Opposing Forces - Aldivan Torres - E-Book

Opposing Forces E-Book

Aldivan Torres

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"Opposing Forces" presents itself as an alternative to overcoming the great duality that exists in each one of us. How many times in life are we faced with situations in which both alternatives have favorable and unfavorable circumstances and the act of choosing one of them becomes true martyrdom. We must learn to reflect and think carefully about which the true path to be followed is and the consequences of that choice. Finally, we need to assemble the "opposing forces" of our lives and make them bear fruit. Thus, we can achieve a much-desired happiness.
As for the aspect of the book, we can say that it came from a cry that I heard in the cave of despair. This cry was the cause of all the adventures told in the book. Mission accomplished; I hope I have reached my goal which is to make just one person dream. This is what I propose even more now since we live in a world full of violence, cruelty, and injustice. The "opposing forces" never again will be the same after its publication and I cannot wait to start a new adventure together with readers who also intend to do so. 

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Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2024

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Aldivan Torres








Opposing Forces


Author: Aldivan Torres

©2019-Aldivan Torres

Jillian Kostora da Silva (Translator)

Proofreading: Aldivan Torres

All the rights reserved


This book, including all its parts, is protected by copyright and can’t to be reproduced without author’s permission, resold, or transferred.

Short Biography: Aldivan Torres, born in Brazil, is a consolidated writer in various genres. So far, has titles published in dozens of languages. From an early age, he has always been a lover of the art of writing, having consolidated a professional career from the second half of 2013. He hopes with his writings to contribute to international culture, awakening the pleasure of reading in those who do not have the habit. Your mission is to conquer the heart of each of your readers. In addition to literature, his main diversions are music, travel, friends, family, and the pleasure of life itself. “For literature, equality, fraternity, justice, dignity, and honor of the human being always” is his motto.







“First, to God, the creator for which everything lives; to the teachers of life that always guided me; to my relatives, although they did not encourage me; to all those who have not yet been able to reunite the “opposing forces” in their lives.”












“The Kingdom of Heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in the field. One night, when all were sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weed among the wheat, and fled. When the wheat grew, and the ears began to form, then also appeared the weed. The employees were looking for the owner and said unto him. “Sir, didst thou not so good seed in thy field? Whence came then, the weed?” The owner replied: “'Was an enemy that has done this.” The employees asked: “Shall we pull out the weed?” The owner replied: “Do not. It could be that upon uprooting the weed, you also get the wheat. Let it grow together until the harvest. And at the time of harvest, I will say to the Sowers: Start first with the weed and tie it in bundles to be burned. Then gather the wheat into my barn.” Matthew 13:24”30.





Opposing Forces



A New Era


The Sacred Mountain

The Hut

The First Challenge

The Second Challenge

The Ghost of the Mountain

Decisive day

The Young Girl

The Tremor

One Day Before the Last Challenge

The Third Challenge

The Cave of Despair

The Miracle

Exiting the Cave

The Reunion with the Guardian

Saying Goodbye to the Mountain

A Journey Back in Time

Where am I?

First Impressions

The Hotel

The Dinner

A Stroll Through the Village

The Black Castle

The Chapel Ruins

The Order

Meeting of Residents

Decisive Conversation


The Beginning

The Railroad

The Move

The Arrival at the Bungalow

Meeting with the Mayor

Meeting of Farmers

Back Home

The Announcement

The First Day of Work

The Picnic

The Descent from the Mountain

The Major's Abuses




The Market

The Case of the Cow





Voyage to Recife

Return to the Inland

Arranged Marriage


The Beating

Gerusa's Cousin

The "Blessing"


A New Friend

The Day Before the Wedding


The Black Cloud

The Martyrs

End of the Vision


Back to the Hotel

The Idea

The Figure of the Major

The Job

The First Encounter with Christine

Return to the Castle

The Message II

Trip to Climério


The Experience in the Desert

The Worshipers of Darkness

The Experience of Possession

The Prison


Renato's Visit

The Third Encounter with Christine

The Angel's Invocation

The Final Battle

The Collapse of the Existing Structures

Conversation with the Major


The Return

At Home





"Opposing Forces" presents itself as an alternative to overcoming the great duality that exists in each one of us. How many times in life are we faced with situations in which both alternatives have favorable and unfavorable circumstances and the act of choosing one of them becomes true martyrdom. We must learn to reflect and think carefully about which the true path to be followed is and the consequences of that choice. Finally, we need to assemble the "opposing forces" of our lives and make them bear fruit. Thus, we can achieve a much-desired happiness.

