Michelin's new product line. An overview - Annabell Nachbaur - E-Book

Michelin's new product line. An overview E-Book

Annabell Nachbaur

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Document from the year 2016 in the subject Business economics - Offline Marketing and Online Marketing, grade: 16,00/20,00, , language: English, abstract: This text gives an overview about the product line of Michelin. Michelin was established in 1889. Its main entrepreneurial sector is tire manufacturing, but Michelin is also known for its travel guides and Michelin stars which certify the best restaurants around the world. Michelin has been the number one tire retailer in Europe, this means that the high quality of the product and the high developed technology involved, made the company create profits of around 16 billion euros in 2005. Although not only the European market has a major participation in the company’s incomes, the enterprise itself has 74 industrial sites spreaded in 19 countries and a sale presence in more than 170 countries.

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