Long Serve in Badminton. Lesson Plan for Badminton Techniques and Tactics in CLIL - Sara Ekici - E-Book

Long Serve in Badminton. Lesson Plan for Badminton Techniques and Tactics in CLIL E-Book

Sara Ekici

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Seminar paper from the year 2008 in the subject Didactics - Sport, Sport Pedagogy, grade: 1,00, University of Kassel (Fachbereich für Sprachwissenschaften - Bilinguales Unterrichten), course: CLIL: : Classroom Observation, Analysis and Evaluation, language: English, abstract: By the example of the topic “Badminton – the long serve” we will show the importance and relevance of CLIL classes in physical education. Here in this case, not a typical American or English sport, we show its relevance and possibilities for vocabulary training and to learn how to describe movements in English and how to correct mistakes and talk about the actions and rules. Intercultural learning is possible with nearly every sport and with its specialities P.E. lessons are perfect for CLIL. First the aims of CLIL classes for the subject of physical education are described. Then, in the end it is important to see that, opposed to general assumptions, there are several CLIL aspects that can be easily implemented in physical education classes.

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