As for the aspect of the book, we can say that it came from a cry that I heard in the cave of despair. This cry was the cause of all the adventures told in the book. Mission accomplished; I hope I have reached my goal which is to make just one person dream. This is what I propose even more now since we live in a world full of violence, cruelty, and injustice. The "opposing forces" never again will be the same after its publication and I cannot wait to start a new adventure together with readers who also intend to do so.

The Author




A New Era


After a failed attempt to publish a book, I feel my strength restoring and strengthening. After all, I believe in my talent, and I have faith that I am going to fulfill my dreams. I learned that everything happens in its time, and I believe myself to be mature enough to realize my goals. Always Remember: when we really want a goal, the world conspires for it to happen. That is how I feel: renewed with strength. Glancing back, I think of the works that I read so long ago which certainly enriched my culture and my knowledge. Books bring us through atmospheres and universes unknown to us. I feel that I need to be part of this history, the great history that is literature. It does not matter if I remain anonymous or become a great author who is recognized worldwide. What is important is the contribution that each one gives to this great universe.

I am happy for this new attitude, and I prepare to make a great voyage. This journey will change my fate and the fates of those who can patiently read this book. Let us go together in this adventure.


I pack my suitcase with my personal objects of utmost importance: Some clothes, some good books, my inseparable crucifix and bible and some paper to write. I feel that I will gain a lot of inspiration from this trip. Who knows, maybe I will become the author of an unforgettable story that goes down in history. Before I go, however, I must bid farewell to all (especially my mother). She is overprotective and will not let me go without a good reason or at least with a promise that I will come back soon. I feel that I will have to, one day, give a cry of freedom and fly as a bird that has created its wings…and she will have to understand this because I do not belong to her, but rather to the universe that welcomed me without requiring anything of me in return. It's for the universe that I've decided to become a writer and fulfill my role and develop my talent. When I arrive at the end of the road and have made something of myself, I will be ready to enter communion with the creator and learn a new plan. I'm certain that I will also have a special role in it.

I grab hold of my suitcase and with this I feel anguish rise within me. Questions come to mind and disturb me: What will this trip be like? Will the unknown be dangerous? What precautions should I take? What I do know is that it will be thought-provoking for my career, and I am willing to do it. I grip my suitcase (again) and before leaving, I seek my family to say goodbye. My mother is in the kitchen preparing lunch with my sister. I get close and address the crucial issue.

“See this bag? It will be my only companion (except you, readers) in a trip that I am prepared to make. I seek wisdom, knowledge, and the pleasure of my profession. I hope that you both understand and approve of the decision I have taken. Come; give me a hug and good wishes.

“My son, forget your goals because they are impossible for poor people like us. I've said a thousand times: You will not be an idol or anything similar. Understand: You were not born to be a great man” said Julieta, my mother.

“Listen to our mother. She knows what she's talking about and is right. Your dream is impossible because you don't have talent. Accept that your mission is just to be a simple math teacher. You will not go any farther than that” Said Dalva, my sister.

“So then, no hugs? Why don't you guys believe that I can be successful? I guarantee you: Even if I pay to realize my dream, I will be successful because a great man is he who believes in himself. I will make this journey and I will discover everything there is to reveal. Furthermore, I will be happy because happiness consists of following the path that God enlightens all around us so that we become winners.

Having said that, I direct myself towards the door with the certainty that I will be a winner on this trip: the journey that will take me to unknown destinations.


The Sacred Mountain


A long time ago, I heard of an extremely inhospitable mountain around Pesqueira. It is part of the mountain range of Ororubá (indigenous name) where the indigenous Xukuru people dwell. They say that it became sacred after the death of a mysterious medicine man from one of the Xukuru tribes. It can make any wish a reality if the intention is pure and sincere. This is the starting point of my journey, whose objective is to make the impossible possible. Do you believe, readers? Then remain with me, paying special attention to the narrative.

Following the BR-232 highway, reaching the municipality of Pesqueira, approximately fifteen miles from the center, is Mimoso, one of its districts. A modern bridge, recently built, gives access to the place that is between the mountains of Mimoso and Ororubá, bathed by the Mimoso River that runs to the bottom of the valley. The sacred mountain is exactly at this point and that is where I am driving.

