Releasing the Anchors in Our Closet - Patrick T. McNeill - E-Book

Releasing the Anchors in Our Closet E-Book

Patrick T. McNeill

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  • Herausgeber: Spines
  • Kategorie: Ratgeber
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2024

We all have certain "skeletons in our closet" or "coming out of the closet" epiphanies. There are multiple meanings behind the term "Closet." Ultimately, the meaning of the term "closet" and the solution of your "anchor" is entirely up to you. The threshold of greatness lies within our closet, our darkest hour, and our rock bottoms. When the weight of our anchors start to exceed our level of comfort. we decide it is time for a change. We break down and cry out to God in desperation. We find ourselves in a position where we have no other choice but to seek help beyond the borders of reality. In these times, it seems that nothing makes sense. When it doesn't make sense, it makes a miracle. Faith begins when certainty ends, and a breakthrough is born. Recognize the closet that confines you and the pain you have faced. It is okay not to be okay; it is just not okay to stay that way. Let us learn to rise above the confusion, shift our focus, renew our minds, reset without regret, and use our scars as seeds for growth. If you are in the closet, out of the closet, broken down, or simply seeking time away from the chaos of this world, I am happy you are here. From lessons of identifying divisive labels to teachings of understanding our purpose, Releasing the Anchors in Our Closet helps those who struggle in confidence, faith, understanding, and healing from their past.

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Patrick McNeill

Releasing the Anchors in Our Closet

All rights reserved

Copyright © 2024 by Patrick McNeill

No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

Published by BooxAi

ISBN: 978-965-578-806-8




About the Author



1. Anchoring In Our Successes

2. Anchoring our Spiritual Focus

3. Anchoring in Our Assigned Confidence

4. Anchoring in Forgiveness

5. Anchoring in Belief

6. Releasing the Anchor of Deception

7. Anchoring To a Grateful Heart

Before you Go…


Formerly from the small town of Hartville, Ohio, Patrick McNeill is the 7th child of a large Irish family. He’s the youngest of his siblings, the crazy gay uncle, the last one to show up at a party, and the first one to leave. He’s famous for his grand entrances and his ‘Irish goodbyes”. If he says he says he’s “on his way,” he means he’s still 47 minutes from leaving his house. McNeill’s inspiration and passion for writing began at a very young age. He credits his mother, the late Marie McNeill. Her vast knowledge and professionalism of writing and theology ignited the flame of his writing career. McNeill’s singular goal in writing is to help those who struggle with confusion in their faith journey, mental health, and sexuality when understanding the importance of a relationship with God and bringing peace to their life. When he’s not running late to an event or figuring out what to wear, you can find him murdering a nearby dance floor with friends.


The pain of our past and the worry of our future can be such cruel lies. The versions of who we were, who we are, and who we want to become often are intertwined with confusion. We strive to find purpose in our past without regret. We seek the strength and courage to change for the better. We long for peace of mind and hope for a brighter future. Yet, we struggle to let go of the past, find peace in the present, and live without fear of what is to come.

The experience of life is a rollercoaster of questions and concerns. Current studies have shown the human mind to have anywhere between 12,000 and 60,000 thoughts daily. Roughly 80% of these thoughts are negative, and 90% of what we worry about never happens. After all, if overthinking worked, wouldn't we have found a solution by now? It is customary to allow these intrusive thoughts to anchor us in the closet of deception. Whatever we place our focus on, our life tends to follow. Renewal of the mind or "cleaning out your closet" requires a refocus. The opportunity for redirection begins with believing we are more than our thoughts. The necessary steps of this process involve an analysis of lifestyle. Who or what is stunting your growth? 

There are multiple meanings behind the term "Closet." Ultimately, the meaning of the term "closet" and the solution of your "anchor" is entirely up to you. We all have certain "skeletons in our closet" or "coming out of the closet" epiphanies. 

