Incest Together: Taboo Erotica - Reva Kane - E-Book

Incest Together: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Reva Kane

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Warning: This is a VERY taboo, vintage, hard-boiled full length (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even give a proper description.

Just as the hall clock finished chiming nine, Steven heard the front door open, then close. He was on his third Scotch, feeling a mild buzz, but he remembered that his niece Maria was due home now. Steven came out of the kitchen, intending to greet the girl, who might or might not recognize him -- she hadn't seen him in almost three years -- but he stopped short, in the shadows of the far hallway.Maria had grown up, no question. He remembered a small, delicate-faced girl, with blue eyes and braces. Sammi had sent the girl's school picture, along with her Christmas cards, so he knew the braces were gone. She stood by the door, being helped out of her coat by her escort, and the sight of her took Steven's breath away.She was almost ravishing. Her hair was long and dark, framing a heart-shaped face dominated by large eyes, falling upon the shoulders of a snug white sweater, tight enough to show that she had certainly inherited her mother's tits. She was tall now, too -- he estimated five-ten, including the low heels of her shoes -- and her short skirt revealed long, smooth-looking legs.

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Incest Together

Reva Kane

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents











She went into her bedroom, unbuttoning her blouse as she went and dropping it onto the bed. She reached for the hook of her bra. Her tits were midway between B and C-cup and it was always hard finding a bra that fit properly. This one was a shade tight, and she'd be happy to be rid of it. Samantha was standing in front of her mirror, the straps, sliding down her shoulders, the cups falling loose from her tits, when she saw the face in the mirror.She turned, holding the flimsy pink bra in place, with one hand."Hi, Sammi. No one was home, so I let myself in." Ice clinked in the glass he held. "And fixed a drink.One for you? Looks like you've had a hard day.""Hello, Steven," she said, tilting her head to one side. "What are you doing here, if I may ask?"He smiled, took a sip of his drink -- Scotch and soda; Samantha could smell it all the way across the room. "I may be coming back here for a lengthy stay. I'm in interviewing for the anchor job on WMLB. But don't let me interrupt. Get on with whatever you were doing."Samantha tossed back her shoulder-length chestnuts hair. Her blue-green eyes flashed."I was taking off my clothes, in case you hadn't noticed. But I imagine you did. You never missed anything like that. Well, I suppose we don't have any secrets, do we?"She dropped the bra, baring her full, firm, pink-nippled tits. At thirty-six, she had a pair of 38's that stood up like a teenager's, not to mention a slender twenty-two inch waist, round thirty-eight inch ass, and legs that seemed to make up three-fourths of her five-nine height. She unfastened her skirt, stepped out of it, and placed it on the bed, nude except for pink panties, garter belt and stockings."So?" she asked, standing with arms akimbo and facing him. "Not bad for the ravages of time, huh?"Steven nodded, lifting his glass in a here's-to-you gesture."Well, excuse me, I have to take a shower," she said, turning and going into the adjoining bathroom. She turned on the water and was sitting on the commode, removing her stockings, when she looked up to see him standing in the bathroom door, coolly eyeing her."Okay. A little privacy, if you don't mind." Samantha leaned forward, tits spilling forth invitingly, and pushed at the door, but it only moved a short distance, blocked by his body. "Stevennn!""I always liked you best when you were wet," he replied. "But this getup may run a really close second. You never used to wear garter belts. If those were black stockings, I might even have a hard-on." He looked down, then back at Samantha. "Damned if I don't have one, as it is.""When did you ever not have one?""Never when I was around you." He came into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. "Where's Maria?""She has a date," Samantha replied. "No, she's really not too young. She and her friend -- his name is Jake -- went to the library to study, after school, and then to the movies. They'll be home by nine. House rules. But don't get any ideas. Damn you, Steven, do you think you can just fucking came around me every two or three years and expect me to spread my legs and make room for your big, hard cock?"He was on his knees facing her. He put his hands on her upper thighs and looked up. "Of course I can. Can't I, Sammi?""You son of a bitch," she whispered, just before