Puppy Training Guide (2 Books in 1) - Antony Golden - E-Book

Puppy Training Guide (2 Books in 1) E-Book

Antony Golden

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The guide that will allow you to train and grow up your Golden Retriever Puppy: "Puppy Training Guide (2 books in 1): Master Dog Training + How to Train a Puppy: a Complete Guide to Training a Puppy with Potty Train in 7 Days" by Antony Golden! When house potty training your puppy Golden Retriever you have to be consistent, patient and create positive reinforcements. The goal of this type of training is to instill good habits and build a loving bond with your pet. In short words training a Golden Retriever requires a little bit of patience, a variety of treats and toys, and obviously knowledge. This last requirement can be fixed by "Puppy Training Guide (2 books in 1): Master Dog Training + How to Train a Puppy: a Complete Guide to Training a Puppy with Potty Train in 7 Days" by Antony Golden. Here's what you'll know at the end of the book: preparing for the puppy how to choose a Golden Retriever puppy preparing for your puppy training what you should avoid when training a puppy best ways to exercise your puppy training obedience how to teach a Golden Retriever to come on command potty training tips ...and much more! Add to cart now "Puppy Training Guide" by Antony Golden!

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