The threshold of greatness lies within our closet, our darkest hour, and our rock bottoms. When the weight of our anchors start to exceed our level of comfort, we decide it is time for a change. We break down and cry out to God in desperation. We find ourselves in a position where we have no other choice but to seek help beyond the borders of reality. In these times, it seems that nothing makes sense. When it doesn't make sense, it makes a miracle. Faith begins when certainty ends, and a breakthrough is born.      

Recognize the closet that confines you and the pain you have faced. It is okay not to be okay; it is just not okay to stay that way. The broken and confused times in our lives create scars. You can allow these scars to work for you, or they can work against you. Be proud of your scars and use them as leverage to build your beautiful testimony of life. 

Let us learn to rise above the confusion, shift our focus, renew our minds, reset without regret, and use our scars as seeds for growth. 

If you are in the closet, out of the closet, broken down, or simply seeking time away from the chaos of this world, I am happy you are here. The stage of your success is set, and your spotlight is waiting. Growth will be based on performance, and it is your time to shine. Welcome to the start of something new.


It is difficult not to panic when everything around you feels like it is falling apart. Somehow, you have made it through another day, another struggle, and another news scare from the media. Often we have no idea what we're doing in life, but damn, can we put on a great show. In these times of despair, believing in a higher power can be difficult.

I, as a believer, call this higher power prayer. Witches will call it a spell; atheists will call it the placebo effect; spiritualists will call it manifestation; scientists will call it quantum physics. Everyone calls it by a different name, but no one denies its existence. What do you call it? We can all agree that a higher power exists. 

The proof of its existence is all around us. No matter the name of such power, it is everywhere. It dwells within the breath of our lungs, the words of our tongue, the soil of our foundation, the frequency of sound, the books we read, and so much more unseen by the physical eye. Many have been called fools for such beliefs. You cannot deny its existence once its presence has awakened you.

Why believe such power comes from God? What is so great or unique about this belief system? Why would I place my faith in the universe or an idea of the universe when I can place my faith in the creator of the universe? Belief in something unseen is far more authentic when backed by a "who" rather than a "what." 

A lifestyle change begins with a leap of faith. Therefore, I challenge you to believe. Dare to believe, listen, and hear new and unifying perspectives. Be crazy enough to believe. I've always been a crazy one. I've been crazy confused, broken, and crazy in the ups and downs of life. I became exhausted from the chaotic rollercoaster of emotions. I transitioned all my crazy energy into crazy faith. Instead of being crazy, worried, confused, stressed, and broken, I became crazy enough to believe in a power that could break these crazy chains. I wanted to be anchored on a solid foundation to reel me back in before I spun out. 

Be crazy enough to listen, and you might find your crazy truth. Crazy is what makes history, builds legends, creates best-sellers, and darling; I'm the best crazy I've ever been. Regardless of what I believe, I do not have the power to change your belief system; that is between you and God. I can only present advice and lessons of my truth in hopes that it will bring you the same peace and clarity that it has brought me. 

Belief in a greater power has always resonated much better when I listen to advice from "unexpected Christians," who were given every reason to run from God because of their past yet made an unexpected detour and came running back. Despite the fact that I'm Gay, I choose to follow God. God is greater than the label of my sexuality, the opinions of others, and the highs and lows I have faced in my closet, out of my closet, or broken down. 

I always assumed that I could not voice my faith because I do not live a perfect and consistent life of faith. I do not, but I do serve a perfect God. I don't want you to follow me; I want you to follow Him. If you followed and leaned solely on me for every life decision, we would be screwed. This is why I follow Him and not my intuition.  

If you are feeling anchored to your closet lately, that is okay. It's just not okay to stay there. Luckily, I've got a God who will meet you in your closet. He will meet you in your storm and your darkest moment. The question is, will you let Him in?

Finding your truth in this world is difficult. If you cannot change the world around you, then change your perception. Changing your perception and renewing your mind will change your life. You simply have to believe you are made for greatness.

The greatest breakthroughs are birthed from the closet of deception. Your healing begins in your closet. No matter how deep in your closet you think you are, you are never too far gone, my friend. If you're in your closet today, ask God to meet you there. He's waiting for you to come out).