there was a lot there!Eve's pussy was on fire now, and she knew she had to find relief soon. She just hoped she could jack herself off and have a powerful come without going under the water!Over and over, she rubbed her tortured, engorged clit. Her fingers flew faster and faster. She opened her legs as wide as she could in the water, closed her eyes, and concentrated on the delicious sensations in her cunt.Her mouth fell open, and she panted hard in desire, as she felt her orgasm building. She moaned, unable to stop herself, not caring whether or not she was heard.As she began to come, she moaned louder and louder, her hand rubbing frantically at her clit, bruising and making it hurt, but feeling only an increased pleasure from the pain.Her orgasm rushed through her young, trembling body, and she shuddered with joy, wishing she could thrust her hips up against her hand. But there was something about having to restrain her movements for fear of drowning that made her orgasm all the more thrilling, forbidden or secretive somehow.She felt her pussyjuice flowing put from her virgin fuck-hole, spilling out into the cool water. As the last of her climax passed through her vibrating pussy, Eve could restrain herself no longer and she shouted loudly. "Oh, Uncle Ken, Uncle Ken, I want you to fuck me with your big cock!"She was shocked and excited by her words, and she felt herself coming again, her second climax chasing after the first. Finally, Eve was satisfied. As much as I can be with just my own hand to work with, she thought ruefully. Contented, Eve removed her hand from her pussy and floated serenely in the pool, a bright smile, radiating her already-lovely features.Ken West stood on the small balcony outside his second-floor bedroom and looked down into the pool below. For the last few minutes, he had been watching the incredibly sexy sight of his young, beautiful niece fingerfucking herself in the pool!He had come home a short while ago and had heard Eve splashing around in the pool. Going upstairs to change his clothes so he could join Eve in the water, Ken had completely stripped. He then stepped out onto the balcony to see what was going on when it grew very quiet in the pool below.Standing there, completely nude, he had been shocked but very turned on when he saw Eve rubbing her pussy. He only wished she didn't have her damned bikini on so he could see her cunt!Ken's cock was semi-hard now, and he began to rub his prick almost absently, as he continued to watch his horny young niece. It was like a dream come true, seeing her like this. She was amazingly well developed for a young girl her age, and for the last few years, Ken had begun having some pretty hot, sexy dreams about his little niece!More than once lately, he had wakened to find a pool of cold jism between his legs and staining his cock, and he had remembered that it had been an especially torrid dream about fucking Eve that had brought him off.At first, he had denied these feelings of desire for his brother's kid. But more and more, he and his pulsating prick could not deny the tremendous hot attraction he felt for her little pussy. And, too, he had begun to get the idea lately that the attraction was not all one-sided. He couldn't be sure but he thought he noticed that Eve seemed to glance at his crotch quite often and that her breathing would quicken if he so much as touched her hand, even in an innocent gesture.Now, watching her, it was all he could do not to go downstairs and ravage her gorgeous body. But he held himself in check, still not sure if she was as horny for him as he was for her.He didn't have to worry about Eve glancing up and seeing him there on the balcony in the nude because her entire attention seemed riveted on her hand that was moving faster and faster in her pussy.Ken's breathing grew ragged with desire as he pumped his hand faster on his hardening prick. Ray had an unusually large cock, a good ten inches when fully erect, and his prick was quickly getting hard as he watched Eve jack herself off.He could hear her moaning, and that was all it took to make his throbbing cock spring out to its full ten inches. Moaning himself and rocking back and forth on his bare heels, his entire body suddenly tensed with surprise and excitement as he heard his niece's sinful and obscene words echoing in the stillness around them: "Oh, Uncle Ken; Uncle Ken, I want you to fuck me with your big cock!"Ken gasped, unable to believe his ears! He certainly didn't have to wonder any longer if Eve wanted his prick. She wanted it all right! And her forbidden words were enough to bring him over the edge. His huge, hard cock shot a fountain of thick, hot cum straight out in front of him, and Ken watched with glazed eyes as his jism splashed onto the balcony and the plants and shrubs below. Several gushers more of