Manners  in  the  Great  Kingdom - Sezgin Ismailov - E-Book

Manners in the Great Kingdom E-Book

Sezgin Ismailov

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The choices which we make for our future, who we really want to be, how we want to feel every day, how many and what friends we need to have, what are the biggest obstacles for us, how we would like our life to go on, all that can be learned and understood from the good manners of the crown Prince Max. The final stage of Max's training consist of meetings with people and events in the different kingdoms. Each story is about everyday relationships and the personal experiences in his/her life. The right choice, is the formula for a beautiful and peaceful life.

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Seitenzahl: 132

Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2021

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Manners in the great Kingdom


© 2021 Sez Gin

Design: H&D

Illustration: H&D

Publishing and Printing: Tredition Gmbh, Hlenreie 40-44, 22359 Hamburg

ISBN 978-3-347-30258-7 | Paperback

ISBN 978-3-347-28868-3 | Hardcover

ISBN 978-3-347-30259-4 | e-Book


The lack of knowledge and laziness are the biggest enemies

A person always has a choice

Strive to work on what brings you pleasure

If there hope, there will always be a future

There is no more valuable than health

If you are confident and subborn, you will achieve your goals

The Lord gives, but we must make an effort to take it

The most difficult words to say are "Thank you" and "Sorry“

It's hard to win a real friend, but it's easy to lose a friend

What we say or do is the result of our thoughts

To forgive means to clear yourself of the burden of your soul

Joy is an inspiration for optimism and energy

When you are helping other people, you are also helping to yourself

If you want to stop drinking, look at the nondrinker

It is difficult to remain silent, it is important to listen and understand

The envy is a waste of time and future

The greed has no measure

What you sow, that what you reap

You can only give, what you have

Inactivity doesn't make things better

Ignorance is a barrier for achieving happiness and success

Affection is a spark, love is an eternal flame

If you want health, you need willpower and habits

The lie is stronger at the moment, but the truth becomes stronger in the future

Whatever you give, you'll get it

You want happiness - you must be sincere and grateful

Our destiny is what we had planned and decided

The lack of knowledge and laziness are the biggest enemies

Max, sit down and listen carefully what I will tell you. Now you are seventeen years old, and you are crown Prince.

Till now, we have been teaching you many things with teachers from our Kingdom and all that which you know is a theory, but you have to understand some trues outside the Kingdom.

At least a year, you have to visit other kingdoms in order to see how other people live what difficulties some of them had in their lives and to learn what their actions lead and to feel all that. You have to get wiser in order to rule our Kingdom. You will get wiser when you get more knowledge. The question is how correct you will evaluate the knowledge which you will receive about the moral and values. The good manners are the bases of the good health and successful life. The man is complete when he/she has spiritual, mental and physical health.

We have no doubts that we educate you for a crown Prince. Our best teachers were teaching you. You can cope with all subject including sports. You have been living only in the castle, and you know only the one side of the coin.

It is very important to see the other side of the coin, how other people live.

However, our Kingdom is one of the most respectful kingdoms. How you know before hundreds of years your grandparents had created this Kingdom with a lot of work, negotiations, patience, subtlety and selflessness in order to keep the balance of all kingdoms. There is one kilometer place with the borders of the other kingdoms for a free trading in order all traders to travel there and trade with each other and that barer is not touchable and keep us safe from everyone and everything. Moreover, we have four building from our sides with entrance to that free trading zone. Both of the buildings are court, one of them is for the problems of the kingdoms when they are arguing, and looting and we are making the arbitrage, to be more accurate we are doing it, and then you will be the arbitration. The other building is for the big traders which are trading between kingdoms. The other two building are keeping money safe. One of them can be used by other kings to keep them treasures safe where every one of them has keys and rooms. The last building is for the bid traders. We only keep them safe. Everybody knows that all of them have golden reserves here, so they refuse to attack us because he/she will bring the anger of others. Everything that is done by our grandparents, and we have to keep the rules and to rebuild them. That is the reason of why we have the biggest library. It is our most powerful weapon.

We collect all stories and lessons which can be used if we need them. We know that the knowledge is more powerful than every weapon.

If you are controlling the speech, you can conquer every person, when you take a control over his/her feelings. On you ages the young people go to other kingdoms and bring information to us what they manufacture more than us, what news they have found out, how good their kings are ruling, what taxes they created and what are their intentions. We need this information because it helps us with our dealings with kings and traders. When we understand for the new developments, we implement them in our Kingdom in order to better the live here in our Kingdom and our plebs to live better. Moreover, we understand where the best harvest is, and we buy from them and to sell it with good gains. For example, when we understand which village is selling the best wagon, we buy them, and then we go in the free zone and sell them to other kingdoms. If a person has a knowledge, he/she was no fear that will lose. In order to have a good knowledge, you have to have good manners for good habits, control over your feelings and all other factures which will keep you the clear mind. We take care for every person in our Kingdom, and we are good and respectful to people from other kingdoms that is why they respect us. It is time for to visit other kingdoms, to get the knowledge and everything good and new you see to implement it in our Kingdom. My advice is to describe everything which you think is good and when you meet a wise person, to visit her/him, that is very important for you. Those people are unlimited source of knowledge. We keep on the good health, love and amity with close and unknown people.The knowledge which is taken from the good manners and habits which we are using every day in order to cope with all situations, without harming anyone. For us in important to help to everyone and everything. We have not only to be fair but also to we have to understand the things right. To know the actual situation we have to know the situation of all sides of the coin in order to judge on the way that, even if convicted to be satisfied. The Lord had created us on that way that we can hurt ourselves but at the same time to develop our personality in order to leave better when we created it to be more meaningful and beautiful. In order to have balance there always will be good and bad, black and white, smiles and tears.

