Mindful Stories for Children - Marco Sumfleth - Hörbuch

Mindful Stories for Children Hörbuch

Marco Sumfleth

9,99 €

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Autogenic training is a popular, proven technique for relaxation of the body, mind and spirit. The objective is to be able to immerse oneself in a state of deep calm and relaxation after only a short time. Through short, fun and guided stories, your kids will learn self-relaxation techniques that not only balance body, mind and spirit, but also help them boost their self-esteem, reduce stress and anxiety, deal with anger, and cultivate an overall positive mental attitude at school and home. They will visit magical places like the Rainbow Land, Sunny Island, Swan Lake, a Magic Mountain, the Land of the Dinosaurs and even travel to the moon.

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Zeit:2 Std. 47 min

Sprecher:Simon Fellows
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