Recording and Analysis of Extremely Low Frequency Signals in our Environment - Franz Peter Zantis - E-Book

Recording and Analysis of Extremely Low Frequency Signals in our Environment E-Book

Franz Peter Zantis

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Document from the year 2015 in the subject Engineering - Communication Technology, , language: English, abstract: This work is the result of curiosity and interest in technology. At first, it was an accidental discovery in 2001. This led to the desire, to learn more about ELF-signals. For that, it was necessary, to develope an inexpensive and widely available receiving-technology. The result is an ELF receiver technology, which includes hardware and software. It is designed with standard parts, which are low in prices and easy to get. Any standard PC with an USB connector and a sound card can be used for detection and analysing. My research and development was operated part-time and now covers more than 10 years. With writing of these theses in the first version, I started in October 2008.

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Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2016

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Preamble and expression of thanks

This work is the result of curiosity and interest in technology. At first, it was an accidental discovery in 2001. This led to the desire, to learn more about ELF-signals. For that, it was necessary, to develope an inexpensive and widely available receiving-technology. The result is an ELF receiver technology, which includes hardware and software. It is designed with standard parts, which are low in prices and easy to get. Any standard PC with an USB connector and a sound card can be used for detection and analysing.

My research and development was operated part-time and now covers more than 10 years. With writing of these theses in the first version, I started in October 2008.

Thank you to my little son Fabio, who has accompanied me on some measurements and has been viewed with me many evaluations with much enthusiasm.

Thank you also to Mrs. Anong and Jasmine Krath for their patience and understanding.

In addition, I thank Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Jägersberg (Baesweiler) for some Tips for the Exposé and Prof. Ing. Jaromir Pistora, CSc. for his support of the lecture at the University of Ostrava at the 10th October 2006. Also thank you to Dipl.-Ing. Peter Gibbels (Langerwehe) for reviewing the manuscripts.

My thanks also to Assoc. Prof. MSc. Ján Hribik, PhD. and Prof. MSc. Daniela Durackova, PhD. for the kindly support.

But, I would particularly thank Mr. Dipl.-Geologist Kurt Diedrich (Alsdorf). Mr. Diedrich has made me aware of the issue. He provided the basic concept and made many suggestions and was authoritative actively involved in many measurements and evaluations.




Used formulaic symbols

Used abbreviations

1. Introduction

1.1 Sources of low-frequency magnetic fields

1.2 Wavelengths

1.3 Magnetic field strength

1.3.1 Field around a long electrical conductor

1.3.2 Field of the magnetic dipole

1.3.3 Field strength

1.4 Example of ELF-signals

1.5 The aim of this work

2. ELF-Signal measuring technology

2.1 Hardware to acquire ELF-Signals

2.1.1 Sensors

2.1.2 Analog low pass filter 6th order

2.1.3 Concepts for digitization of the signal

2.1.4 Power supply

2.1.5 The complete device

2.2 Software for acquiring and analyzing ELF-Signals

2.2.1 Software for acquiring ELF-Signals The ELF-Recorder

2.2.2 Software for analyzing ELF-signals

3. Measurements in practise

3.1 Place of receiving and installation

3.2 Recording

3.3 Causality

3.4 Bearing

4. Analysis of acquired ELF-signals

4.1 ELF immission in residential areas

4.1.1 Signals with limited local spread

4.1.2 Signals with width local spread

4.1.3 Measurements in the village "Horm" (Part of Hürtgenwald)

4.2 ELF emissions outside of residential areas

4.3 Lignite mining areas as ELF-emitters

4.4 Windmills as ELF-emitters

4.5 Household appliances as ELF-emitters

4.5.1 ELF-signal of a dishwasher

4.5.2 ELF-signal of a washing machine

4.5.3 ELF-Signal of an electrical clock

4.5.4 Typical field strengths of household appliances at mains frequency

4.5.5 Consequences from the measurements with the household devices

4.6 Other signals

4.6.1 Irregular frequency curves ("squeak signal")

4.6.2 Spontaneous onset of lines

5. Artifical ELF-Signals

5.1 Estimation of the magnetic field strength (formerly flux density)

5.2 Estimation of source properties

5.2.1 Measuring setup

5.2.2 Measuring-Setup with conductor loop

5.2.3 Measurement with ground spike

5.3 Comparison with "naturally" occurring signals

6. Considerations and hypotheses regarding the signal-origin

6.1 Anthropogenic sources

6.1.1 Appliances

6.1.2 Industrial equipment / railroad

6.1.3 High frequency waves

6.2 Natural sources

7. The effect of ELF-signals

7.1 Effect of ELF-Signals in electronic circuits

7.1.1 Influence through magnetic alternating frequencies

7.1.2 Shielding

7.2 Influence of ELF-Signals in the nature

7.3 Influence of ELF-Signals on human biology

7.3.1 Hormonal balance

7.3.2 Biorhytm

7.3.3 Immune system

7.3.4 Nervous system, behavior, psyche

7.3.5 Effect models

8. Closing remarks


Used equipment

Source Code ELF-Recorder



Used formulaic symbols

Used abbreviations

2. ELF-Signal measuring technology


For acquiring and analysis of ELF-Signals the following is to do respectively is needed:


- a sensor (hardware)


- a low pass filter (hardware)


- amplification (hardware)


- digitizing the signal (hardware)


- saving the signals on a hard disk (software)


- analyzing tools (software)


The sensor detects and provides the signal. For researching of ELF-Signals, it is necessary, to measure at different places - and maybe also time-synchronous.


So it is necessary, to use a simple construction for the sensor, which is easy to handle and not expensive. The best is, if the sensor could be manufactured in homework.


The signal has to be digitized and saved as a file on a hard disk. Before this can be done, the signal needs to be filtered and amplified to a level, which can be processed by the AD-converter.