thick, gooey cum spurted from his bursting prick until, finally, his climax ended.But, breathing hard, still staring into the pool below at his gorgeous niece, who was now floating around smiling sweetly, Ken realized that his prick was far from soft. As though his cock had a mind all its own, his prick remained semi-hard even after shooting all that cum!And Ken knew why his cock was still not satisfied. It was because now that he knew his niece wanted him, too, nothing would satisfy him but fucking her virgin pussy. With that thought in mind, and suddenly feeling very determined, Ken turned, walked through the bedroom, ran lightly down the stairs, his big, hardening prick bouncing in front of him all the way, and walked out onto the patio by the pool. He was still completely nude.Eve yawned, beginning to think about getting out of the pool and going back in the house. A few minutes before, she had heard a sound from somewhere up above her, perhaps from the second floor of the house. But she hadn't even opened her eyes to check it out; she was so content and felt so peaceful just floating around the pool that she didn't want anything to disturb her.Now, as she thought about going in the house, she realized that her pussy was beginning to turn on again to the thought of fucking her sexy uncle. She shook her head impatiently and swallowed a snootful of water. Sputtering, she stood up in the water, glad that she had floated down to the shallow end. Catching her, breath, she opened her eyes sand looked straight ahead and gasped in shock.There, directly in front of her on the patio, smiling, his hands on his slim hips, was her Uncle Ken. He was completely naked!"Uncle Ken!" Eve shouted in shock and excitement, unable to take her eyes from his huge, semihard-on jutting out in front of him. "God, Uncle Ken, you're naked!"Even as she spoke, Eve could feel her pussy juices beginning to boil inside her cunt, and she knew that she had never seen anything so exciting in all her young life as the sight of her young, handsome uncle standing in front of her with his big prick pointed right at her!Ken laughed softly. "Of course, I'm naked, Eve," he said, as he wailed toward the edge of the pool. "And you should be too. It's the healthiest way to swim! You should try it!"Ken reached the edge of the pool and quickly sat down, dangling his legs in the water. Eve blushed and still stared at his big prick as she searched for the words to answer him."Oh, no, Uncle Ken! I couldn't!""Aw, come on, honey. What're you afraid of? After all, I'm your uncle! C'mon, strip!"Eve's eyes widened in fear, and she began to back away from her uncle, feeling her pussyjuice oozing out between her pussy lips. Suddenly, before she had a chance to react, Eve was aware that her uncle had jumped into the water by her side. He grabbed ahold of her arm and, with his other hand, yanked her thin bra-top off.Eve gasped in shock and threw her arms up to cover her large tits.Ken stared at her, his eyes glittering with excitement and determination. "Never be ashamed of your body, Eve. Especially a gorgeous, ripe young body like yours!"Eve stared back at her uncle, words failing her. She felt afraid but terribly excited, too, and she waited breathlessly for his next move.Ken reached out and gently took her arms from around her tits. He held her wrists tightly, strongly, so that she was unable to move her arms. He felt his breath catch in his throat as he stared at his niece's gorgeous tits.They were high and firmly placed with large areolas the color of rosebuds. Her nipples were hard from exertion and excitement. Ken reached out tentatively and tenderly stroked Eve's huge, heaving right tit."God, Eve, you're so fuckin' sexy!" he said, his breathing hoarse and ragged now."Uncle Ken, no!" Eve protested, but even she could hear the tremulous excitement in her voice, and she knew that they were both aware of just how turned on she was by her uncle's unexpected actions.He loosened his hold on her left arm and, reaching down, he quickly tore off her bikini panties and threw them up on the patio where they rested with her top."It's wrong! Stop, Uncle Ken!" Eve yelled, finding her voice, feeling more frightened than ever now."No, baby," Ken murmured as he reached out and cupped her hot cunt in his hand. "It's not wrong. It's beautiful. It's no more wrong than the great fingerfucking you just gave yourself here in the pool!"Eve gasped aloud and looked fearfully at her uncle. So he had seen her! My God, was he angry? But one look at the desire in his eyes and the huge ten-inch hard-on sticking out in the water between them and Eve knew that he was anything but angry. He wanted her as badly as she wanted him! Everything was going to be all right!Eve relaxed and smiled at her uncle. 

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