Lost in Sensation - Pimenta Cítrica - E-Book

Lost in Sensation E-Book

Pimenta Cítrica



Pimenta Cıt́ rica tries to convince herself that showing her first girl crush, Lila, around the Berlin will be like all the other dull tours she's given to visitors. That one kiss they shared at seventeen makes her feelings all the more complicated. After seeing the sights, they find a rowdy lesbian bar. Their close proximity and tense chemistry opens the possibility that they both share unresolved feelings. Or maybe Pimenta is still that desperate shy girl she was in high school. After getting hit on by two dudes (WTF this is a lesbian club!), Lila admits she's over men and is interested in exploring sex with girls, again. With the help of countless beers and a shot of a special local liquor, Pimenta gains the courage she wished she had in her youth and asks Lila to come home with her. After making out for what seems like hours, they find Pimenta's bed. Unfortunately, Lila doesn't want to go all the way. Overwhelmed with disappointment, Pimenta awkwardly cuddles Lila. Only after some heavy sighs and too much overthinking, Lila admits that she wants that long awaited one-night stand with her first girl crush. Teenage dreams do come true.

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Pimenta Cítrica



Berlinable invites you to leave all your fears behind and dive into a world where sex is a tool for self-empowerment.

Our mission is to change the world - one soul at a time.

When people accept their own sexuality, they build a more tolerant society.

Words to inspire, to encourage, to transform.

Open your mind and free your deepest desires.

All rights reserved. It is not permitted to copy, distribute or otherwise publish the content of this eBook without the express permission of the publisher. Subject to changes, typographical errors and spelling errors. The plot and the characters in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to dead or living people or public figures is not intended and are purely coincidental.

I cursed every single tourist in my path on Mühlenstraße. Does everyone turn into a moron when they’re travelling?

I looked at my wristwatch. Shit. Why am I always like this? After four years in Germany, one might expect to have learned how to be punctual.

I was working up a sweat. I was telling myself there wasn’t any need to get all worked up. On the surface I’d just play tour guide to an old friend, but underneath there was so much I needed to prove to myself.

After ten plus years of virtually no contact, Lila had DM'd on Instagram a few weeks back. To get her mind off her latest breakup, she decided to go on a European tour; and wanted to know – would I be so kind to show her around Berlin?

It’d happened so many times before; people – from close friends to totally distant acquaintances, asking me on social media to take them on a stroll around Kreuzberg, and then being the good hostess I was raised to be, I’d show them all a good time - downing a few beers up in Eschenbräu, sharing my enthusiasm for the city I call home with a shot of Pfeffi in a Späti in Mitte. I was trying to convince myself this would be a visit like all the rest.

The real conflict - Lila had been my very first girl crush.

Over the span of three years during High School, I had nurtured such a deep infatuation that it was borderline obsession, really. From the very first time I saw her photo on the defunct Fotolog I was instantly enamored. Her big, bright, beautiful hazel eyes thickly rimmed with eyeliner. That strange feeling of an overwhelming queercrush drew me to her. I was divided between wanting her and wanting to be her.

She lived in Rio, in a different state, and back then, another world. I saw her as this self-possessed cool kid, so beautiful and free, going to clubs when we were still underage, while I was this intensely awkward, caged little bird. I had to work up the courage to even approach her online.

After months of chatting on MSN - basically all I did at the tender age of sixteen - the time finally arrived when we’d meet in person. One of my favorite bands – The Yeah Yeah Yeahs - was gracing Brazil with a live show - and it was the perfect excuse to go to Rio, the city of wonders. I was not going alone, though. My best friend was also joining to see his long-time online crush - one of Lila’s best friends.

The anticipation bubbled in the seven-hour bus ride, but only crashed and burned upon arrival - Lila didn’t come to the show alone. She was accompanied by this girl who apparently played in a local screamo band. I’ll never forget the way she strutted at the venue, hair framed by a dark bob à la Amélie Poulain; and wearing an indecent corset with a black skirt. She was so confident, so in control of herself. She had tasted adult adventure, while I was a complete contrast. A shy, country girl stifled by a sexist family in a sexist state, confused and still years away from breaking free.

Also, years away from the first time Lila and I kissed. Two to be precise. A time when we were wandering around one of the most hectic avenues in Leblon.