her arms wrapped around his head and she pulled him up to her mouth for a hot welcoming kiss. His hands captured her full, round tits and he squeezed them passionately, until the nipples stood up long and hard between his fingers.His crotch brushed her ankle, then slid up her calf, and she felt the bursting stiffness of his cock grown rigid inside his pants. Abruptly, Sammi drew her head back from his. She turned her face aside as his own dropped and his lips attacked the nipples he had been fondling. He closed his mouth on one, sucking it hard, and she repressed a sigh of pleasure, biting her lip to keep from crying out in sudden joy. He moved to the other tit, sucked it up too, and she made a soft whimpering noise.He stood up finally, all six-two of him, and the bulge in his pants was at her eye level. "It's yours. Feel it."And he brought her hand up, placed it on the swollen, concealed cock."Go ahead," he said, guiding her fingers to his zipper.She pulled, then reached inside, through the opening of his shorts, taking a fistful of his rigid cock. Her finger touched the big vein on the bottom as she felt his aroused pulsation. Slowly she began to pull his cock into the light, her eyes turned upward to his face. He was smiling, a shit-eating smile if she'd ever seen one, and she hated hers if for what she was doing, but by that time his prick was out.She leaned toward it, her tongue already extending. Her tongue grazed the red, bloated head, slid around and around, licking till it was covered with her drool. She tilted his prick upward, licked the underside, traced the big veiny bulge that ran down the underside, all the way down to where the staff emerged from his unzipped trousers. Sammi's lips affixed themselves to the side and she slurped her way back to the crown, this time allowing it to slide fully into her mouth.She closed her lips and sucked longingly at him for a few minutes, remembering the first time she had ever had his cock in her mouth, and all the times since then, too. He lay fat and thick upon her tongue, and nestled in her warm oral wetness. And why shouldn't it be so? She looked up at his face and saw it in the reflection of her own. The same chestnut hair, the same greenish-blue eyes, the same smooth, well chiseled features. He was, for Christ's sake, her twin brother, and they had been lovers since their teens.She released him, leaned back, wiping her trembling lips. He was undoing his belt; she could read in his eyes what was on his mind."No," Sammi insisted, standing up. "I have to take a shower. The water's running already."She'd forgotten about the water. Steam was coming out of the top of the shower compartment. Sammi unhooked her garter belt, dropped it, and turned her back to remove her panties. It was a mistake. She was half bent over when she felt the blunt knob of his cock pressing between her legs."Stop, Goddamn it!" she shouted, but he was atop her, his upper body lying on hers, keeping her folded over, his hands full of her firm tits, his cock slithering between her legs and penetrating her cunt without any guidance whatever. It knows the way by now, she thought bitterly as he thrust deeply into her cunt. She had to brace herself on the shower door to keep from plopping onto the floor."You still love it, Sammy," he was whispering into her ear. "I know I do."His cock moved rhythmically in her pussy. She'd have sworn, two minutes ago, that she was too dry for penetration, but the squishy sound of his cock fucking her proved her wrong. She was oozing juices from the walls of her cuntal sheath, and his prick bathed itself in the liquid while he explored her sweet, snug depths."You're breaking my back," she protested. "At least let me turn off the Goddamn water."Reluctantly, his cock pulled back, and it emerged from her pussy. She stood up, touching herself, feeling the sticky dew that coated her lips and seeing the sheen off of it on the stiff prong of her brother's cock. But instead of turning off the water, she jumped into the shower, puffing the door closed behind her. He pounded lustily -- she could see his distorted image through the frosted glass, and she stuck her tongue out, wiggling it in the air."Go away!" she laughed.But the door jerked open, and in he came, still wearing his white sports shirt and unknotted tie.And his raging erection. He followed her into the hot spraying water, paying it no attention whatever."You're incorrigible," Sammi told him, backed up against the wall.The water didn't touch her, but sprayed into Steven's face. He didn't even blink, just pushed her ass to the wall, lifted her thigh way up, and stabbed his cock into her pussy once again. She moaned as it bit deep and true, and she thrust her tits against him, seeking his mouth with her own. It was wrong, and she knew it, but there was something about his cock that she had never been