The man lives with his/her body, mind and soul. The Lord has created us on that way that only two bodies, minds and two souls can create the new life of the new soul with new body with new mind. To stay in our human bodies without finishing with that are needed many allowances of healthy thinking people who to keep the balance and the harmony, but all that can happen only with knowledge.

To born in a good family, to be successful, is not enough, you have to be suborned in order to become a person with strong character and good manners and not only for the physical body but also for his/her soul and mind in order to have peace.That is why son, tomorrow, dress like a normal person, take your inkpot and quill, and write everything which is important for you and will increase your wisdom, and will make you more wise and fair.

With your writings, you will leave the knowledge to the new generation and you will show them, the mistakes which they should not do them again.

I wish you success in your journey good luck of your come back in your eighteen years old. Let Lord keeps you safe.

A person always has a choice

Wake up Max. He had his breakfast,he said “Goodbye” to his mother, father and sister and go to his teacher, who was waiting him with everything needed for his journey. Clothes, a bag, and instructions which he has to remember if anything unforeseeable appears while he is traveling.

Max, put his clothes carefully listen all recommendations of his teacher and went to the other kingdoms. At the middle of the day one … car stop next to him. In that car was traveling well-dressed father and a son. The father was at his 40s and his son was at twenty years old. The car was full of the fruits and vegetables.

- Hi! Where are you going son? – asked the driver.

- I am going to the next Kingdom. – said Max.

- We are also going there. Come in the car, we will leave you there.

- I order to start a conversation Max. – said the father

- For how many days you will sell the goods? – asked Max

- The products are not for sale, they are for exchange. – answer the father and continue to speak

- In our Kingdom is very clear, people are living like that from many years. All the peasants are obligated to live on that way in order to get less illnesses.

The hygiene is a factor which increase our lives and to feel good and beautiful for the eyes. It is time for my son is to get marry but is still searching for a bride from our Kingdom, and we are going to search her on other Kingdom. But, to choose a bride, we have to find a girl who is clean and hardworking in order to live in our Kingdom. From many years, it is a practice when a boy and a girl do not like each other, we chose a girl from other Kingdom on the way how we are doing. Actually, we will exchange fruits and vegetables for garbage for home where here are girls ready for a marriage. We are asking people from the villages where in which houses have girls who are ready for a marriage, and we stop only there. In the house where there is less garbage and our son like her, we will ask her for a wife. When we say that we are from the great Kingdom, the parents always agree because they know that the live there is better, and we live with love and commitment.

- You have found a great way for boys, but I believe that in the great Kingdom there are girls who have the same problem. How you are deciding such problems? – said Max.

- We have found also a decision for that problem. When we have created the rules for the great Kingdom, we had thought about that. Every two years we are organizing a race to boys from other kingdoms who are ready for a marriage.

- We determine places where new houses have to be built having in mind the number of girls who have to be married.

The race is based on who is better on his job: masons, smiths, tailors, carpenters and boys with many other abilities. At the same time in the race, they are building houses for the new families. The masons are putting brigs, the carpenters and doing tables, chairs, fences, and beds needed for the new houses. The tailors are sewing everything which is needed for the houses. All the materials are from our kings. So, the new family has a good base for the life, they have less problems and more family happiness.

The jury is from the girls and their families who are watching the working process. When they like a boy, they send the girl to help and encourage him. The boy if like the girl let her to come to help him. That is how they getting know each other, get marry and receive a home. The road divided in two other roads.

- I wish you a good luck and success, I will take the other road.

- I wish you the same for you young boy and continue driving the cart.

Strive to work on what brings you pleasure

While Max was walking on the road in the forest, one man reached him. He was walking so fast that it looks like he was hurrying up to somewhere.

-Hello, traveler where are you going so fast? - asked Max.

-Hello young boy! I am going to the next Kingdom.

There is one very wise man from whom I am planning to get an advice. If you are also there we can travel together, and I can tell you my history. My name is Nobel.

Max has nothing against to hear his story and was happy to hear it. They were walking slowly and Nobel started to tell him his story.

-When I was small a boy we always have a luck of money in my family. My mother always mumbling that had not married a man who with his craft to make a lot of money to ensure the everyday need of his family. Every time when I wanted she to buy me something, she always was telling me that she did not have money and that is why when I grow up to learn a craft which is profitable and my kids not to suffer like me. When I was eighteen I heard that in one faraway Kingdom there is one man who know everything for the huge predators.

I was thinking that if he knows everything about them, he would teach me how to kill them and to become a killer of huge predators. That is a craft which not, so many people can do it, and they have no fear from those creatures. People who fear of them will give me a lot of money to keep them safe from those predators. That is why I took all the money from my parents and I started searching him and I found him. When I found him, I asked him:

-Please teacher, teach me how to kill giant predators!

-It is not so easy. – answered the teacher.

-You need many years to learn the skills how to defeat them. Are you ready to stay with me next couple of years on that forest? Are you ready to hear and learn tirelessly from mornings to evenings? We will learn only theory because here there is not such huge creatures.

-I am ready to do everything which is needed! - I answered him without got deeper on his words.

-Do you have enough money to pay me for the education? Because when I will be teaching you, and somehow I have to have money from which to live.

-I will give you all my money to educate me how to defeat those predators.

-I said it very confidently, and I was thinking that I was thinking how great I will become.

He agreed and let live with him. Two years has passed.

I was doing everything carefully which the skilled teacher was telling me. I was listening him very carefully and gave all my energy to learn everything what he wanted me to learn.