Major Causes of Degradation of The Chesapeake Bay in Central PA - Gbenga Okusolubo - E-Book

Major Causes of Degradation of The Chesapeake Bay in Central PA E-Book

Gbenga Okusolubo

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Wissenschaftlicher Aufsatz aus dem Jahr 2017 im Fachbereich Umweltwissenschaften, Note: A, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: According to the Federal Leadership Committee for Chesapeake Bay (2010), the lives and livelihoods of 17 million people and 3,600 species of plants and animals are intertwined with the beautiful landscapes and winding waterways, with the rural communities and urban centers. The Chesapeake Bay provides important habitat for many marine species and migratory birds using the Atlantic flyway (USGS Chesapeake Bay Plan). These species, including oysters, depends on the quality of the water to feed and reproduce. The key species that influences the water quality in the Bay is the Easter Oyster (Osborne 1999). The Chesapeake Bay hold more than 15 trillion gallons of water and is fed by 50 major tributaries (or streams and rivers) every day the largest of these are the Susquehanna, Potomac, Rappahannock, York, and James (Chesapeake Bay Foundation, 2010).

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