The sacred mountain is located next to the district and in a short time I am beneath it. My mind wanders through space and distant time, imagining unknown situations and phenomena. What awaits me upon climbing this mountain? These certainly will be reviving and stimulating experiences. The mountain is of short stature (2300 ft (0.7 km).) and with each step, I feel more confident, but also expectant. Memories come to mind of intense experiences that I have lived during my twenty-six years. In this brief period, there were many fantastic occurrences that made me believe that I was special. Gradually, I can share these memories with you, readers, without guilt. However, this is not the time. I will continue up the path of the mountain, searching for all my desires. This is what I hope, and for the first time I am tired. I have traveled half of the route. I do not feel physical exhaustion but mainly mental due to strange voices asking me to go back. They insist quite a bit. However, I do not give up easily. I want to reach the top of the mountain for everything it is worth. The mountain breathes for me with airs of change that exude for those who believe in its sanctity. When I get there, I think I will know exactly what to do to reach the path that will lead me through this journey that I have waited for so long. I keep my faith and my goals because I have a God who is the God of the impossible. Let's continue to walk.

I've already gone three quarters of the path but still, I'm being chased by the voices. Who am I? Where I'm going? Why do I feel that my life will change dramatically after the experience on the mountain? Apart from the voices, it appears that I'm alone on the road. Could it be that other writers have felt the same thing going down sacred paths? I think that my mysticism will be unlike any other. I must continue; I must overcome and withstand all the obstacles. The thorns that injure my body are extremely hazardous to human beings. If I survive this ascent, I will already consider myself a winner.

Step by step, I am closer to the top. I am already just a few feet away from it. The sweat that runs down my body seems to be embedded with sacred scents of the mountain. I stop for a little bit. Will my loved ones be concerned? Well, it really doesn't matter now. I must think about myself, now, to get to the top of the mountain. My future depends on it. Just a few steps more and I arrive at the top. A cold wind blows, tormented voices confuse my reasoning and I do not feel well. The voices shout:

“He succeeded; he shall be awarded! “Is he even worthy? “How did he manage to climb the entire mountain? I am confused and dizzy; I don't think I am well.

Birds cry, and rays of sun caress my face in its entirety. Where am I? I feel as if I had gotten drunk the day before. I try to get up, but an arm prevents me. Furthermore, I see that at my side is a middle-aged woman, with red hair and tanned skin.

“Who are you? What happened to me? My whole body hurts. My mind feels confused and vague. Is being at the top of the mountain causing of all this? I think that I should have stayed in my house. My dreams have spurred me up to this point. I climbed the mountain slowly, full of hope for a better future and some direction towards personal growth. However, I practically cannot move. Explain all of this to me, I beg you.

“I am the guardian of the mountain. I am the spirit of the Earth that blows hither and yon. I was sent here because you won the challenge. Do you want to make your dreams come true? I will help you to do so, child of God! You still have many challenges to face. I will prepare you. Do not be afraid. Your God is with you. Rest a little. I'll be back with food and water to meet your needs. In the meantime, relax and meditate as you always do.

Having said that, the lady disappeared from my vision. This disturbing image left me more distressed and fuller of doubts. What challenges would I have to win? What steps did these challenges consist of? The top of the mountain was really a very splendid and calm place. From up high, one could see the small agglomeration of houses in Mimoso. It is a plateau filled with steep paths full of vegetation on all sides. This sacred place, untouched by nature, would it really accomplish my plans? Would it make me a writer upon my departure? Only time could answer these questions. Since the woman was taking a while, I began to meditate at the top of the mountain. I used the following technique: First, I clear my mind (free of any thoughts). I begin to come into harmony with nature around me, mentally contemplating the entire place. From there, I start to understand that I am part of nature and that we are fully interconnected in a great ritual of communion. My silence is the silence of Mother Nature; my cry is also her cry; Gradually, I begin to feel her desires and aspirations, and vice versa. I feel her distressed cry for help pleading for her life to be saved from human destruction: Deforestation, excessive mining, hunting, and fishing, the emission of pollutant gases into the atmosphere and other human atrocities. Likewise, she listens to me and supports me in all my plans. We are completely interlocked during my meditation. All the harmony and complicity has left me totally quiet and concentrated on my desires. Until something changed: I felt the same touch that once awakened me. I opened my eyes, slowly, and saw that I was face to face with the same woman that called herself the guardian of the sacred mountain.

“I see that you understand the secret of meditation. The mountain has helped you to discover a little of your potential. You will grow in many ways. I will help you during this process. First, I ask that you turn to nature to find rafters, slats, props, and lines to erect a hut, then firewood to make a bonfire. Night is already approaching, and you need to protect yourself against the ferocious beasts. Beginning tomorrow, I will teach you the wisdom of the forest so that you can overcome the real challenge: The cave of despair. Only the pure of heart survive the fire of its analysis. Do you want to make your dreams come true? Then pay the price for them. The universe doesn't give anything for free to anyone. It is us who must become worthy to achieve success. This is a lesson that you must learn, my son.