able to resist, not since that first time."I was a teenager," she whispered. "A baby.Innocent. And you ravished me, turned me into a hot wanton slut."The words excited her, and she humped his thrusting cock with growing need and arousal."I was young too," he told her amid kisses. "I'll never be any older than you are.""But you'd been doing it with Rhonda Sagal, every time you could lure her into the bushes, not to mention that little bitch Jean Dugan don't tell me you never fucked her! I had gym with her, and your cock was her principal topic of conversation in the locker room."The sphincter of her cunt pulled and sucked at his prick, feeding it higher and higher into her belly. She curled that lifted legs around his back."Hope you've been working out," she taunted, lifting her other leg and folding it behind his thigh. Now he was holding her up with his body, and the strain was all his."I never fucked Jeanie Dugan," he panted, still driving into Samantha. "She played with me a few times, but all I ever got from her was a sloppy handjob and some blue balls. Like I had the night I found you jacking off."Sammi smiled. "And we decided it was a shame we should have to hide our frustrations, so we started off by diddling in front of each other, and then you had to put your finger in me.""And you had to get my cock in your fist, so I'd know what it feels like, and...""Oh, God, Stevie, you fucked me, and shot your cum all over my belly, and I swore I'd never do it again...""But there you were the next night, sneaking into my room and, crawling into bed with me... you played with my cock till it was hard."Her pussy slurped his thrusting cock, swallowed it deep. Her legs scissored around her twin's body, and her uplifted mouth was an easy target for his passion-charged kisses. The water sprayed onto his face, splashed onto Samantha's, but she didn't care now."Did you really never fuck Jean Dugan?" she gasped, riding him hard, massaging his prick with all the muscles of her supple pussy."Yes, I fucked her," he grinned, "but not very often. She wasn't half as good as you, then or now.""God, I can't stand it," she groaned. "Feed me that big fat prick of yours. I think it's gotten bigger since last time, hasn't it?""Gets big for you, Sis. It always did and always will.""Then prove it, fucker! Use that big cock to make me cum!"He slammed it home on her command, pushing till the cum-bloated knob of his prick must have been halfway up her belly. The raspy bristles of his pubic hair were like a wire brush on Sammi's cunt, and she rocked and rolled, mashing her cunt against his groin."Now," she gasped, "now, fuck me now!" He shoved her ass hard against the shower wall, his prick driving and biting deep into her supple cunt."Now, now, baby, cum all over my cock!" He felt the contractions begin to ripple and vibrate around his pulsing prick. "Do it for me!"He thrust as deeply as he could.She moaned as she felt his ejaculation burst against the mouth of her womb and her mouth covered his in a kiss."Look at me," he said when they had separated. His prick was still erect, even though it was empty, and his shirt was absolutely drenched, as was the rest of him."I like you wet." Samantha grinned, rubbing the raw slice of her cunt and feeling the slow dripping of his cum from her pussyhole. "Now get out of here so I can finish taking my bath. I have a dinner engagement tonight. You'll, stay, of course? Well, why not? The house is half yours. I can't send you to the Holiday Inn, can I? C'mon! Out!""A dinner engagement?" he queried, dripping all over the bath rug."A dinner engagement," she repeated. "Look... I've been a widow for six years. You haven't been home in three years. I can't keep my social schedule open on the chance that you'll drop by, can I?""A man?" he asked."Is it your business, if it is?""Just wondering," he said, taking a towel and patting at his hair. "All right, Sammi. We'll talk later."No, damn you, she thought. We won't talk. We'll start to talk, sure, but before long that cock of yours will be full of piss and vinegar and then I'll be full of your cock. It's always been that way, since we first started this crazy thing all those years ago. I don't know how to change it, and I don't even know if I want to change it.Samantha stepped back into the shower spray, letting the hot water soak her body. She took the soap and began to bathe herself, scrubbing furiously at the fucked-tender gash of her cunt, fingers drifting inside. Her fingers stiffened and began to slide in and out of her cunt. She rocked up and down, sighing as her clit began to hum with fresh arousal, as the internal muscles of her pussy milked and sucked at the intruding fingers almost as voraciously as they'd gobbled Steven's prick. She clutched at her tits, pinching the nipples almost viciously and sighing as they throbbed between her fingers.