(Re)searching Gothenburg. The Post-industrial City - Lisa Gutman - E-Book

(Re)searching Gothenburg. The Post-industrial City E-Book

Lisa Gutman

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Essay from the year 2014 in the subject Scandinavian Languages, grade: 2,0, Göteborg University (Cultural Sciences), course: Scandinavian Studies: Cultural and Social Perspectives, language: English, abstract: In accordance with the book "(re)searching Gothenburg", the aim of this essay is to show that “general social processes can also be studied in smaller and peripheral cities, together with their unique aspects” (Holgersson et al., p 26) - but, above that, to take that idea one step further into the periphery of the world. Accordingly, this essay is going to analyse a small, rather unimportant and unknown city in north-eastern Germany: the University and Hanseatic City of Greifswald. The paper looks at the historical and cultural development and significance of Greifswald. It concludes that this small, rather unimportant and unknown city in north-eastern Germany might be the perfect example of a successful transformation with its historic, but renovated inner city, the cobblestoned streets with modern small shops, altogether with its particular 'nerdy', campus-like, and authentic feel.

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