Master Dog Training - Antony Golden - E-Book

Master Dog Training E-Book

Antony Golden

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The guide that will allow you to train and grow up your Golden Retriever Puppy: "Master Dog Training: a Complete Guide on How to Train Your Best Puppy and Golden Retriever Training Explained" by Antony Golden! The Golden Retriever dog is among the 10 most popular and intelligent dog breeds. They are handsome and charming; with the right amount of training, exercise and social interaction they can become friendly, playful and very social dogs. It is no wonder then, that they are a favorite breed as pet companions, guide dogs for the blind, therapy dogs, drug-sniffing and search and rescue, among others. Training a Golden Retriever requires a little bit of patience, a variety of treats and toys, and obviously knowledge. This last requirement can be fixed by "Master Dog Training: a Complete Guide on How to Train Your Best Puppy and Golden Retriever Training Explained" by Antony Golden. Here's what you'll know at the end of the book: how to choose a Golden Retriever puppy preparing for your puppy training best ways to exercise your puppy training obedience how to teach a Golden Retriever to come on command ...and much more! Add to cart now "Master Dog Training" by Antony Golden!

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Table of Contents
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Having A Pet Dog
Dogs In The Street And The Risks
Dogs And Food
Dogs That Are Threatening
Measures To Avoid Risks With Dogs
Awaken A Dog's Instinct
The Risks Of Having A Dog And Health
Diseases That Can Be Transmitted By Dogs
Puppy TrainningAnd Puppy Play: The Important Socialization
Socializing Your Dog Is Vital
Why Socialize Your Pet
How To Socialize Your Puppy Dog
The Keys To Success In Socializing A Puppy
Tips for working Golden Retriever owners
Facts about Golden Retriever
Best Ways To Exercise Your Golden Retriever
Tips for training your Golden Retriever
The leash and collar training
Basic obedience training tips for a Golden Retriever
How To Teach a Golden Retriever To Sit
How To Teach A Golden Retriever To stay down
How To Teach a Golden RetrieverTo Give or Drop Any Item on
How To Teach A Golden RetrieverTo Come On Command
How To Potty Train a Golden Retriever

Master Dog Training

A Complete Guide on How to Train

Your Best Puppy and Golden

Retriever Training Explained

Antony Golden

 Copyright by Antony Golden All rights reserved.

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When you take a new dog or new pet home, you should establish and start a routine as soon as possible. The faster you organize things, the fewer problems you have to solve. There are different strategies for training puppies or adult dogs at home. Below are some good ways to teach your dog to do his needs outside the house.

Puppies need to learn when and where they need them. It is the normal stage of his life that most puppies pass quickly without major problems.

There are many ways to train at home. Some pet owners try to train their dogs using newspapers and absorbent cloths while they are small, and teach them to go out when they grow up.

Innovative methods for small dogs include the use of sand.

When using sand, puppies or dogs (up to 15 kg) can be easily trained. There is bad weather and it is midnight to avoid finding dirt in unwanted places. It is also a good choice for apartment residents.

Whether you decide to train inside or outside your home, you need to establish a routine as soon as possible. The more you allow the action to last, the harder it will be to change.

The required time is variable. Apply schedules, set limits on downloadable sites, set verbal orders, and congratulate and use

the training house to track progress over time. If there is no progress, consult a veterinarian, a qualified dog trainer, or a dog behavior specialist.

 Ideally, you should do home training along with home training.

 Establish a place outside to meet your needs. This avoids indecision while walking.

 When the dog thinks he needs to leave (after training, he shows signs of sniffing the floor, crying, looking for the door), he takes the leash to the place he taught.

 When your pet needs it, calmly select phrases like “pee”

or “get out”. Celebrate the dog and give it a cookie when finished. Over time, you will associate these words with your actions and you will keep a dog that obeys the orders.

 Monitor your pet as much as possible during the training period. If it starts to urinate in front of you, break it and take it right to the right place. Reward him for completing his needs in the right place.

 Through repetition, the dog knows that there is a good place to download and notifies when it needs to be downloaded.

 Maintain a regular feeding and evacuation schedule.

Follow your routine so that your dog meets your needs approximately 15 to 30 minutes after eating.

 During this period your dog should be in his house or supervised. Puppies and young dogs should be evacuated immediately after meals.

Given its appearance it is obvious that it has a close relationship with bulldogs. In spite of its small size it is a dog of robust constitution. What stands out most of its anatomy is its large flat head with erect ears, its flat nose surrounded by folds and also the concentric folds on the forehead. The legs are short and muscular and the tail is amputated. The soft hair is short and shiny, with a gray-gray color, occasionally with white spots on the chest and / or head. It can also be white with black spots.

By edupeting your Golden Retriever you will help him to be a happy and balanced dog, you will learn to communipete, to be a team ... You will enjoy a lot of things together!

Would you like to release your dog in the park and know that he will go to the first call? Wouldn't your ride be better if the little boy wasn't pulling the belt like crazy?

