Shame - Fiona Cole - Hörbuch

Shame Hörbuch

Fiona Cole

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The girl next door. Pretty. Sweet. Kind. Submissive. Until I met her, I was alone with the dark desires that I didn't understand, that I couldn't reconcile. She became my best friend, and then she became so much more. Desire. Disgust. Shame. Dominance. I wouldn't have survived until college without her. When we were together, I was at peace for the first time in my life. But it was too good to last. Our appetite for pain and pleasure destroyed us. And all the drinks in the world weren't enough to get used to missing her. On the verge of earning my degree, Ana walks back into my life, those gray-blue eyes still able to see right through me. It's the chance I've been waiting for. One last chance to overcome my shame. If only it were that easy.

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Zeit:11 Std. 19 min

Sprecher:Holly Warren; Edward Thomas
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