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"About the book" Joy of life 2.0: Live happy in the here and now! This book is aimed at people who no longer place their happiness in the hands of others, but want to achieve this goal out of their own motivation. Don't postpone your happy life until tomorrow, live today in the HERE and NOW! Enjoying the LIFE - instead of constantly renounce, optimizing, pondering ... That's how it works without a guilty conscience! # Guide to happiness for more satisfaction & joy in life # Stay fit, healthy & vital - Inspirations for a healthy lifestyle # Overcome and free yourself from fears, panic attacks & phobias in your life # The art of self-motivation - What really inspires us & how to train the drive for action # Fulfilled Partnership - What makes a relationship really happy # Mindfulness & Deceleration in everyday life - I am offline! # Financial freedom & minimalism pure - How you declutter your life, home, mind & soul # The positive aspects of self-love - Boosting self-confidence and self-esteem Start today by making the most of your life and building a positive mindset. Be happy and will be ... starts in the HEAD! A new easy life has a liberating effect: Less ballast, less pressure, more zest for life and light-heartedness. Get this book NOW and (finally) become a happy person again!
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I'll introduce you to 10 important findings of Positive Psychology. If you want to know what science has found out about happiness, whether it is possible to become happier and what benefits it brings.
What follows is only a small selection of the findings of Positive Psychology. There is of course a lot more, but somewhere we have to start. Here we go!
1. Positive and negative exist independently of each other
This is a very important insight because it shows that the absence of problems does not immediately lead to the presence of good things.
So for you, that means if you want to be happy and want to feel better. Then it's not enough to work on your problems and building sites, but you have to make sure that you experience positive things at the same time.
2. People can become happier
At first, many researchers were of the opinion that we can change our happiness level as little as our height or personality. The level of happiness was simply put in our cradle and that's it. Fortunately, however, these people have not proved to be right, as the many studies that have been carried out in the meantime prove. These show that even small changes in attitudes and behaviour can change our happiness level.
So for you, regardless of what you've been born with and what your life is like right now, you can do something actively for your happiness.
3. Happiness and well-being depend less on external circumstances than on how we interpret these circumstances
Numerous studies have shown that external events or circumstances such as the job we have, the car we drive or how much money we have to spend on the account. Not as important for our happiness level as originally assumed. This is one of my absolute favorite things to know because it shows that you don't have or need to possess anything in order to be happy.
For you, even if you have limited resources and are neither famous nor beautiful, you can still be happy.
4. Social relations are essential for our happiness
At first, of course, one wondered what happy people do differently. So what distinguishes the very happy people from the less happy people? What else do they have in their lives? A very interesting and groundbreaking finding was that the only thing that distinguished very happy people from less happy people was their good social relationships. It didn't matter how many relationships we have, it was all about the quality of the relationship.
For you, this means taking care of your partner, family and friends - they are a constant source of happiness. You don't do yourself any favors at all if you neglect your social contacts for the benefit of any other goals you run after.
5. Experiences and experiences are happier than possessions
A visit to the theatre, a trip or a good meal with friends will make you feel more comfortable than a new flat screen TV or smartphone. This is because you have less stress in the run-up with experience, this experience is also an identity shaping experience and you are more satisfied with the decisions you make.
If you want to do something good for yourself, invest your money more often in experiences and experiences than in possessions.
6. Happy people are healthier and live longer
Even the good old French philosopher and writer Voltaire said:"As it is very beneficial for health, I decided to be happy". How right he was has only shown up in the last few years. Numerous scientific studies have shown that happy people have a better immune system, a lower risk of disease and that they live up to ten years longer than less happy people.
For you, this means that especially if you are often ill, e. g. every few weeks you will have colds, cystitis or similar things dragging around with you. Then take care of your emotional well-being. Your body shows you that something is wrong and wrong. Listen to your body and really care for your soul.
7. Joy and pleasure are not everything
Those who really want to lead a fulfilled life need not only joy and pleasure and all these positive emotions, but also a sense of meaning in life. Your life must mean something, too. We need good social relations. We need the feeling of being able to develop personally. So there are really other factors that are important. It is not just the pure occupation or the pure focus on this..."We want to be in a good mood all the time".
For you, this means that you have to find the balance in life, as in so many areas. Fun and enjoyment are also important, you need it in your life so that you feel good, have new energy and are full of energy. But you also need the other side, you need the meaning in your life e. g. by pursuing an activity that is meaningful for you in which you can express your talents. Or by having relationships that are of great importance to you.
8. Optimists move forward
One looked down on optimists for a long time, as the people who see everything only through pink glasses and have lost all sense of reality. But then optimism was scientifically investigated and, lo and behold, the different mindset of the optimists leads to a happier, more successful and healthier way of thinking. They have a higher self-esteem and are more resistant to a number of mental disorders. For example, they also recover faster and better after setbacks than their pessimistic contemporaries.