“I understand. I will hopefully learn everything I need to overcome the challenge of the cave. I have no idea what it is, but I am confident. If I overcame the mountain, I would also succeed in the cave. When I leave, I think that I will be prepared to win and to have success.

“Wait, do not be so confident. You don't know the cave of which I am talking about. Know that many warriors have already been tried by its fire and were destroyed. The cave shows no pity to anyone, not even the dreamers. Have patience and learn everything that I will teach you. Thus, you will become a real winner. Remember: Self-confidence helps, but only with the right amount.

“I understand. Thank you for all your advice. I promise you that I will follow it until the end. When the despair of doubt flogs me, I will remind myself of your words and remind myself that my God will always save me. When there is no escape in the dark night of the soul, I will not be afraid. I will beat the cave of despair, the cave which no one has ever escaped!

The woman said goodbye amicably promising return on another day.       



The Hut


A new day appears. Birds whistle and sing their melodies, the wind is northeast, and its breeze refreshes the sun that rises fiercely hot this time of the year. Currently, it is December and for me, this month represents one of the most beautiful months as it is the beginning of school vacation. It is a well-deserved break after a long year dedicated to studies in a college course of Mathematics; The moment you can forget all the integrals, derivatives, and polar coordinates. Now I need to worry about all the challenges that life will throw at me. My dreams depend on it. My back hurts because of a bad night of sleep lying on the beaten earth that I prepared as a bed. The hut that I built with incredible effort and the fire that I lit gave me a certain amount of security at night. However, I did hear howling and footsteps outside it. Where have my dreams led me? The answer is to the end of the world, where civilization has not yet arrived. What would you do, reader? Would you also risk a trip to make your deepest dreams come true? Let's continue the narrative.

Wrapped in my thoughts and questions, little did I realize that, at my side, was the strange lady who promised to help me on my way.

“Did you sleep well?       

“If well means that I am still whole, yes.

“Before anything, I must warn you that the ground you tread is sacred. Therefore, don't be misled by appearance or by impulsiveness. Today is your first challenge. I will not bring you any more food or water. You will find them by your account. Follow your heart in all situations. You must prove that you are worthy.

“There is food and water in this underbrush, and I should gather it? Look, Madam, I am accustomed to shopping in a supermarket. See this cabin? It has cost me sweat and tears and still, I am not convinced that it is secure. Why don't you grant me the gift that I need? I think I have proved myself to be worthy the moment I climbed that steep mountain.

“Hunt for food and water. The mountain is only a step in the process of your spiritual improvement. You're still not ready. I must remind you that I do not impart gifts. I have no power to do so. Furthermore, I am only the arrow that indicates the path. The cave is the one who grants your wishes. It is called the cave of despair, sought by those whose dreams have since become impossible.

“I'm going to try. I have nothing else to lose. The cave is my last hope of success.

Having said this, I get up and begin the first challenge. The woman disappeared like smoke.


The First Challenge


At first glance, I see that in front of me is a beaten path. I begin to walk down it. In lieu of the underbrush full of thorns, the best would be to follow the trail. The stones that my steps sweep away seem to be telling me something. Can it be that I am on the right path? I think about everything that I left behind searching for my dream: Home, food, clean clothing, and my math books. Is this worth it? I think I will find out. (Time will tell). The strange woman seems not to have told me everything. The more that I walked, the less I found. The top did not seem to be as extensive now that I had arrived. A light…I see a light ahead. I need to go there. Furthermore, I arrive at a spacious clearing where the sun's rays clearly reflect the appearance of the mountain. The trail comes to an end and is reborn into two distinct paths. What do I do? I've been walking for hours, and my strength seems to have been exhausted. I sit down a moment to rest. Two paths and two choices. How many times in life are we faced with situations such as this; The entrepreneur who has to choose between the survival of the company or the termination of some employees; The poor mother of the hinterlands in the Northeastern part of Brazil, who has to choose which one of her children to feed; The unfaithful husband who must choose between his wife and his mistress; Anyway, there are many situations in life. My advantage is that my choice will only affect me. I need to follow my intuition, as the woman recommended.       

