Sexy Niece: Taboo Erotica - Scarlett Letterman - E-Book

Sexy Niece: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Scarlett Letterman

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Warning: Very taboo. Not for the faint of heart. May include BDSM, incest, and other taboo and forbidden elements. This is a vintage **full length** (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel.


"Sure, mom."
"I wish Teresa took after you more," her mother went on. "Never asking for anything, never causing any trouble. But she isn't like that. And ever since your father disappeared, I knew this day was coming. I can't seem to get her to obey me at all anymore. And now this dating business comes up and her wanting to strut around with that Carson boy." Mrs. Henderson shook her head. Jane nodded to let her know she was still listening.
"Well, we all know who Bobby Carson is... and what he is."
"Yes, Mama."
"I'll feel much more at case with you taking Terry up to Uncle Nat's place for the summer. You can keep an eye on her that way. And Nat having that place in the country, I guess it'll take her out of circulation some."
"Yes, Mama." Jane sipped her tea. She'd been thinking about Bobby Carson. It made a thrill run over her skin to imagine the young man doing what he was notorious for doing to girls. Jane imagined him doing it to Teresa. But age wouldn't stop Bob Carson. He was the most notorious cherry popper in Hainsville. Jane sighed and then pushed the naughty thoughts out of her mind. She was too mature to daydream about such tripe as that. She was nineteen and going on twenty. She had a year of college behind her and considered herself serious-minded and sincere. Not like her harebrained sis, Terry.

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Sexy Niece

Scarlett Letterman

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents










"Sure, mom."

"I wish Teresa took after you more," her mother went on. "Never asking for anything, never causing any trouble. But she isn't like that. And ever since your father disappeared, I knew this day was coming. I can't seem to get her to obey me at all anymore. And now this dating business comes up and her wanting to strut around with that Carson boy." Mrs. Henderson shook her head. Jane nodded to let her know she was still listening.

"Well, we all know who Bobby Carson is... and what he is."

"Yes, Mama."

"I'll feel much more at case with you taking Terry up to Uncle Nat's place for the summer. You can keep an eye on her that way. And Nat having that place in the country, I guess it'll take her out of circulation some."

"Yes, Mama." Jane sipped her tea. She'd been thinking about Bobby Carson. It made a thrill run over her skin to imagine the young man doing what he was notorious for doing to girls. Jane imagined him doing it to Teresa. But age wouldn't stop Bob Carson. He was the most notorious cherry popper in Hainsville. Jane sighed and then pushed the naughty thoughts out of her mind. She was too mature to daydream about such tripe as that. She was nineteen and going on twenty. She had a year of college behind her and considered herself serious-minded and sincere. Not like her harebrained sis, Terry.

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