For you it means that it is worthwhile to acquire an optimistic way of thinking. And the nice thing is that we can learn this optimistic way of thinking by paying attention to our thoughts.
9. Happiness is contagious
Just like laughter, happiness is highly contagious. Why this is the case has not yet been finally clarified. Maybe it's the imitation effect or something. What studies have shown, however, is that happiness is transmitted up to three corners. That means you even benefit from having a friend of your sister's boyfriend happy.
The meaning that you should draw for yourself from the result is, in any case, surround yourself with happy people because you profit from it to a great extent. It's contagious to you.
10. Positive emotions extend our repertoire of thoughts and behaviour
We owe this important insight to one of the greatest luminaries in the field of positive psychology, namely psychologist Barbara Fredrickson. In over twenty years of research, she has discovered that positive emotions lead us to see the bigger picture and that we become more mentally flexible and creative. In addition, she has shown that we are also building new behaviours through positive emotions. Just like children develop their motor and language skills while playing, for example. As an adult, we are also continuously developing new skills as we develop when we are in a positive mood.
For you, this means it's worth taking a look at your emotions. Negative emotions limit thinking and positive emotions expand it. So if you have to pay attention to details, it is even more rewarding to be in a negative mood. But if you have to be mentally flexible and creative, if you have to see the big picture, then it is worthwhile to be in a positive mood.
To become happier is healthy and possible for everyone!
How can I become independent of others? We are educated to meet the expectations of others and we think a lot about what others think about us. Here I show you 5 tips that can help you to go your own way.
You always hear the saying "Do your own thing and don't listen to what others say". But that's much easier said than done, because we don't care what other people think. How will I not care what other people think of me? And this is indeed a very important step on the way to a happy and self-determined life.
Studies are known from studies and I can tell you from my own personal experience that the happiest are the people who really do their own thing. The consequences of their values and not be held back by what other people think or say. This one goes along with an incredible feeling of freedom and that gives you a crazy push for your self-confidence and self-confidence. When you notice you make your own decisions and follow your own values and beliefs. And you will no longer let yourself be deterred, kept small or regulate what other people want or expect from you, or in which direction they want to force you.
But until then, however, and this must be explicitly stated, it is a long and stony road. Because we are really educated to be good, to live up to the expectations of others, to take on our pre-fabricated roles. We learn that we get recognition and affection if we behave as others want us to be. We can see how proud our father is of us when, for example, we take our place in the family business. Or the mother suddenly overwhelms us with dedication, because we choose the compulsory elective subject like she or her early piano lessons.
I remember for me it was also a big step and a big challenge when I suddenly turned my life around 180 degrees. And disappointed all these expectations in me because my parents were so proud to be able to tell the neighbours that I have a full-time open-ended working day and now work for them, have a good job and so on. And then I throw it away and quit the safe job. What are they supposed to tell the neighbors? So it was a real disaster for her. My cousin told me she was honestly shocked at the decision I made.
These are all things which, especially in times of change, cast doubt on you again and again. Again and again I also thought to myself that for God's sake I am actually on the right path. Or am I making the biggest mistake of my life right now and shouldn't I just do what others think I should do?
So how can you free yourself from all these expectations, pressures and maybe hostility and critical comments?
Therefore, I would like to give you 5 pieces of advice that can really help you to become independent from the opinions of other people.
1. You don't have to please everybody
We humans are herd animals, i. e. we are social beings. We are pushed into this role at an early stage and it is also within us that we naturally want to make it right for everyone and we want to be liked by everyone. Of course it's nice when everyone likes you, likes you and likes you and likes what you do. But is that why you're born? Should that be your ultimate goal in life, to please other people? Think about it, you can't make it right for everyone. Because everyone has a different expectation of you. Everyone has a different wish that you have to fulfill. The one might want you to pursue your talents and make a great career. And the next one wants you to give birth to three children and lead a harmonious family life. So you can never please everyone and it is not your life's work. That's why you're not born. It is your task to please you and to live by your values.
2. Accept yourself as you are
Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. We would all like to be perfect, and often it is the unspoken expectation of our parents or partner that we have to be perfect. But that is simply impossible, because we are not. There are things for each of us that are easy for us and things that are difficult for us. Standing up to your nature permanently makes you unhappy. Accept therefore... who you are, what you need, what you can afford and what is simply out of the question for you.
