Longing For Lottery Lady - Walker Mackenzie - E-Book

Longing For Lottery Lady E-Book

Walker Mackenzie

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And that was when her thoughts were interrupted. Phyllis first realized someone was standing nearby and she froze, her finger buried all the way in her teeming pussy, her body flushing with embarrassment. It took the girl a moment for her eyes to focus on the naked man. It was natural that she see the huge, erect penis jutting out from between his thighs. The blunt, magenta head was pulsating with anxiety, and Phyllis could see the many blue veins road-mapping the fleshy cylinder. When the girl raised her eyes to the man's face, she could see lust-filled eyes staring wildly down at her, gazing between her upraised knees where her hand covered her virgin cuntlips. And at that moment Phyllis knew she was going to be fucked. It should have been a rape. Any court in the world would have convicted him of rape, but Phyllis was always glad she had never yelled, because it was her daughter's conception, and she loved Kerry very much.

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Longing For Lottery Lady

Walker Mackenzie

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents












Life had dealt her one low blow after another ever since she'd met Bernie. Short, chunky, but solidly masculine, her ex-husband had driven his truck through Phyllis's home town one day, eighteen years earlier, when she had been a mere eighteen. Bernie had seemed so lovable and adorable, Phyllis had flipped over him. He'd spirited her away in his truck, taking the starry-eyed girl to the city, and there he'd married her and set up house in a sleazy five-room fleabag apartment house. And nine years later, Phyllis had divorced him, sent her eight-year-old daughter, Kerry, to elementary school and got a part-time job. Two years later, with Kerry in junior high, Phyllis got a full-time job and earned enough money to make up for the alimony payments Bernie never sent anymore.

The sleazy, five-room apartment was even sleazier. Her bedroom, which she shared with Kerry now that there was no longer a husband around, was right off the small kitchen with a dining area built in. A long hallway led to the living room, which one passed through to reach the other hallway. Two other bedrooms and a bathroom adjoined that hallway, and at the end of it was the door leading out of the apartment.

Phyllis wished she could leave this apartment forever. The electricity was bad, with dim lights because of poor wiring. And the cockroaches abounded in uncountable numbers. No matter how clean Phyllis kept the kitchen, no matter how often it was sprayed, not matter how many times the exterminator came up, the roaches always came back.

The dark bedroom in which she now huddled was almost frigid. Phyllis had no idea how Kerry was able to sleep. Her daughter, now eighteen years old, was taller than she. Where Phyllis had long, dark-blonde hair, Kerry had short, midnight hair. Where Phyllis's skin had a slight tan to it, Kerry's was milk-white, contrasting with the ebony color of her hair. Both females had brown eyes, but Phyllis had a long, straight nose, and Kerry had a short, upturned one. In short, Kerry's face was more like that of her father than her mother. Fortunately, the girl's body was more like her mother's. Kerry's bra size was almost the same as Phyllis's thirty six-C. Her waistline was an inch larger than her mother's twenty-two inches. And her hips were the same as Phyllis's thirty five inches. For a eighteen-year-old girl she had matured in a hurry. And where Phyllis had a nightly bout with sleep, trying to catch some, Kerry slept easily.

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