Mother Made Them Do It: Taboo Erotica - Elijah Hunter - E-Book

Mother Made Them Do It: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Elijah Hunter

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Warning: Very taboo. Not for the faint of heart. May include BDSM, incest, and other taboo and forbidden elements. This is a vintage **full length** (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel.


She sat on the tall stool, one heel hooked in the highest rung, the other leg out with her foot flat on the floor. She looked at the canvas before her and frowned. It wasn't the way she wanted it.

On the foot-high platform near the huge window were her models, Tommy and Julie. They were wearing the Roman-like togas she had made specifically for this painting. She looked at her children with the frown still on her face. Tommy was kneeling before his sister on one knee the other knee was up with his hand resting on it. He was facing his sister who sat on a chair a foot higher than the platform.

Susan looked closer and almost gasped.

From the angle of her son's position, she could see his toga skirt was up and she was positive that it was his cock that she was looking at. And if it was his cock, then her son wasn't wearing shorts. His cock was not just dangling there; it was hard. The head of Tommy's prick was holding the hem of the toga up. Susan glanced at her, daughter, wondering if Julie was aware of her brother's hard on. But the girl's face did not show anything. She sat there with a sweet innocent expression, and didn't appear to be breathing at all.

Susan followed her son's eyes, and this time she did gasp.

From the positions of her daughter and son, Susan realized that Tommy was gazing underneath Julie's short toga. It was now for the first time that Susan realized she had made those costumes far too short

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Mother Made Them Do It

Elijah Hunter

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 1

She sat on the tall stool, one heel hooked in the highest rung, the other leg out with her foot flat on the floor. She looked at the canvas before her and frowned. It wasn't the way she wanted it.

On the foot-high platform near the huge window were her models, Tommy and Julie. They were wearing the Roman-like togas she had made specifically for this painting. She looked at her children with the frown still on her face. Tommy was kneeling before his sister on one knee the other knee was up with his hand resting on it. He was facing his sister who sat on a chair a foot higher than the platform.

Susan looked closer and almost gasped.

From the angle of her son's position, she could see his toga skirt was up and she was positive that it was his cock that she was looking at. And if it was his cock, then her son wasn't wearing shorts. His cock was not just dangling there; it was hard. The head of Tommy's prick was holding the hem of the toga up. Susan glanced at her, daughter, wondering if Julie was aware of her brother's hard on. But the girl's face did not show anything. She sat there with a sweet innocent expression, and didn't appear to be breathing at all.

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