3. Orientate yourself to your values
What do you want and what is important to you in life? It happens so fast that we feel bad, because the boyfriend is protesting with a big car and the sister at your age already had two children. But the question is, is that things you really want. Make it clear that you are most likely based on different criteria for success. Your boyfriend might define success by a huge car. But for you, your happiness is more important or you are a passionate cyclist and therefore you don't need the car to be happy. Likewise with your sister - for your sister it is perhaps the highest to have a harmonious family and this family happiness. But you may be a person who doesn't feel at all comfortable in a family context and has completely different passions and interests. And then your happiness in life doesn't involve children. So keep making it clear that you only have to meet your criteria and not the others.
4. Your worries are often unfounded
After all, we always tend to envision the worst disaster excesses. And that keeps us from making our decisions because we think "for God's sake, what are they going to say or that's not possible at all". Of course, not all of them will approve of your decision to drop out of your studies and maybe spend a year abroad. But there are also very many people and you will also meet a lot of people who find the maddening. Those of you who find it brave and who like to find out more about it.
5. Nobody is perfect
Before you start to doubt whether you're doing everything wrong and the others are right. On the outside, some may look perfect. But that doesn't mean that they are really envious. You never know if she's crying herself to sleep in her two hundred square meter apartment at night because her life is so empty and pointless. So don't let these outward appearances fool you.
I hope you have found some thought-provoking impulses that will motivate you to go your own way a little more and not let you get confused by what other people think and say. By the way, that doesn't mean you have to close yourself off from the opinion of others. You can stay open for them and use them as feedback or as an opportunity for further training.
Rather, it's about making your self-esteem independent of others' opinions. You are not only worth something when you do what others ask of you. You're a valuable person regardless. You have the right to go your own way and live your own life. You enrich this world even more than if you become the copy of someone else.
You don't have to satisfy anyone but yourself!
Laughter is not only fun, it is also healthy! It also has a number of other advantages.
Laughter is not only beautiful and does not only feel absolutely great. It's healthy for you, too. It makes it attractive, successful and above all happy. Here are 12 reasons why you should laugh more often.
1. Laughter makes you happy
Only the pure movement of the mouth when smiling alone is enough to signal to the brain that we are happy. And the brain reacts to this with the release of happiness hormones such as endorphin and serotonin.
2. Laughter connects people
I'm sure you know that from your own experience. If someone in your immediate vicinity laughs heartily, then you can't escape it at all. But sooner or later you have to start laughing too. Laughter is simply contagious and in this way, it also promotes cohesion and communication and connects people together.
3. Laughter strengthens the immune system
It promotes the level of the growth hormone HGH that is responsible for an intact immune system. In this way you promote your immune system while laughing. So you promote your body's own defences and this is especially important in autumn and winter.
4. Laughter fights stress
When we laugh in stressful situations, we slow down the release of stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol. I. e. the muscles relax and the stress falls away from us. There was a study that showed that one minute of hearty laughter is just as refreshing and relaxing as forty-five minutes of relaxation training. That's pretty impressive, and just when you're short of time, you can save yourself forty-five minutes of relaxation training and just laugh a minute from your heart.
5. Laughter can prevent heart disease
This is because it dilates the blood vessels and thus promotes blood flow. Heart disease often associated with obstructed arteries can be prevented and can prolong your life.
6. Laughter gives new energy
By laughing we absorb more oxygen and thus our energy is increased. This is another reason why laughing is such a refreshing cure for body, soul and spirit.
7. Laughter makes you slim
If you laugh for more than ten minutes you burn fifty calories, that doesn't sound that impressive, but it is something. And on top of that, if you laugh really hard you have a really good abdominal muscle workout. You probably know that from yourself, too, when you have to laugh a lot and your stomach starts to hurt, because you are tense all the time.
8. Laughter makes attractive
Not only does your figure benefit from all this laughter, but also your skin. Because laughter keeps them really young and crisp because you supply them with a lot of oxygen through laughter and the blood circulation is so good.
9. Laughter is popular and sexy
People who smile often appear more attractive to other people. We know, for example, that humour is one of the most important criteria when choosing a partner for single. Also in the work environment there are many studies showing that people who smile more often are more popular with their superiors and colleagues. They are recommended and promoted more often and they even earn more than people who laugh less often.
10. Laughter makes smarter
If we laugh for thirty minutes after learning, this makes it easier for us to notice what we have learned. For example, there is also a study that showed the test subjects different pictures. And that is to say, once totally funny pictures, once rather so mediocre funny pictures and once totally unpleasant pictures. Afterwards, the persons were asked to do a memory test and those who laughed really heartily showed the best results. So laughter also somehow promotes memory.
11. Laughter lowers blood pressure
There are studies that have shown that if we laugh twenty to thirty minutes, the blood pressure of adults can be lowered. This is of course a nice and important result because many adults have problems with high blood pressure.
12. Laughter can reduce pain
Laughter stimulates the production of anti-inflammatory and analgesic substances in the blood, e. g. endorphins, which are also called happiness hormones. These lead to the pain being relieved.