I get up, and I choose the path on the right. Furthermore, I make great strides on this path, and it doesn't take me long to glimpse yet another clearing. This time, I encounter a pool of water and some animals around it. They cool themselves in the clear and transparent water. How should I proceed? I've finally found water, but it is full of animals. I consult my heart, and it tells me that everyone has the right to water. Furthermore, I couldn't just shoot them and deprive them of it as well. Nature gives an abundance of resources for the survival of its people. I am but one of the strands on the web that it weaves. I am not superior to the point that I consider myself the Master of It. With my hands, I reach into the water and pour it in a small pot that I brought from home. The first part of the challenge is met. Now I must find food.

I keep walking, on the trail, hoping to find something to eat. My stomach growls as it's already past noon. I start to look to the sides of the trail. Perhaps the food is inside the forest. How often do we seek the easiest path, but it is not the one that leads to success? (Not every climber that follows a trail is the first to reach the top of the mountain). Shortcuts quickly lead you to your target. With this thought, I leave the trail and shortly after find a banana and a coconut tree. It is from them that I will get my food. I must climb them with the same strength and faith of which I climbed the mountain. I try one, two, three times. Furthermore, I succeed. I will go back to the hut now because I have completed the first challenge.


The Second Challenge


Arriving at my hut, I find the guardian of the mountain who appears more brilliant than ever. Her eyes never stray from my own. I think that I am exceptional to God. I always feel his presence. He resurrects me in every way. When I was unemployed, He opened a door; when I didn't have any opportunities to grow professionally, He gave me new paths; when in times of crisis, He freed me from the bonds of Satan. Anyway, that look of approval from the strange woman reminded me of the man I was up until recently. My current goal was to win, regardless of the obstacles that I had to overcome.

“So, you won the first challenge. I congratulate you. (Exclaimed the woman). The first challenge aimed to explore your wisdom and your ability to make decisions and share. The two paths represent the “opposing forces” that rule the universe (good and evil). A human being is totally free to choose either path. If one chooses the path on the right, one will be illuminated thanks to angels in all moments of his life. That was the path that you chose. However, it is not an easy path. Often, doubts will assault you, and you will wonder if this path was even worth it. The people of the world will always be hurtful and take advantage of your good will. Moreover, the confidence you put in others will almost always disappoint you. When you get upset, remember: Your God is strong, and he will never abandon you. Never let riches or lust pervert your heart. You are special and because of your value God considers you, his son. Never fall from this grace. The path on the left belongs to everyone who rebelled at the Lord's call. All of us are born with a divine mission. However, some deviate from it with materialism, bad influences, corruption of the heart. Those who choose the path on the left do not end up with a pleasant future, Jesus taught us. Every tree that does not give good fruit will be uprooted and thrown into the outer darkness. This is the destiny of bad people because the Lord is fair. That time that you found the water hole and those pitiful animals, your heart spoke louder. Listen to it always and you will go far. The gift of sharing shone on you at that moment and your spiritual growth was surprising. The wisdom that you have helped you find food. The easiest path is not always the right one to follow. I think that now you are ready for the second challenge. In three days, you will come out of your hut and seek a fact. Act according to your conscience. If you pass, you will move on to the third and final challenge.

“Thank you for accompanying me all this time. I don't know what awaits me in the cave, nor do I know what will happen to me. Your contribution is critical to me. Since I climbed the mountain, I feel that my life has changed. I am calmer and more confident of what I want. I'll complete the second challenge.

“Very well. I will see you three days from now.

Having said that, the lady disappeared once more. She left me alone in the quietness of the evening along with crickets, mosquitoes, and other insects.



The Ghost of the Mountain


Night falls over the mountain. I light a fire and its crackle soothes my heart. It's been two days since I climbed the mountain, and it still seems like such a stranger to me. My thoughts wander and land in my childhood: The jokes, the fears, the tragedies. I remember well the day I dressed up as an Indian: With bow, arrow, and tomahawk. Now, I was on a sacred mountain, precisely because of the death of a mysterious indigenous man (the Medicine Man of the tribe). I must think of something else, for the fear is freezing my soul. Deafening noises surround my hut, and I have no idea what or who they are. How does one overcome his fear on an occasion like this? Answer me, reader because I don't know. The mountain is still unknown to me.

The noise is moving ever closer, and I have nowhere to flee. Leaving the hut would be foolish because I could be swallowed up by ferocious beasts. I'll have to face whatever it is. The noise ceases and a light appear. It makes me even more scared. With a rush of courage, I exclaim:

“For God, who is there?

A voice, nasalized with an obscure twang, responds: