Saoghal Eile (Another World) - Màiri E Nicleòid - E-Book

Saoghal Eile (Another World) E-Book

Màiri E Nicleòid

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Bha Eilidh daonnan a' gabhail iongnadh dè seòrsa beatha a bh' aig a seanair is a seanmhair anns a' Bhaile Dearg, a chaidh a bhàthadh le sgeama Hydro bho chionn bhliadhnaichean. Tha rudeigin annasach ag èirigh dhi ri taobh an locha agus anns a' mhionaid tha i air ais anns a' bhaile mar a bha e, air chall san àm a dh'fhalbh gun dòigh a bhith tilleadh. Ciamar a tha i a' dol a lorg slighe air ais dhan latha an-diugh? The Lasag Gaelic readers series offers young adults a range of engaging, easy-to-read fiction, with English chapter summaries and glossaries to assist Gaelic learners.

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Màiri E. NicLeòid is a Gaelic teacher from Skye, currently working and living in Glasgow. She is the author of A’ Ghlainne agus Sgeulachdan Eile. She has written a number of short stories and plays and has also written for radio and television. Màiri is married with a young son.

By the same author

A’ Ghlainne agus Sgeulachdan Eile (Clàr, 2010)





First published in 2017 in Great Britain by

Sandstone Press Ltd

Dochcarty Road


IV15 9UG


All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced,

stored or transmitted in any form without the express

written permission of the publisher.

Lasag’s series of Gaelic readers offers young adults

a range of engaging, easy-to-read fiction, with English chapter

summaries and glossaries to assist Gaelic learners.

Copyright, © 2017 Màiri E. NicLeòid

Editor: Alison Lang

The moral right of Màiri E. NicLeòid to be recognised as the

author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the

Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

The publisher acknowledges support from the

Gaelic Books Council towards publication of this volume.

ISBN: 978-1-910985-97-7

ISBNe: 978-1-910985-98-4

Cover design by Rose Cooper

Ebook compilation by Iolaire Typesetting, Newtonmore

Bu toil leam an seo taing mhòr a thoirt seachad dha Alison Lang airson na thug i dhomh de chuideachadh. Feumaidh mi cuideachd taing a thoirt seachad dha mo theaghlach airson am foighidinn nuair a bha mi an sàs ann an sgrìobhadh. Cha bhiodh an leabhar ann às aonais na taice a fhuair mi bho Sandstone Press agus Comhairle nan Leabhraichean. Mu dheireadh, a’ cuimhneachadh, an-còmhnaidh, air m’ athair, Tormod ’Dol, nach maireann, oir tha an leabhar seo sgrìobhte sa chànan aige fhèin.


Eilidh is out walking with her boyfriend Dòmhnall near the loch where she and her grandmother once had a strange encounter with a man who seemed to appear from nowhere. She has always known about Baile Dearg, the village flooded by the Hydro Board when they built the dam years ago, but today the water level is so low that the roofs of the drowned houses are actually visible. After an argument with Dòmhnall she sets off on her own in the direction of the village, and notices that part of the old bridge is showing above the water.

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