The purpose of the training is to teach your Golden Retriever basic orders such as sitting, lying down, not pulling on the leash and coming to the call.

We do not want "robot dogs" but dogs that understand ... and above all enjoy working, playing and learning with us. Training is usually a fun thing to do!

Therefore, edupeting your Golden Retriever from a young age can teach him to behave well to be a good citizen in the future.

And not only that ... we also have the opportunity to convert to something more than its leader: YOUR BEST COMPANION.

Any age is good to start teaming up with your dog!

This compact dog breed is distinguished by a flat face and naturally occurring "bat ears" which are wide at the base and pointed at the end. French started in England but got their name as French Bulldogs in France because they were largely taken over by lace makers who moved to France during the height of the Industrial Revolution. French bulldogs are bred from

Bulldogs and Terriers and canine aggression can occur at times.

They're related to the bulldog in England and the bulldog in America.

French Bulldogs ' weight can range from 22-28 pounds; the height is between 11–13 inches, up to the elbow. Typically the coat is thin, shiny, soft and finely textured and comes in a variety of colors such as brindle, pied or fawn. The names of the dog breeds are divided into different types of dogs which are called Dog Groups. French Bulldogs canine group name is Non-Sporting dog breed.

The appearance of French bred bulldogs was only introduced in the 19th century. The average total cost of owning a medium-sized dog over a 10-year term is over $13,000! This provides a good idea of how much French Bulldogs cost to raise. French Bulldogs are one of the most expensive breeds of dogs to purchase and to keep. They are mischievous and they enjoy running. By their essence the naughtiness never goes by generation.

French Bulldogs love to eat a great deal. They're not going to like anyone around them while they eat. We appear to get too much sleep too! We may be good watch dogs but French Bulldogs do not watch and do not like water at all. They actually hate going up next to it. The majority of French Bulldogs are unable to dive because of their small legs and big heads. The Golden Retriever has no such thing as "rare" colors. If a coat color of Frenchies is

anything other than the colors specified in the Breed Standard then it is not known as usual.

If a Frenchie is not well behaved he can be hard-headed and stubborn, they can get gassy, lazy and overheated quickly. When unconscious they snore, and appear to drool. They're also considered to have a number of health problems. That's why they can be quite pricey and tend to require a vet to come more than usual. They just bark when they have something to warn you, and that includes having an intruder in your house. French bulldogs are also well tempered and are usually well trained.


A cheerful Golden Retriever is a wonderful companion of dogs.

French may suit your lifestyle if you are looking for the following characteristics:

 Loving companion and family dog

 Uniform; adaptable to a wide variety of environments

 Small but sturdy

 Requires minimal exercise

 Weird and interesting personality

 Sweet, playful and friendly

However, also consider the following characteristics:

 Indoor dogs that do not work due to heat

 May be territory for pets and other dogs

 Leaving too much will show signs of separation anxiety

 She may snore, snoring, making lots of wheezing sounds, she snores

 House train can be difficult

 If you don't demonstrate strong leadership, you're ambitious and stubborn

A Golden Retriever breed, is comical, vibrant and thrives in human relationships. With minimal athletic needs and low bar tendency, she is perfect for apartment living.

French bulldogs were derived from British bulldogs when they were moved to France in the 1800s. Since then, this variety has flourished as a beloved companion.The French are recognised for his or her bat-like ears and short wrinkled nose. She tends to be curious and prosperous and slight in character, and is well-known for being a class clown. She frequently has sporadic bouts of energy, observed by prolonged rest. She is loyal and loving and likes no longer to be left alone at home. French bulldogs are generally healthy breeds with an average lifespan of 11-12 years.

When you are making plans to hold a dog, you need to keep in thoughts the entirety it has to do in the future. Obviously, for

any dog trainer, you want to maintain a canine at a very young age. In this way, you can train the way you want. However, it's far beneficial to realize that some dogs are less difficult to teach than other dogs, even beneath certain circumstances.

These dogs are French bulldogs. French Bulldogs are possibly one of the easiest dogs to train due to their temperament. They tend to interact very well with children, making them the most ideal pet to keep at home when they have children. They are nicknamed as clowns of the philosopher's cloak for their flat faces that hide the kind of temperament they have. They are very easy to get along with and do not need much attention other than to feed, walk or give the right amount to grow properly.

Like family bulldogs, they have a similar flat face, sturdy, muscular physique, and short stature. The difference is in the ear. Their bat-like ears look different from other types of bats.

If you have this dog and want to train a French bulldog, you must obviously train while young. These dogs are very sensitive to the surrounding environment because they can only live in a family-type environment. In fact, they have very sensitive lungs, and smoke from any part of the house can easily be damaged. If you want to make sure your Golden Retriever stays healthy, you need to quit smoking. Or, if you can't quit, have a smoking area where your dog can't go.

French bulldogs also tend to behave differently, usually depending on the people they are with. Training a Golden Retriever in an environment with children shows that the dog is always in an active and playful position. However, training a Golden Retriever in the elderly around a house that tends to relax in the afternoon alone may cause the dog to do the same.